Reviews (3)

  • 'Foxtrot' was by no means an easy film to watch but was incredibly satisfying. The cinematography was stunning throughout - virtually every shot is a work of art in itself. Some of the camera angles in the early part of the film had my head spinning and my nerves jittering, perfectly reflecting the emotions of the actors on screen. The slow languid pace of the scenes at the checkpoint brilliantly reflect the boredom of the soldiers posted there and when 'the thing' happens it is rendered even more shocking because of all the quiet and routine that has gone before. Images and events from this film keep replaying in my mind a good week after I watched it. Definately recommended.
  • A beautiful piece of film making. Lush cinematography, AMAZING soundscape. Despite having very little dialogue, Colin Morgan's portrayal of a suicidal young man is heartbreaking and gut-wrenchingly realistic. Kudos to everyone involved in making this little masterpiece.
  • A brilliantly constructed bit of telly showcasing the BBC at it's best. A feast for the eyes with views of the English countryside through the changing seasons. Excellent costume design, most notably for Colin Morgan's character where his clothes reflect his changing mental state. A scary, gripping and clever tale filled with surprising and unexpected twists and turns and a final scene which left me gagging for a sequel. Brilliant soundtrack. Colin Morgan gives a heart wrenchingly good performance as Nathan Appleby and the chemistry between him and screen-wife Charlotte Spencer is wonderful. Cannot recommend this show highly enough and I implore the powers that be to make a second series!