
IMDb member since June 2010
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Not bad but should've left out the likes of 'big' Zuu
Despite quite a lot of poor actors there are a lot of amusing characters (though somewhat stereotypical). When it comes to the poor actors, it's all good (you've gotta start somewhere) if, I'm saying IF, they have an ounce of character and/or charm. Big Zuu (or is it Zee?) has the acting chops of an eight-year old and the charm of your average pavement (side walk, yanks). Dropping him for the next series, along with the talented ones having a growthspurt, will lead to betterment. Amusing how a lot of details went into the trainers (sneakers for people who 'aks', 'innit' and seriously should move stateside), yet not so much into the casting of the likes of Zee. Who cares for talent, it's all about knowing someone in the industry, INNIT? -Embarrassing. Conclusion: Not bad, but could've been better.

EastEnders: Episode #1.6417
Episode 6,417, Season 1

This has become a neverending "tour de woke"...
The sheer cahunas on the writers & producers. A slight over-representation of minorities & general "wokeness", you say? There's NOTHING BUT (well, nearly). -Hiding nothing. -Going all guns blazing with their proper gander waddling about the screen. This "soap" used to be somewhat representative of "EE", now it's a bizarro version with three jabs (counting) going straight to hell in a handbasket. Geeze, Louise, Geez'....


Protagonist lacking character and acting skills.
Unfortunately the actor portraying "Wolfe" lacked any sort of charm and his acting skills were high school level. Couldn't make it past 10 minutes as I found the next-door neighbour painting his wall in an hospital off-white nuance more interesting...

Taskmaster NZ

Series 1 cast likeable, Series 2 cast a bore
First of all: nothing beats the UK version. As for this NZ one: I didn't know any of the cast for S1 but grew to appreciate them a few eps in - S1 rating: 6.

When S2 was released the cast was again unknown, but had no fret as S1 turned out pretty good. However.... 3 eps in and just about all of the cast are either unfunny or lack charisma (annoying in a non-captivating way) - S2 rating: 1.

Saawwy... :-(

Friends: The Reunion

Somewhat weak sentimental intro - decended into hell when Corden took over.
The title says it all, really. If you hate James Corden you'll hate this. And no, not anything worthwhile from the "Friends" gang either, unfortunately. Well, unless you love celebs afraid of getting old and (unknowingly?) turning into abominations (on par with Joan Rivers)

Kung Fu

Decent first ep, just PLEASE don't drag it into the DC multi-verse
Pretty smooth first ep, with a quick but efficient background setup.

OK, so the kung-fu performed isn't up to Bruce Lee level, but how can it be? Use your imagination and enjoy the storyline instead of looking for the next Master. The acting is adequate, I'd say. Unfortunately the PC manditory 'wokeness' arises quickly in the form of protagonist Nicky's brother. Let's hope they don't focus too much on it in storyline so it doesn't turn into the likes of Supergirl which killed that show for me. And NO, we don't need this to meld into the CW/DC multi-verse with Supergirl, Flash, etc. If it does I'll drop this show like a hot potato as I did with the others, unfortunately (still miss Arrow now & again, but that PC tripe just doesn't go for me)

EastEnders: Episode #1.6248
Episode 6,248, Season 1

Wokedom over reality
The "woke" train keeps on steaming on (hot air) backed by the MSM & TV world "trendsetters" as shown again in this episode of EE. In fact the producers know nothing of the real world (or rather, don't care about it). Oh, and they continue to keep dragging EE down to the lowest depths seen. Don't be fooled by their twisting & turning of society statistics to fit their agenda (read: propaganda), EE is no longer a portrayal of real life and hasn't been for years, unfortunately...

All Elite Wrestling: Revolution

Went out with a... pfft.
Mediocre card, wrestling ok, but storylines are...zzz. The highlights were supposed to be: 1) New "hall-of-fame" class wrestler signing. 2) Barbed wire hardcore BOMB match. 1) turned out to be YET another old wrestler from DubDubE 2) Bloated Omega & comb-over Moxley went out with a fizzle....


Terrible, but can't reach the pit where E.T. dwells
Yes, as mentioned in the review title it's truly awful, but come on, it deserves a star for setting itself easily above the crappola worthy of 0 stars, "E.T." And yes, the aliens in Laserblast beat E.T. by a mile. E.T. is the ugliest, creepiest & pathetic alien ever made by man.


Really poor, -well, empty, to be precise.
-Two people with despicable traits. Deserving of eachother? Who cares (Despicable across the line seems to be the go-to in many dramas now-a-days). -And/or a storyline with scenes full of plotholes & illogical happenings. Or is this supposed fantasy? -Some airheaded millennial/gen z'er fantasy, perhaps. 18 minutes into ep 1 and I had to drag myself away from this emotional TV black hole and its numbing vacuum...

Letters to Satan Claus

Not bad, needed a different ending, though.
First of all, hats of to newcomers (at least to myself) Karen Knox (as Holly) & Jessica Clement (as Faith), well done. I hope to see them more in the future. As for the film, it started of well, showing Holly seeing Santa & Xmas for the sham they are. Not into gore films at all, but I could deal with the little that was on offer along the way. Some scenes reminded me a bit of "Pushing Daisies" (that fantasy comedy show with Anna Friel from around 2007 that was ungloriously cancelled). As for the ending, -setting up a gay couple and getting a song performed to try and get rid of Satan was ridiculous (which didn't even work btw). If they'd shown Santa & Satan for what they are, betrayers, liars & pied pipers it'd been so much better than the glossy-coated PC ending (full of illogical plot holes) served up here. Oh well, people just lo-o-ove being led like Hansel & Gretel, don't they?

Atlas of Cursed Places

Nothing new to be found... 2 ways. 1) the historical "evidence" of the various cases bring forth nothing new to the table. For this I'd give the show 2 stars, but.... 2) The presenter comes across as an arrogant, low-IQ jock. Therefore detracting the show even further down to "a big fat 0" stars. Conclusion and advice: Don't waste your time on this.


Pretty robots, boring predictable storyline put me to sleep at end of S1
Well, as said in the title, pretty actors (not much charm, though, not even for the sentient ones) It started of quite interesting, but towards the end of this S1 binge I started checking the internet as I was getting sooo bored of the whole story. Will not watch S2&3. And no, some humans may be rotten to the core, but I will never believe in this "live and let robots live" philosophy propaganda... An extra star for Katherine Parkinson who was wasted here.


Should've been titled "Me". If you believe in real Love, don't bother with this PC tripe
First two parts were agonizing if you've dealt with losing love. I kept on going in hope of betterment, but no. As I was afraid of, it turned out the wife had no real love for the husband in the end, showing a typical "Me, Myself & I" attitude of this modern PC era (and yes, of course the only son had to be gay, too). If you believe in real Love that never gives up, don't waste your time on this demoralizing & depressing serial. Lowest score has to be given to the writer. An extra star for Tom Hollander's fine performance.

History's Greatest Mysteries

Promises made in beginning, -delivers not.
Yet another show promising something without delivering. Don't waste your time on this.


A tale of human error. -And forgiveness (Sounds soppy, but it's not)
A tale of human yearning, lust and error. And forgiveness. Sounds soppy, but it's not. Some really, really poor choices made by individuals throughout (who should've known much better and/or considered others more often). I'd give this a 5-6 perhaps, but the impeccable Toni Collette raised the quality overall. Such a great performance yet again (-and her English accent wasn't half-bad either!). Addition: After reading some of the other reviews I'd just like to add: -Don't expect too much from the soundtrack unless pretentious mediocrity such as Sigur Ros is your thing...

Above & Beyond: Acoustic

Talent lost. Souls lost.
If anyone has experienced the likes of commercial Hillsong with a clear lack of love for what they actaully sing about, well, this is even worse... Nuff said.

Out of Her Mind

What? Sarah Pascoe finally on TV? :-P She's nearly more on telly than Donald & Boris
Based on first ep: Too much of most good things is not good in the long run. Too much mediocre Pascoe is.... well, let's just say this is Pascoe at her worst; -self-obsessed & unfunny with sick on top.

Strange Evidence

Going down the "explosives go bang" route as of late...
This show started off quite interesting with deduction to most cases being built correctly (logically). However, the last 2 seasons they've been presenting cases which are obvious from the get-go yet chose to wander endlessy through any unreasonably "possible causes". Yawn. And to top it all off (with a bang) they've started relying more and more on completely unecessary (read: illogical) explosive tests with their stiff, jacked-up old-timer "expert" grinning like a little kid with every ABC explaination he dotes whilst blowing stuff to smithereens. Please diverge from the "mythbusters" gimmick and get back to real-live cases whether they be solvable or not...


Pretty good. Could've been so much better without the all-encompassing PC.
Based on watching S1 & S2: Some good acting to be had, especially Joanne Froggatt. The back & forth in timelines is a cop-out for a screenplay writer these days (no, it doesn't make the story better). However, I did enjoy the general storyline at times. You'll love it more if you lap up the following: -Hardly a sympathetic character to be found. -A detective chewing nicotine gum non-stop. -Most females portrayed as smart, -men horrible & stupid. -Partners of the same sex having babies. -Generally everything screaming #MeToo .

Impractical Jokers: The Movie

Fan of Murr, Q, Joe & Sal? -Stay away (it could actually make you like them less)
Based on the story & quality (lack) of humour I'd give this a rating of 3 stars. I'm giving it 4 as the first five minutes were promising. Apart from that, next to no laughter was had. The acting was poor at times (and not good in a 'Seinfeld' way) They should stick to their talents i.e. making the prank tv shows. I actually came out liking the guys less, but they'll hopefully redeem themselves when they get back to 'business as usual'.

Home Before Dark

Not a fan of Apple corp. whatsoever, but this was very good.
First of all, -great cast/casting all round (even the dad looking like Christopher Eccleston I grew to like) Intriguing crime drama (with a hint of 'thriller'). Was afraid this would be too childish as many of the leads are kids, but this is most def for adults (teens would pass, too as thankfully there were not heaps of on-screen violence & gore & such). Soundtrack was interesting with a mix of famous 70s-80s oldies and more modern stuff like the brilliant 2014 "Dreamers" by Scavenger Hunt (never heard of them before, brilliant pop tune that harkens to the 80s). All-in-all one of the best crime-dramas & excellent cast I've seen in yonks, so hats off to the people behind this. No spoilers, but let's say most people will hope for a 2nd season...

Avenue 5

I'll make it short and sweet...
If you're into Red Dwarf, Star Trek TNG and intelligent comedies & sci-fi drama, -this is not for you. (And no, not even Hugh Laurie will reduce the pain)

If you love getting fed political correctness/poor humour (like the captain being polygamous) and following a story that feels too slow despite it's supposed quick pace (of trite humour), then this is for you. (Yes, Hugh 'Dr. House' Laurie will provide sedatives)


Dull & Duller, -and unlikable characters to boot.
Starts off with the pair of dim hitmen (women, actually) accidently killing a guy (who they were going to kill nonetheless) So, from the get-go there is a clear dislike to this couple of heartless halfwits of tv hell. Then enter the jokes of yester-year, -not even done in a funny manner. Giedroyc used to be funny, the quiz show 'what's-her-name' never was. All this baking show nonsense has depleted Giedroyc's fun store. Not even her charm can save her here, unfortunately. Sad to see Asim Chaudhry caught up in this pile of... After12 min I just couldn't deal with this drivel anymore.

Unlikeable characters -not funny -meaningless storyline -avoid.

Three of a Kind

Doesn't age well.... -at all.
Just watched this again after nearly 40 years gone. I remember enjoying this as a child, however, what used to be "edgy" and "absurd" is unfortunately now just plain boring with a total lack of humorous backbone. Sorry....

Additional: If you after all these years still find the likes of "Fools & Horses", "Morecambe & Wise" and most Tommy Cooper shows to be amusing you'll probably enjoy this, if not, don't waste your time on this unless you need something to nod off to.

(two stars, -one each for Tracey & Lenny simply being Tracey & Lenny, but the script is so-o-o cringe...)

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