
IMDb member since June 2010
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    13 years


The 100

... what is this?
Bad writing turns into forced acting, totally out of place emotional responses, and cringeworthy one-liners. All of these things make the show as close to unwatchable as it can be. If I was watching this in a room with someone, I would feel second hand anxiety from just how bad the writing and actors are. For these reasons I can't figure out what age group the show is for, seems a bit mature for children and too juvenile for adults.

Episodes seem to have no structure, events play-out in a completely arbitrary fashion, and there's more inconsistency than you can shake a stick at. Not to mention how ludicrous and rushed the plot feels. No one should need to watch more than a few episodes to know this is something they want to avoid. I truly cannot see what those who have enjoyed it see in it, but the popular positive reviews that make statements like "You have to take it for what it is" and "It's not that bad" should tell you just about everything you need to know.

Fifty Shades of Grey

First time I've left home to watch porn
I only decided to see this after the initial reviews, I simply could not believe it was as bad as everyone made it out to be. Many of the reviews here are similar in grammar and tone, I was starting to think it was some kind of conspiracy. I actually believed there was some kind of anti-fifty shades of grey movement happening on the internet. Shockingly, I was completely wrong.

How to sum this movie up... pretty much everything that has been said here is true. The acting and plot outside of sex scenes absolutely plays out like the stuff you would see in softcore porn. Cliché after cliché right down to the core, I really can't stress enough how awkward and downright tacky some of the lines, or even reactions in the movie play out. While reading reviews here, I saw the phrase "sophomoric writing" pop up many times, now I understand why.

The totally out of place and blatant lip biting, the ludicrous thirst showcased by Anastasia from the very first interaction with Grey is completely out of character and unbelievable for the type of person she is supposed to represent. Half of what she says reads and sounds like lines someone as awkward as her would come up with an hour later in the shower (alone). Christian's character has his owned forced one-liners that are obviously a service to book readers, I won't even bother with it because it has been covered extensively in other reviews. All I can say is I would be in for a few years worth of spankings after all the eye-rolling I did through this movie.

I am convinced the writer's views on romance and courtship have never surpassed the preconceptions developed during her teenage years, when everyone dreamed of being swept away by a mysterious figure with the potential to make all their material dreams come true. This movie is nothing more than a fan service, and I would expect no one but avid readers of the book to enjoy or even be able to take it seriously. The music was okay though, so 2/10..... still a better love-story than twilight?


Pleasantly Surprised
The script comes off as a bit far-fetched at times and some if the CGI is downright comical. However, nothing prepared me for the atmosphere Wyrmwood created. Whoever was responsible for costumes and props did a knockout job, absolute best work I have seen in recent zombie flicks. The sweat poured into minute details makes this film a must see for anyone who enjoys zombie culture. Wouldn't be surprised to see a cult following.

With that said, the script is a little devoid of direction. The director knew what this film was about and didn't try to make it into something it wasn't. You should be ready to sit down and watch characters doing quite literally whatever comes next as a zombie apocalypse unfolds. I didn't recognize a single actor in the film, but I was blown away by the work they put into their roles. You could tell everyone involved just wanted to make a great movie.

Entertaining, exciting, and funny, could not recommend enough.

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