
IMDb member since June 2010
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    13 years


Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy

Looking for depth and found dull
This is quite possibly the dullest film I have ever seen. I was hoping for something a little more engaging on a Sunday afternoon but struggled to stay awake through it. It is a fairly simple story line and you know where it is going but instead of a tale with twists and turns it takes a basic linear path. In order to feign complexity all the Director did was cut up the time line. It didn't help that they focused on a particular character in a certain way which was out of context with how other characters were dealt with. Why did they do that? Oh because he is the bad guy. I was hoping that was a red herring. Unfortunately not, the guy I thought it would be 30 minutes into the film was indeed the bad guy. Clumsy, pseudo intelligent, uncreative, dullness.

The Heavy

Dull and painful
The acting is horrendous the lead actor isn't even 1 dimensional. The politician brother's acting is worse than the new guy in your average soap.

The plot is relatively simple, it would take a good director to spin this into a decent film. Lacks drama, suspense, any humour, plot twists, it's not even violent. Quite possibly the most boring film I've ever tried to watch. It's that bad I felt the need to comment on it!

Vinnie Jones is undertaking an exercise in hamming it up.

Obviously Christopher Lee produces a good performance by default.

Christopher Lee fell out with management on the Lord of the Rings due to artistic differences and then undertakes a project like this!!!

PS the politicians wife just piped up, just when I thought I had already seen the worst performance in this film.

Johnny Mad Dog

A human story
If you're looking for a political view point on child soldiers and ongoing conflicts in Africa this isn't the film you're looking for.

This is a human film with human nuances. For some it will appear as a senseless violent romp.

I saw children losing their innocence through situations they had no control over. Forced to shoot family members to save their lives initiated them into the unit. With persistent brain washing and promises of magic charms to protect them and a financial future they did their duty as they were taught. They were the true believers of the cause and embarked upon a barbaric journey wrestling with guilt and childish thoughts.

Mad Dog betrayed by his superiors and his naive of the view future shattered tried to deny and justify his past actions in the refugee camp. His clumsy attempt at trying to woo the girl failed, essentially causing the caring angel to violence and the final loss of her innocence.

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