
IMDb member since April 2003
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Quantum Leap

Can't wait to see where this goes!
Think the show has a ton of potential. As a long time fan of the original (my favorite show of all time), this delivered the connection to the original that I was looking for and set up a bunch of new mysteries. It definitely feels like there is some network intervention going on behind the scenes which is likely causing a bit of confusion for the viewers... network execs, leave this one alone because you're ideas will likely kill it before it can build a fanbase! There did seem to be multiple teams of writers working on this first episode... the A story on Ben/Addison was well written... the B story about the actual leapee was a bit TOO MUCH. Did we really need to having a completely unrelatable diamond heist story featuring a girl who needed an operation? TOO MUCrH GOING ON. And the C story of the Quantum Leap staff was fine, but... their chemistry needs more development for us to care about them as individuals. I think the Executive Story Editor needs to pay more attention to how all of these parts are gelling together. You guys can do it!

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