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A great Bond-ing
To say the least, this latest movie of the Bond franchise lives up to its expectation- Skyfall!

I have to admit, i'm not much of a Bond fan, or even Daniel Craig. But my perspective of him has now changed, and this movie is pretty awesome. The trailer looked promising and the reviews were great- how was i to resist this? So i entered the cinema, expecting a two-and-a-half hour movie that is filled with high-pumping adrenalin scenes, girls, cars and a mission we all know, in the end, he will succeed. There was more depth and substance in this installment, to which i think, brings James Bond to a whole new level.

There was no slowing down, not especially in the opening scene. The car- bike chase, especially on the rooftop, and on the train scenes were intense and definitely, they set a tone for the rest of the movie. Then, we were serenaded by Adele performing her opening credit single 'Skyfall'- like all other Bond movies where the opening credit takes about 3 to 4 minutes. The main essence of this movie relates to M and her past, which comes back to haunt her- and all those standing between them will suffer. James Bond, who returns after a 'hiatus' from the agency, has his loyalty for M tested when he meets the villain, Silva.

Somehow, Silva reminds me of the Joker and Bane from The Dark Knight saga. I had this odd feeling like he would play into Bond's mind and cause mayhem. One of the best scenes in this movie was when Silva broke out from his prison and sought for revenge at M in a council hearing. The script written for M and the timing of the movie was executed perfectly, with the right dose of soundtrack to keep suspense flying high. In an attempt to be ahead of the villain, Bond devised a plan with the help of his trusted team, Q, Tanner and later Mallory. He returned to where he began- Skyfall, Scotland, and i thought Skyfall is some metaphor for something, probably a departure.

The way Bond and his limited resources built a defense 'fortress' reminds me of Home Alone, but with much more violence. The climax was brilliantly done- right timing, right length of time, right amount of explosions and shootings, and right lighting. The ending was a little less expected- or i had not seen it coming, but it was a good ending to the movie.

There was not much 'girl' scenes to woo over- M was the leading lady and Severine was temporary eye candy, and not much 'cars' to envy. Perhaps, more gadgetry in this. Needless to say, the action was top-notch, the acting was great. Some scenes can make you burst into laughter. I got to learn more about James Bond and M.

Skyfall is definitely worth the money and time. Whether it is the best Bond movie yet, some may say, but i can't because i have not watched the older ones. But it is one of the best of this year's competitive movie list.


Pumped after the lock-down...
To be honest, when the movie began, the first thought that came into my mind was 'why am i watching this movie?' and i feared it would be like Spirit (2008) or Jonah Hex (2010). It was choppy and messy in terms of the filming, and the soundtrack was just not comfortable to sit through and watch in the earlier scenes. Then i thought whether i had wasted my money, and time, on this movie. Even the narrative at the beginning reminded me of Megamind (2010), which was good in the animation movie, but not quite convincing for this action, dark movie. I breathed, trying to calm myself down and be patient.

Then, fortunately, the plot thickened and the direction of this movie turned away from my disappointment; drew me into the locked down Peach Trees building and went into high gear.

In this time of setting, in Mega City One, the 'Judge' is known to its people with combined powers of the judge, jury and executioner. Dredd is one of those Judges- and possibly the top of the league, and is faced with a task to coach rookie Anderson, who has psychic abilities. On this fateful first day, the pair is led into the Peach Trees, replying to a call of the death of three men. Their investigation, duty to uphold the law, drives them to discovering drug lord Ma-Ma, who controls this 200 storey building. Not wanting to be held by the law, Ma-Ma (somehow, i felt this villain lack depth and did not really create fear like other villains in other movies; she was just a ruthless leader) devices a vicious plan to outdo the Judges- by locking them in, with no way out and no one in. This was the point that i really got to the edge of my seat.

Despite its violence, the scene of the machine gun-laser-like shooting was brilliant, and the graphic was like for a game. There was not as many shootings as i had expected- sometimes, less means more. In another scene of the mind reading challenge reminded me of Jean Grey and Prof X, but in a more gruesome and vulgar manner. It was smart to have someone with psychic ability in the movie. An issue that were brought into the movie was corruption- not so original but it helped to move the movie to the next level.

The movie developed to a peak-high level and i felt the climax was shorter than what i anticipated for. Nevertheless, i was pleased at the end of the movie.

I could see why this movie is rated 18. First, the violence and blood can make you flinch. Then, there are scenes involving the influence of drugs called Slo-Mo, showing people who take them get high and the world around them sparkle, literally. Because it was 18, and because of these, i cannot but include them as points, not deductions, to the movie. The people behind this movie were bold and brave enough to include them.

Speaking in terms of originality, i found the combined powers of judge, jury and executioner a breath of fresh air (i was not familiar with this comic), and the scenes involving the Judges to pronounce their sentence to the defendant were, in an odd way, entertaining. Don't expect drama or intelligent twists, this movie is not for either. It has a story to tell, a simple one but told effectively, with sufficient violence to keep adrenaline high and pumping.

Dredd is a guilty pleasure as charged.

The Dark Knight Rises

How every great trilogy should end... brilliant!
The legend ends. The legend ends, magnificently. The third and final installment of the Batman franchise masterminded by Christopher Nolan lives to its expectation. Nolan needs no proving further that he has one of the best minds when it comes to directing a movie. That said, i was tricked by him, again.

No worries, i won't be spoiling this movie here- because you have to watch it yourself. This movie sets of eight years after The Dark Knight ends. As Bane is villain, Bruce Wayne/Batman struggles to protect and save Gotham City from Bane as he brings unimaginable chaos, leading to a war of great magnitude- one of the best in the cinema. At nearly two hours and forty five minutes, this movie is long and lots of developments are being done throughout to rise to an amazing climax.

One of the greatest assemble of cast. I always like Bale as the Batman- and i think he is one of the best among all other Batman movies. Anne H who plays Selina Kyle is a good addition to the movie and her character does push plot. M Caine and Gary O who plays Alfred and Gordon, Morgan Freeman as Dr Fox, Marion C as Miranda, Joseph GL as Blake and definitely Tom Hardy as Bane show top-notch performances. Each character, given the movie length, was well developed and explored. The score and music by Hans Zimmer, as good as always.

Some scenes are mind-blowing like the collapsing of the field and the bridges. Element of suspense is surely present, keeping me on the edge of my seat. I felt the ZOMG factor at its climax. The missiles chasing after the Bat in the air, the awesome bike that can change direction so awesomely. Just how the movie fits its puzzles so perfectly is brilliant- so good that it kept me and my friends thinking even after the movie. We kept thinking on how this and how that, the twists, and the special effects of the scenes. Surely, Nolan concluded his spin of this Batman saga brilliantly.

There is nothing much i would want to add because i do not want to risk spoiling this movie. The title of this movie got me to think, why 'rises'? After the movie, i got what it means. It would be better if you have watched the Batman Begins and TDK as some references were made from the earlier two installments. Nevertheless, if not, watch it and be thoroughly entertained.

This TDKR has definitely put DC Comic movies back in the forefront. If the other superheroes of this DC universe is made on such level, or combined, it would certainly give Marvel a run for their money! A great cinematic experience felt and definitely a must-watch.

Ice Age: Continental Drift

OK... but not the best so far.
The trio is back with the fourth installment- or no? Ice Age 4 revisits Manny, Diego and Sid in an all new adventure with a geological flavour of event- the Continental Drift happening before their very eyes, comically caused by the ever-pursuing Scrat over the acorn. As years have passed, Peaches (Manny and Ellie's daughter mammoth) grows up into a young teen, Sid welcomes his family especially his grandma and Diego finds love in their quest. The Earth plates begin to move, resulting in the trio being separated from the rest of their community. Soon, they face pirates and must work together to survive and reunite with their loved ones. That's about it. Simple, direct and somewhat formulaic.

That's what Ice Age has been doing and the third (Dawn of the Dinosaur) paid well of as it becomes my favourite of this franchise. I particularly enjoyed the first half of the movie- how the Earth or land splits and moves with the graphics a wonder to watch and the hilarious scenes like the trio going through a storm. The ending falls rather flat and short. Unlike the Dawn of the Dinosaur (yes, i'm comparing with the third but i shouldn't), i didn't get the suspense and thrill when watching the climax of events. No doubt, this movie has everything done neat and clean but i personally did not find it memorable.

The characters remain an interesting herd to watch. Manny continues to be grumpy but apart from that, now he becomes a father figure. Sid's craziness and wackiness is one of the strongest points of the show, or franchise to be exact. He never stops to entertain with his awkwardness. And Diego, i guess every man would relate to him- being masculine and tough yet soft on the inside. Peaches and Louis cute friendship. Again, that's just it. I found this movie to lack characterization in the other characters. The granny introduced was a nice addition but sometimes, i find her to be a tad too annoying. The pirates were just pirates playing their roles as villains but nothing further.

This movie is OK may be because i had a high expectation of this movie since the third installment. Hopefully this is not the last of the Ice Age franchise because i am not thoroughly satisfied with an ending as such. Much said, it is still a good watch for a family outing because apart from the comical scenes and adventure, Ice Age 4: Continental Drift does have some values to learn and reminds you that you have each other.

Dolphin Tale

Inspirational is the word
If there is one word to describe this movie, it's inspirational! The characters display great emotional depth with well developed story line. The link between Winter, the real life dolphin who suffers a damage and eventually removes the tail, and Sawyer's cousin, Kyle, who is injured during his time in the marines, is touching and uplifting simultaneously. The bond shared by Winter and Sawyer (who is, at the beginning of the movie, a reserved and almost friendless boy) is what every kid would want; the close bonding between Sawyer and Kyle shows that 'Family is Forever', and the friendship developed by Sawyer and Hazel is one to adore.

Struggling to keep up with the financial of the aquarium, at the same time helping Winter to swim normally again, sold this movie like none other, apart from the nicely done effects. Scenes that leave lasting impacts include when another handicapped child travels for hours just to visit Winter (how Winter inspires the many lives of human beings), and Sawyer and later Dr McCarthy's comments on Kyle's selfishness. Of course, great job to the cast for delivering an honest, believable and true performance. If the entire length of the movie is heart-warming enough, wait until the video clips of Winter at the end of the show- you will smile because you cannot cry.

I may be biased in this review, in such that i am passionate about the marine life- definitely, to swim with the dolphin, or Winter herself, is a reward. But putting that aside, this movie is one to watch, worth watching and worth remembering. I believe the rich values of this movie will propagate with great length- never give up! I felt uplifted after the movie, and i'm sure you will too.

The Amazing Spider-Man

The Amazing Spiderman is amazing.
When i first saw the trailer of this movie last year, i thought- another Spiderman movie?, and again earlier this year- seriously, another Spiderman move?. In all honesty, i was not compelled to watch the movie- may be it was the trailer or that thought of how far can a Spiderman movie be different than the one produced about a decade ago? How 'amazing' can it be, as its title suggests?

After going against the odds, i came out from the movie very pleased. In fact, i enjoyed the move thoroughly and felt very entertained. And i finally understood the word 'amazing' in the title- because it is really, pretty amazing!

It is not one of those movies with excessive ZOMG factor, for sure. The movie is amazingly captured with great use of CGI. The first half of the movie explores the dark side of Peter Parker's family history in a fairly comical manner. I got to know about Peter's father, which was not much explained in the previous trilogy and i don't exactly read the comics.Then there is his high school stories of his love. The next half of the movie was gripping and fast-paced, with well angled shots to make you feel like swinging from building to building and climbing up towers- i watched it in 2D and i could still feel the height! This part of the movie focuses on the transformation of Dr Connors as the Lizard, the villain of this movie, who happens to be Peter's father's working partner. His wish to regenerate his arm goes awry, leading him to produce a biological threat that forces Spiderman to a race to save the people in the city.

As i said, i was entertained. The movie was light hearted, like watching The Captain America, with brilliant cast. Andrew G performs magnificently as Peter Parker, to a certain extent, i felt him outshine Tobey M. He fits the character well. I enjoyed the scene where he first discovers of his special ability, particularly with the flipping of his skateboard. Much credits to Emma Stone, Sally Field, Martin Sheen and Rhys I, and director Marc Webb for taking the risk of rebooting this franchise. Watch out for Stan Lee in a show-stopper scene. Flash, played by Chris, gives me the feeling of a sequel where he will be featured in a bigger role- like Jacob in Twilight.

Give this Spiderman a try. For a two-hour movie, this movie does not fall short and does not feel long. And a sequel is pretty likely- stay for the post-credit (duh! almost all Marvel movies has this).

I have to say this one more time: The Amazing Spiderman is amazing.

Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows

Game on.
Definitely a game worth watching.

Sherlock Holmes (Robert D Jr) returns for another adventure- against his fiercest and in par nemesis, Professor Moriarty (Jared Harris), with his loyal sidekick, Dr Watson (Jude Law). In the collision between two great minds, there are possibilities of collateral damages, and this itself makes the movie more thrilling on top of its crime busting, mystery solving forte.

The movie begins rather choppy but when it reaches the high gear, it is exhilarating. There are many scenes which pulled me to the edge of my seat. The train action scene is one to be reckoned with- i suppose train scenes are now favourites for high octane acts. While Watson heads to his honeymoon, little did he know he had fallen into a trap set by Prof Moriarty. Fortunately for him, Holmes followed him, in disguise- and you will laugh here, to rescue him and his newly-wed wife. Another scene that wow-ed me is when Holmes and his team are escaping through the forest. This movie absolutely has pitch perfect timing, especially for its slow-mo added with incredible sound effect. You can see the bullets flying across the screen, the men running and chasing. Lots of gunshots, lots of explosions.

With Robert D Jr playing Holmes, there are hilarious scenes- right until the last moment, he will tickle your heart with his creativity and perfect use of punctuation. It is nice to see when the bromance magic between Holmes and Watson returns in the second half of the movie, after his wife is thrown overboard to safer grounds. Knowing how strong a team they are together, Holmes and Watson complements each other, and watching them tells the importance of understand others' brilliance, skills and talents like in the movie: Watson's medical viewpoints, and Holmes' time management and peculiar behaviour.

Whether you need to think in this movie, i can tell you it is not as much as a thinking game like Inception. The plot is masterfully crafted, straight-forward paced that is enough to keep you engaged from start to finish.

War Horse

Joey wins big.
What caught my attention most was the title of the movie. War. Horse. Enough said, and my mind went wild with imagination. I saw little trailer and avoided reviews of the movie, but i knew this movie has been nominated for 7 awards. And directed by Steven S. So there came the expectation.

In short, this movie is about the love and loyalty between a horse and its owner. At the beginning, i was introduced to the horse, Joey, and Joey was trained and cared by Albert (played by Jeremy I). Albert's father won the bid for the horse in which he thought the horse was special. But because his father could not pay rent, the horse was 'loaned' to the then English army to serve in the war.

The plot thickened with the horse playing the lead role, and his life story traveled three-sixty. I felt like the horse was cursed, that whoever was with Joey suffered a misfortune. But in another perspective, we saw bravery and courage of those with Joey- like the man riding to his death, brothers in an escape attempt and a young, innocent girl. It was until Albert reached his legal age to serve in the army, he enlisted himself and began his quest in search of his beloved horse.

This movie is pure drama, at its best. It has a strong cast and a great setting. Expecting it as a drama movie, there are times when my heart raced through the scenes, and there are times which the movie mellowed down for development.

One of my favourite scenes of the movie was the war scene- explosions and gunfire. It was brilliantly captured and frankly, one of the best war scenes in movies. While war points at the weakness of man's humanity, this movie shed light on the power of a horse to unite two parties, even if it might mean temporary. A strong message.

I thought, as a human-animal relationship story, that i would tear up at the end of the movie. But thankfully, i didn't. The movie was moving and it touched straight to the heart, but it was inspiring with a happy ending. The love and loyalty between Albert and Joey are difficult to be expressed in words here, that only in the movie do you really get to see them shine- even the eyes were not needed to recognize.

Real Steel

Real-ly good
I am going to be brief- one of the best movies in 2011!

Hugh J's performance in this movie is flawless. Playing the role of the father and an unsuccessful robot boxer, he meets his son, Max (played by Dakota G). Soon, their relationship blossoms together with their new sparing robot, Atom- how i wish i have Atom as a friend, that lead them into the world championship.

The movie begins with plenty of development and foreshadow, making the movie very predictable. But the excitement and the journey from where they were to where they are at the end was spectacular. A movie with numerous layers, Real Steel surely did succeed at all levels. The fight scenes were well executed- i was at the edge of my seat, clenching my fist and cheering all the while.

It touched straight to the core- that i teared up in the end. It accomplished bittersweet moments effortlessly; and while some other movies fail to make the hero loses and wins at the same time, Real Steel did it in style.

I highly recommend Real Steel because really, it's as good as any metal out there!

The Adventures of Tintin

As its title suggests: Adventure!
As the title suggests, i was prepared to join Tintin in a ride of adventure.

Voiced by Jamie Bell as Tintin, he bought a model ship which hid clues that ultimately forced him into a feud between two families (Haddock voiced by Andy S and Sakharine voiced by Daniel C) in search for the hidden treasure. Tintin with his adorable pet Snowy, investigated the mystery surrounding them, deciphering the clues along the way and met Haddock after his kidnap by Sakharine. They escaped and raced against time and Sakharine to retrieve all three pieces of the puzzle. In the start, it felt like an animated Sherlock Holmes with Snowy playing Watson. When they boarded the ship, it felt like Narnia 3: Voyage of the Dawn Treader and when Haddock recalled the story his grandfather told him, the scenes pictured that of Pirates of the Caribbean. Not that it wasn't good or original, but just that the scenes felt familiar.

I thoroughly enjoyed the graphic and visual of the movie. The faces of the characters looked so real i had to remind myself that it was an animation. One of my favourite scenes in the movie was when Tintin and his gang were in Morocco and they were running away, at the same time snatching the scrolls, from Sakharine's men and bird. It flowed well with fast-paced action and humour. Another scene that captured my attention was the fight between Haddock and Sakharine using cranes. It was intense yet entertaining to watch.

How could an animation movie like this go wrong? It doesn't. It is a progressive story with mystery intertwined that blends well action with adventure, humour with intensity. Good visual and adorable characters. I was dumbfounded that Tintin was not a kid and what i thought to be a childish movie had the characters holding guns. I was wrong, but i was, to say the least, pleased. The adventures of Tintin gets a green light!

Celda 211

Raw, real, incomparable
This movie likens that of a gemstone- raw, real, unique, crafty and incomparable. I watched this movie, my first Spanish movie in cinema, with English subtitles and frankly, i was impressed. Though now the only regret i have is not mastering the language before the show. If only i could pay more attention to the movie instead of the translated words running at the bottom.

This is a story of a prison guard, Juan Oliver (played by Alberto A) who decided to go to work one day before he actually begins to 'make an impression'. What awaits him later is a riot, which forced him to be locked in Cell 211 after suffering an injury to his head. He knows the only way to live is to be one of them, and so he acted as an inmate. But until when can he keep it to himself? He has to make peace with the rest of the inmates and gain the trust of their 'leader' Malamadre (played by Luis Tosar) as they take hostage of high profile, terrorist-prisoners. He later learns an ugly news of his pregnant wife outside prison and his life is never the same again.

This movie plays around the humanity of man and how corruption and distrust can affect a man's freedom and ultimately, his life. There were moments in the show. Obviously, the prison riot. The police riot scene later was well delivered straight to its core, which led to the falling domino pieces in the movie. The turning point of Juan's character was when he received the news about his wife. Fine acting by all the cast with amazing characterization, awesome cinematography and directing at every scene!

The development of the plot is great, at points where it creates suspense left me on the edge of my seat. The blossoming relationship between Juan and Malamadre is well crafted, and believable- that i don't see in many other movies these days. It felt like Caesar in Rise of the Planet of the Apes.

Walking out the cinema, i was left to ponder at many questions with respect to the show. Why was Juan left in Cell 211 at the first place? As if a curse is cast to the cell. It will be interesting to watch the Hollywood remake of the movie in two years time and i hope it does remain to its authenticity. Definitely award-worthy, it accentuates prison drama at its best- pulling heartstrings despite its violence and vulgar language.

My cinematic experience has truly broadened. And i am sure yours will too after watching this movie.

The Three Musketeers

Not that bad, not that extraordinary either
Before i dive into my review of the movie, allow me to bring you, in a gist, through the summary of the story.

The first thing that comes to mind of 'The Three Musketeers' is the three musketeers- Athos, Porthos and Aramis. We know them for their threesome companionship. We know about their glory days, serving their country. In their last quest, Athos gets blindsided by the love of his life, and the three musketeers sort of lost interest, hope and faith in themselves. Then comes d'Artagnan, a child of another musketeer, who meets the three musketeers in a very scheduled manner, boost their long lost spirit of a musketeer and the three becomes four. A quest to save the French from going into war in the Europe is thrown to them. Romance ensues. Trust is put to the question. Bam, bam, bam, the movie ends oh- so well.

Now to the review. Firstly, watching through this movie, i felt it was very much like a crossover between Pirates of the Caribbean and Zorro. The settings. The ships. The acting. No doubt, this movie boasts great cast (Matthew M as Athos, Luke Evans as Aramis, Ray S as Porthos, Milla J as Milady, Orlando B as Duke of Buckingham, Logan L as d'Artagnan). Orlando's role as the Duke felt like Captain Jack Sparrow in POTC, only less drunk. It's nice to see Milla out from her high-octane roles; nevertheless her character performs dangerous moves as a many-faced villain. The three musketeers are definitely fun to watch.

Next, the fencing scenes are exciting, especially when d'Artagnan meets the three musketeers and the four of them are forced to fight against the guards because of his reckless action. The storyline is rather predictable. The climax is short and leaves not much impact. The good part is, to me, when they plan for their quest. Then, it just fall flat. No twist except for the moment before the credit is rolled.

The Three Musketeer is not that bad, and not that extraordinary either. But it does make me want to be in that era- to be a musketeer, with their fancy swords, too. It is comical, which is a good reason why you might want to watch this. Or if you are a fan of the three musketeers. Truthfully, i did not know what the three musketeers are other than the fact that there are three of them. It is a good introduction. Otherwise, you might want to give this a pass.


A well done fairy tale
The first time i watched this movie, i did not enjoy it. The reason: bad quality (hence poor movie experience). I heard it was good but because of my mistake, i did not like it as much as the others did. That was then. Until the television showed this movie recently, i was all in to watch it again, in better quality, and i smiled after watching. Lesson learned.

The movie begins with Prince Edward meeting Giselle in a fantasy world, Andalasia, and proposes to marry her. However, his evil stepmother tricked Giselle- as she does not want Prince Edward to marry Giselle and take her throne, into a well which connects to our world, in New York. Unlike her fantasy world, Giselle tries to find her way back to Andalasia to return to the arms of her, then, true love. She meets Robert and soon learns the real meaning of love. In a 'boom' ending, since this is a fairy tale, expect an all's well closure.

The cast of the movie is great. Amy Adams has the ideal princess look. The development of the story is well- intertwined with comedy and music. The score and soundtrack is good listen too. The costume is stunning- especially Giselle's. In short, nothing could go wrong with this movie if one looks for an escape into a true fairy tale type story- and if you believe in happy endings!

Rise of the Planet of the Apes

Apes stole the show...
First and foremost, apes are not monkeys; apes are apes, the animal which manages to be the main character of the show. No doubt, what sells this movie is the ape itself, behind their story of evolution because of man. Caesar, the lead ape, is the baby of the product of an experimenting chimpanzee. Caesar grows attached to the human world, becoming foreign to its own, with intelligence that is beyond ordinary that will later lead in a rise of the apes. This movie depicts a drama that is beautifully crafted to show the relationship between man and ape, giving its 'wow' moments in bits and pieces until the credits, or post-credits.

Definitely a prequel to the other 'Apes' movie, this movie explains and exudes the beginning of the whole story with simplicity that binds me from the start to the end. James Franco's performance as the leading man (Will Rodman) is one to be praised aside from the apes. He has proved again that he is an exceptional actor. Likewise, John Lithgow (Will's sick father who finds temporary relief using an experimenting virus), Tom Felton (Dodge Landon, another villain role that deserves for what he did) and David Oyelowo (Steven Jacobs, the stubborn man that seeks money out of experiments) portray their characters well. However, there wasn't much screen time of Freida Pinto given the hype created around her. His and her love story is not much presented; but then, why the need for their love story when the focus on the ape and Will far surpass the need for it? And in the short time of appearance, I believe this isn't her best performance yet.

Once again, I would like to mention that this movie is drama at its best, in which there are some scenes that touch the heart. I predicted some of this sort, knowing it has a human-animal relationship. I was not disappointed; in fact, I enjoyed that it wasn't tear-jerking but suffice to pull heartstrings. Growing a connection with Caesar, we must realize that some things in life are best left unchanged- this is told in much depth. I thought there would be war between ape and man at its climax, somehow like the previous ones, but I was fooled. Because there wasn't any war; in fact, there isn't a need for war to bring out the essence of the movie. The final lines of the movie tell it all.

In short, 'Rise of the Planet of the Apes' lives to its great expectation and to say that it has no 'wow' moments would be a great lie. Unlike many current movies with extensive use of bombs or gun fire, this has enough to capture the attention; but then again, why the need for extensive explosions when the stage set for the story of ape and man was delivered splendidly.

Captain America: The First Avenger

Entertaining to its core! Way to go!
One of the reasons i went into the cinema to watch Captain America is that i wanted to watch the last hero that completes the run of The Avengers next year. I came out the cinema more than pleased.

To begin with, i thought Chris Evans perfected the role of J Storm/Human Torch in the Fantastic Four, leaving him to be named after that character as he played it well. I thought he fitted the character. But i was certainly wrong- because he was the more Captain America material. He portrays a character, very convincingly, of a warm, courageous man with a big heart that is worth idolizing as a hero. Steve Roger/Captain America is a man that values friendship and though he may be lost in the love world, that doesn't make him a man without feeling. One scene in particular that showed his bravery was the fake grenade, where he held it to himself in an attempt to save from explosion. Besides, Chris Evans managed to capture my attention, unlike Ryan R in Green Lantern, with his comical scenes. It has been a while i last laughed this loud- and the entire cinema too, watching Captain America. If Chris Evans comes to mind, it's Captain America he made proud of!

Watching the trailers, i didn't expect much. And i thought all i was brought into was an action, Marvel movie. It was more to that. I thoroughly enjoyed the movie. It has the ideal blend of comedy, action and heart, a combination i find difficult to bring out for its true essence. The movie was fresh, original to a certain extend that what i thought wasn't what i watched. In every typical hero movie, the hero saves the civilian and in here, when he was chasing after the villain and a child was thrown into the river, i thought 'He will go save the kid, and the villain runs away'. But like i said, this is not the ordinary movie, the following scene was truly unpredictable and hilarious. In another scene, where he kisses his love, i least expected the line by Colonel Phillips (by Tommy Lee Jones). The cinema rocked with laughter!

The acting by its cast are surely to be credits and the scripts written are worth quoting. Unlike in Transformers when the joke is made in passing, i was entertained in this. I was absorbed into the movie, feeling my character as Steve Roger, or his buddy, or anybody. While i enjoyed Captain America's side of the story, i don't really feel the bad-ness in the villain. In that part, it was average. I thought the villain could be developed further, making him more evil. If there is something i wanted more, it was the end. But then, it is already 2 hours- and any longer might drag the show. And as i have said, i watched what i least expected. I thought it will end with Peggy Carter (by Hayley Atwell) at the bar, dressed to kill, waiting for Steve Roger in his top suit.

Then, this is the final build up to The Avengers.

No doubt, Marvel skyrocketed another comic-movie adaptation on screen. With the right cast- Chris Evans and the others, and heartfelt moments with sprinkles of unpredictable comical scenes, Captain America proves to deliver far beyond expectation. I never thought i would be talking much on Captain America, but here i am with a full-fledged review on its successful impact on me.

Transformers: Dark of the Moon

When the credits began to roll, the first word that came out my mouth was 'Damn!'. And i'll say it again- DAMN, the movie is Tomahawk spectacular!

Transformers. Ever since the news of its third installment was released, i was anticipating this movie like none other. With an intensified desire to watch and an irresistible attraction to the robots in disguise, i was all willing to work deeper into my pocket to fork out the price for a 3-D ticket.

The movie begins with a fictitious twist to the moon landing history- the discovery of one of the Autobots spaceships remains on the Moon. Years later, Autobots and Decepticons on Earth realize the existence of powerful Cybertronian parts in the ship and war between the two intergalactic parties starts- the final battle.

The movie has a solid storyline- smart! The twists and turns in this movie keeps me on the edge of my seat. However, i have to admit that the beginning was a tad too choppy and it made the movie a little messy. It progresses at warp speed, developing the characters and story simultaneously in between scenes. Unlike Transformers 2, this movie does not start with a 'bang' at the beginning or has continuously loud action scenes at the stage of development. It takes a more subtle approach, building everything to a peak so high i have never seen in any other movie. When the twist of the plot is revealed, the movie kicks in in high gear!

The real Bay prevails- the action movie maestro, and for the next hour or more, the movie blasts to the end. The struggles between the Autobots and Decepticons, and the Autobots-side human allies and the Decepticons- side human allies take over, lots of explosions, running, screaming and shooting. The effect is mind-blowing! And my eyes were locked to the screen, in awe at the transforming vehicles and true-to-life gunfire. The music comes at the right time, rushing adrenaline through my veins.

Some scenes in the climax strike straight to the heart and it would be a lie if i say i had no goosebumps or chills run down my spine. At times, i was touched by the characters' words and actions. I was constantly rooting for the Autobots, cheering every time they tear a Decepticon and take its life; i felt like having a gun or bomb or anything that can shoot so that i can help those Autobots. I was deeply pulled into the movie, fitting myself in Sam's or any other soldier's shoe. I had never really felt this absorbed, this connected in the movies.

The fight was one of the greatest ever, different characters- human and robots, converging paths. I can't word out how the movie manages to link the characters together with its plot. You have to see it to believe it. Kudos to Bay and his crew, Shia LaBeouf, Josh Duhamel, John Turturro, Tyrese Gibson and the rest of the casts for a tremendous effort. Alas, I don't really like Megan Fox but her character is definitely nicer to watch than Carly Spencer, Sam's new love.

As a fan of Transformers, and always will be, Optimus Prime, Bumblebee, Iron Hide, Ratchet, Sideswipe to name a few, will always play a role in me. A lesson of loyalty to be learned, and to have faith in oneself teaches a lot about life itself. And a story told in such epic grandeur, my money is well worth spent and i don't mind returning to the cinema for another run of endless action scenes.

Sit back and relax in its beginning and buckle up when it comes. Because when it comes, there is no stop! Transformers 3 rocks to its core and Dark of the Moon is a perfect end to this trilogy. Transformers forever, an Autobots at heart, and a ride i will never forget! Damn!

Water for Elephants

A Titanic love story with a circus touch!
What attracted me to watch this movie was its promotional poster. It is simple, in a way, that manages to capture the intensity and imagination of what this movie might be. I did not read the book so i was clueless from the start. All i knew were what i derived from the title and the poster. A couple. Another man. Elephant. Circus. Water for elephants.

To be frank, i'm not a fan of its cast: Robert Pattinson (yes in Harry Potter Goblet of Fire and no in Twilight) or Reese Witherspoon (yes in Just Like Heaven, maybe in Monsters Vs Aliens). However, Robert Pattinson's performance, as Jacob in this movie, is surely commendable. Somehow, i could sense some resemblance of him to James Franco in 127 Hours. And his character is like Jack in Titanic. Christopher Waltz, who played villain, August, is another actor that deserved tremendous applause. His character moves the story forward, a character that demands great acting skills of its actor to deliver and Waltz nailed it- he portrayed his character perfectly.

The way the story is being told felt like watching Titanic, with a circus touch. It begins with the main character, who has aged, telling and reminiscing his days of his youth. The story flashes back to when it all began. It also shares the lower-upper class-like love story struggle. First thought, not very original. Predictable. But combining with circus life, it becomes a masterpiece. The story develops well, from how Jacob joins the circus troupe to becoming a man of attention, and the movie peaks at the right moment, leaving everything to fall into place. Additional credits as the script is beautifully written.

This story centralizes on issues like the abuse of animals in circus, and it is shown discreetly in some of the scenes. What the audience watches in the circus is an illusion performed at the commands of their master, August, and Jacob and Marlena (Reese Witherspoon) realize and see the pain inflicted on the animals and soon, their lives. There is a reason why this movie is entitled 'Water For Elephants' and my bet would be a reason pertaining to this. Watch it yourself and share with me your interpretation of the title.

In short, Water For Elephants is an intriguing movie with a solid development of its plot. A redeemed YES for Robert Pattinson. A good choice of movie to watch if you want an escape from computer-rich effect movies.

Green Lantern

In brightest day...
Where should I begin? Alright, I'll start by saying that the movie isn't bad. And give my views to why it isn't all that good either.

One of the reasons why I look forward to Green Lantern was that it was a DC Comic movie adaptation and as a fan of superhero, selecting this movie at the cinema comes quickly. The movie begins with a narration of the history of the Green and Yellow Lantern Corps, with visuals that felt like playing a video game. Abin Sur, a reputable Green Lantern falls to Earth and his ring chooses its successor. Hal Jordan, played by Ryan Reynolds, comes into the story as a test pilot and he slowly discovers the ring's abilities and learns of the responsibilities of becoming the holder.

The movie has its wow moments like the test run of the fighter jets- i was holding tight to my seat as if i was flying the plane, when Hal saves a helicopter crash and when Hal eventually saves the Earth. On the whole, the effects are good. I particularly like the part when Hal recites the Green Lantern vow, and as Hal being Ryan, it was quite a funny scene. Ryan suits Hal Jordan's role like how Robert fits into playing Iron Man. He adds the comedic sense in certain scenes.

However, with all the recent, Marvel movies out like X-Men and Thor, I felt Green Lantern fails to excite as much as the others did. Comparisons are surely made, and i fear Green Lantern might be overshadowed by the other superhero movies' tremendous success. Plus, the trailer of this movie does not spark much eagerness to watch. Ryan Reynolds and Blake Lively surely have good looks but unfortunately, they don't share on-screen chemistry like Iron Man and Pepper, Spiderman and MJ, Superman and Lane or even him and Sandra Bullock in The Proposal; thus making their love story somehow dull. Hal has character but it was not elaborated much. He suffers from the memory of his father but the movie lacks to bring forth and emphasize his true struggle. The climax was good, but it was short and i expected more.

In short, Green Lantern feeds on the imagination of a viewer to be a superhero. It certainly has its wow and dull moments, so enjoy and savour the best parts and forget the rest.

Gnomeo & Juliet

Cute cartoon with a Shakespearean twist!
One of the reasons why i watch animation movies is because it is light and entertaining. Gnomeo and Juliet proves no less. In fact, i am pleasantly surprised that this movie is more than what it seems to be.

Firstly, the characters are cute. Yes, cute. Imagine your garden decorations, the gnomes, come to life. Though the concept felt similar to that of 'Toy Story' and have a plot like 'Alpha and Omega', i found this movie a joy to watch with its adorable characters. To be honest, i enjoyed this movie more than 'Alpha and Omega'. Apart from its leading characters (Gnomeo voiced by James McAvoy and Juliet by Emily Blunt), Nanette, Featherstone and even the Shroom add fun to the movie. Great cast for the voices!

Secondly, this movie includes essences from Shakespeare's classic 'Romeo and Juliet' and manages to capture a great sense of imagination and adventure, and definitely a bundle of lessons to learn. It is a story of two gnomes from two different families- and the families are not in good terms with one another, that falls in love with each other. Though their love may be seen as 'doomed', love is truly a remarkable feeling that breaks boundaries.

Thirdly, i found some scenes to be refreshing and, perhaps, exhilarating. One of them is the lawnmower race. When you watch further into the movie, you will understand that the gnomes are delicate beings as they are made from clay which may break under a force. Another is while retrieving the orchid at a nearby abandoned house. Even the idea of growing a plant together that represent their love somehow made me smile. Not to mention, you will be mesmerized by songs from Elton John that suit the scenes.

In short, Gnomeo and Juliet is a cute cartoon that delivers and exceeds any ordinary animation shows. Yes, kids will be thrilled to watch this movie, but i am certain any movie-goer with an eye for cartoons will be pleased to find that this movie satisfies and will leave you with a smile- and all the more wanting to live in this sweet tale of life when the credits roll.

X: First Class

A real First Class movie!
A class on its own. The 'X-Men: First Class' definitely lives up to its expectations! If you have watched the rest of the X-Men movies, this movie explains and answers questions as it tells the origin of how the two sides formed: Prof X and Magneto. One of the best in its franchise and certainly, one of the greats from Marvel.

The movie begins exceptionally well by introducing Charles and Erik at an early age. Charles lives in a well-to-do family and grows up with Raven (or Mystique). He earns his Professorship and studies mutant. James McAvoy, who plays Charles Xavier, stumbles in between the brink of war initiated by Sebastian Shaw (star Kevin Bacon). Micheal Fassbender who plays Erik Lehnsherr, or better known as Magneto, grew up with vengeance and sufferings in his heart, and his ultimate goal is to kill the man who killed his mother, Shaw.

Charles meets Erik in one of his attempt to kill Shaw. They soon recruit more mutants on their side, coach them on their abilities and work together to stop Shaw from starting the war between America and Russia. Erik has another extra intention though. Amazing acting from the stars brought out the best of all the characters - Emma Frost, Beast, Banshee, Havok, to name a few in the movie.

The development of this movie is great- a blend of high adrenaline pumping action scenes with depth on characterisation. We follow the lives and struggles of the mutants, silently standing on their side. Hugh Jackman makes a cameo appearance for Wolverine- keep you eyes open! The effects of the movie are sufficient to blow your mind away with missiles and explosions, tornado and waves.

The great thing about X-Men movies, particularly in this latest one, is that it has a solid storyline that packs a punch, relives the characters from the comic and leaves every fan with a taste for more! Spectacular! Definitely an ideal pick for the weekend ahead.

Tron: Legacy

A ride of brilliant graphic!
To be completely honest, I did not notice the existence of 'TRON: Legacy' in the cinemas until recently as it wasn't my first choice of movie- I was much anticipating Narnia then. But when I saw the trailer with its stunning black, blue and yellow colour contrasts, I thought "This looks interesting". And it surely is!

The story packs an extraordinary simplicity of quest. It begins with Kevin Flynn (Jeff Bridges) telling his son, Sam Flynn (Garrett Hedlund) about the Grid and he looks forward to taking him there someday. Unfortunately, something goes awry and he gets 'trapped' in the world of programs. Growing up, Sam longs for the return of his father. When his uncle receives a message, Sam slowly finds his own way into the Grid. That's when the real adventure begins, and the most interesting parts of the movie prevail! The Grid is no longer the safe place he thought of or first imagined. Clu, the ruler of the Grid, forces him into battles of survival, putting him up against challenges with other programs. This is one of the best parts of the movie- the battles! The disc war and the motorbike wipeout, to be exact. The effects generated in these scenes are spectacular, with timely slow motion actions to create suspense and anticipation. The formation of the bike in computer looks stunning and as a teen, we go 'wow' and we wish we can own it in our real world.

His ultimate goal is to search for his father and tries to bring him back into the real world. With the aid of Quorra (Olivia Wilde), she leads him to his father and they have to exit the Grid before the gateway closes. Race to the exit is exhilarating, again with its stunning visuals of the jet fights. No doubt, this movie places its emphasis on graphical effects and it surely is well paid off! The storyline may be common, draggy at the development and rather predictable, but I always believe in the 'how' than the 'what', and the 'how' especially the aforementioned scenes triumphs in this movie.

It has great cast, in that sense a good selling point as it brings back Jeff Bridges and Bruce Boxleitner from its original TRON, and Garrett to me is the perfect guy to play Sam.

I look for lessons to learn in movies and in this, I found family love and cooperation to work out best. Without a doubt, Sam and Kevin shares a typical father-son love that drives one another to bring out the best, even going the extra mile. Sacrifices by fathers for sons and courageous acts from sons to their fathers clearly displayed in this movie. And of course, without teamwork, there is no way to survive in the battles.

While this movie has values to learn and great acting, the best remark I can say goes to its effects (once again) and it is the effects alone that will appeal to you and makes you want to watch this movie. Get ready for a ride of its brilliant graphic!

Gulliver's Travels

Gulliver is Black!
Gulliver's Travels has Jack Black's signature all over it. Without him, or more precisely without him playing the character Gulliver, there won't be a movie produced.

Although there are sub characters carrying minor issues and elements to the movie, it goes back to Gulliver again as he is the root of chaining events. There is a slight twist to the classic story of Gulliver, where in this, his journey to the island of Liliput begins in the mysterious Bermuda triangle at an attempt to win Darcy Silverman's (Amanda Peet) heart on the given assignment. Horatio (Jason Segel, and 'How I Met Your Mother' comes to mind) plays his Liliputian friend when he first arrived on the island of Liliput. Segel's performance in this movie is good, and his character shows variety and dynamism such as when in love, friendship, trust. Although boyfriend General Edward (Chris O'Dowd) sees otherwise, Princess Mary (Emily Blunt) likes the presence of Gulliver, what more when he rescued her from being kidnapped. Frankly, Emily didn't work her magic on me this time. Her character seems dull watching her playing princess; I prefer her to play more high-drama, thriller-action roles like 'Wolfman'.

Horatio is in love with Mary but due to their status difference that pull them apart, Horatio seeks for advice and consults Gulliver. What he doesn't know is that Gulliver's love life isn't that smooth sailing and so following his advices blindly led him to adverse results. The Liliputians also look to him as their idol after his brave act to save the princess and their kingdom, but in the real world, Gulliver is just as timid as a tortoise which eventually backfired. These events display another key meaning to the movie, that what Gulliver was is not the same as what he is. And his lies later force him to be thrown away from the island. After realizing his mistakes, he returns to help the people in Liliput. He now vows to win the love of his life, Darcy, for real.

Talking about big and small, which this movie tags about, it does have some good moments and some bad moments. Some parts were funny and entertaining, and some parts went 'eeew...' followed by laughter in the cinema such as when Gulliver falls onto one of the Liliputian, showing part of his back, or when he urinates on the burning palace to rescue the princess, or when the canons fired to his belly got bounced back due to the fat in his tummy! Promoting peace not war, in short, Gulliver's Travels isn't that entirely boring if you lower your expectations. Have your heart set to laugh, sit back and promise yourself to enjoy what Gulliver's Travels has to show. Not bad for a family movie night out too. Otherwise, this might not be your pick for the weekend.

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