Reviews (1)

  • This documentary filled in a lot of gaps for me personally. I was a student of Bas Jan back in 1975. I actually was one of the performers in his final gallery performance at the Claire Copley Gallery, in Los Angeles. If you look at the slide documentary of the choir which was singing sea shanties, I was the lone Asian male on the left. Later, after that summer, when Bas Jan set out to sale across the Atlantic, me and his other students met for his next class in October of 1975. Bas Jan was a no show for several weeks. Finally they replaced Bas Jan with another professor. We were of course disappointed, but were never told the facts of his disappearance. We only heard rumors. Now, 35 years later, I finally learned the entire story, as told by his wife, and other friends and family in this documentary. You've heard the phrase, "life imitating Art" or "Art imitating Life." Bas Jans life was his Art. No imitations at all. It was true Art, lived as life. He was the ultimate Performance Artist. His integrity, his purity, his wholeness had no boundary to where Life ended and Art began. This is what he taught. This is how he lived. The documentary was a real honor to his memory.