
IMDb member since August 2010
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Meg 2: The Trench

HONEST REVIEW - Meg 2 has forgotten what type of movie it's intended to be
Meg 2 stands for Mega failure. Writing horrible, acting mediocre at best, graphics average, but directing well let's just say it's non-present.

The director Ben Wheatley has really lost grasp of what The Meg is about, it's a film about a giant shark who terrorise everything in its path. You know a film is bad when not even the stellar Jason Statham himself cannot save the film.

The best way to describe this film is it has identity crisis. It begins with a Transporter type theme, then it switches to The Martian vibe before it goes full throttle on Alzheimer's disease and actually losses track of what type of film it was supposed to be.

The audience loved the first one because it's a simple story about hunting a giant shark. This is a simple instinct that people can relate to. Sadly the same cannot be said about part 2 in this franchise building universe. All I pray for is if there is to be The Meg 3 then please bring back Jon Turteltaub.

Verdict: watch it if you literally have nothing else to do and want some mind numbing entertainment. That plus it's always good to see Jason Statham in action. 3/10 for me.

Mission: Impossible - Dead Reckoning Part One

Tom Cruise HAS DONE IT AGAIN (10/10)
Do yourself a big favour and watch this movie in the biggest baddest cinema near you. I genuinely mean it that Tom Cruise and collab with 3rd time returning MI director Christopher McQuarrie is MAGICAL.

Where do I begin, opening underwater scene is breathtaking and instantly transforms you to the MI world where you forget about your daily grind, work or anything that might be on your mind. This film is so wonderfully crafted that the writers know how to keep you on the edge of your seat the entire movie.

The stunts are flawless, bigger and badder than ever, the stakes are higher, the twists are aplenty and Tom Cruise well is Ethan Hunt. As for the support cast their effort is exceptional from the likes of Hayley, Ving, Simon, Rebecca and Vanessa (they compliment Tom Cruise beautifully in this film).

Additionally we see a vulnerable side to Ethan Hunt and how he cares about his friends despite always being labelled as a selfish man who always worries about himself - this couldn't be further from the truth!

The story is exceptional, the directing is flawless and the stunts are impressive with some seriously well timed humour and LOL moments. This is a spoiler-free review and cannot wait for MI - DR P2. Thank you Tom and Chris for giving us this gift. :D Hani.

The Matrix Resurrections

ABSOLUTELY BRILLIANT 10/10. Please do not listen to the negatives and trust your instincts
Honest and bare review.

Do you need to be a fan of The Matrix sage (1, 2 and 3) to enjoy this 4th installment? No.

Will it help? Yes indeed it does.

This movie by Lana Wachowski (only one of the two sisters) delivers on every punch. The story carries itself very well and continues the love arc between the two main characters Neo (played by the one and only Keanu Reeves) and Trinity (played by Carrie-Anne Moss). Watching these two characters on the big screen is surreal given their unique love story. Whenever those two are on screen you can feel the magic palpitating between them - it's just so nice to witness. The rest of the supporting cast play a critical role in enticing the audience to the richness of the story. Yahya Abdul-Mateen as young Morpheus is a gentle touch, while watch the new comer Jonathan Groff as Agent Smith is both exciting and fresh.

For me this movie definitely delivered on what was promised with just enough comic relief moments and insane action scene to keep you engaged the whole way through. The movie is nearly 2.5 hours long but I found myself stuck to the screen and not once had to check the time.

I don't understand why some are giving this latest and 4th part a hard time. This is a movie guys and is meant to be enjoyed and not criticising every minute of it. This movie is about the unspeakable and elusive love that we as humans all yearn and long for. That what Neo is ultimately aiming for but this time the choice is not up to him but rather resides with Trinity to make it for the both of them; talk about a nice twist from the first trilogy films.

For me this movie is a solid 8/10 and a great watch and continuation to The Matrix franchise. However due to the undue negative reviews by others I think it is only fair to score this movie 10/10.

Thank you The Wachowski sisters (returning director Lana W.) for bringing this version to life and look forward to (hopefully!) the next 5th installment. :D



Eerie movie with an eerie atmosphere...
Wow oh wow not sure why this film is getting a bad rep. The director Scott Cooper delivers in this movie with the exceptionally eerie atmosphere, outstanding cinematography and the creepy music that makes your skin crawl.

The script whilst not the best it carries the movie through with a solid cast from Keri Russell who never seems to disappoint. Equally the young boy Lucas played by Jeremy Thomas is fantastic and creepily plays his role to what I thought was the equally perfect amount of weird and just right out demonic.

If you can suspend reality for a second then this movie is just right, and the director will make sure you are rewarded for your patience for the movie to unfold. Antlers will hook you in and keep you compelled to watch the screen until the very last frame. Worth watching a good 8/10.


Jupiter Ascending

Pains me to say this but Jupiter Ascending failed to ascend...
With every fibre in my bein it really pains me to say but this film just failed to deliver. I am biased because I am a fan of the Wachowski's sisters films (yes Matrix indeed) and was looking so forward to watching this one. I didn't get around to watching it until 6 years later after its release now in 2021. Minutes after the opening seen I could see what was wrong with this film, the script. The script was weak, the CGI was way over the top, and the acting was nearly good despite the stellar cast.

All in all this film is not bad and worth a watch; just don't get your hope up and if you lower your expectations then this is highly advisable.

As mentioned I generally love the Wachowski's work but on this occasion for me it was a misfire. The CGI is okay and the leading cast members make it worth while. Enjoy! :)



What happened? Did Antoine Fuqua run out of good ideas...
Sadly this movie just doesn't deliver. I had high expectations when I learned about this stellar cast and of course the project being directed by one of my all time favourite action movies Antoine Fuqua. Something with this movie didn't click whether it was the poor script, the horrible CGI or simply just a case of reaching far too out that you managed to get your own hand chopped off.

The main protagonist and antagonist Mark and Chiwetel both deliver in the sense that the bad guy is after something to achieve world annihilation (nothing new here of course). Sophie as Nora plays a great supporting role and she was fully believable. However the story just didn't gel well and after nearly 110 minutes I found myself asking what the hell just happened. Some of the names and objects in this film fell flat and made up by like a 5 year old.

Don't get me wrong I love the cast and director of this movie but much to my dismay this film just doesn't deliver. However if you just want to watch some mindless action scenes without any cause or rhyme or reason then you will enjoy this film. My rating is 4/10 (just for the decent action scenes!)

Ash vs Evil Dead

Sam Raimi and Bruce Campbell make a solid team since the early days of Evil Dead. This show is simply a comedic continuation of the jump scares, witty dialogue, cool characters and the amazing and brilliant writing.

I am utterly disappointed when I heard this show got cancelled because I couldn't just understand why for the life of me. Very sad and disappointed!

Overall this show truly deserves a solid 10/10, and if you give it any less, then you don't know what you're talking about.

Black Christmas

Had all the right elements, but failed miserably on execution
I REALLY really tried to like this film but OMG it just went from bad to worse. I don't mean to hate on this film because I can see how much effort went into it but unfortunately the execution was a failure. The narrative was a basic one where a bunch of sorority girls get attacked by some unknown entity (no spoilers here!) so I thought to myself okay goodie this will be a good horror watch for a Sunday night evening. Boy was I wrong!! Honestly the plot was stale, boring and predictable to the T. The ending was trying to create a climax of feminine super power but it just lacked vigor and was rather awkward and didn't flow. I had to give this a rating of 2/10 because the only reason it didn't get a 1/10 from me because I respect the effort put into it by the director and the crew. Sorry but this is my honest genuine review.

Bad Boys for Life

Bad Boys for Life - Bad Movie (Bad as in GREAT!!)
**Spoiler free review

If you are a fan of the Bad Boys franchise then you will absolutely fall in love with this film. If you are new to the BBF, then you will ALSO LOVE THIS FILM.

This film has simply has it all:
  • Mike and Marcus duo are back and better (and funnier) than ever before
  • New directors Adil & Bilall have definitely stepped up to the plate after the phenomenal Michael Bay
  • Action
  • Thriller
  • Comedy
  • Awesome soundtrack, and much much more

This movie is just over 2 hours long and you know it is a good movie when the time passes by and you are stunned thinking "can I have more?". The plot wasn't exactly great but this is my being overcritical; it was good enough to carry the film over but with powerful performance from Will Smith and Martin Lawrence you know they will steal the show. This is not to discount the supporting new cast, and some old, to which they all helped to build this into a near perfect film.

The narrative continues pretty much from where we left off from BB2 but the story and the cast have gotten older and wise (ummmm!) and sillier. For me the standout performance was MARCUS (Martin Lawrence), I am not sure what wavelength this guy was on but boy did he put the BAD in Bad Boys for Life.

10/10 go in and enjoy this film :)

Take Me Out

AMAZING Night Time Tele to have a laugh
If you are going to take this programme seriously then let me save you the heartache because it is not the show for you. TAKE ME OUT is at the very heart of it is a fun light-hearted show that is meant to entertain and taken by face value. No more no less.

The premise is a simple one, 1 guy comes out the "love lift" and chooses from 30 girls but not until the girls have their chance first to show their interest or disinterest by deciding whether or not to keep their lights on.

The host, Paddy, is one of UK's best TV personnel and he takes this show to another level that no else in my opinion is capable of doing. His witty, quick remarks, perfect comebacks, funny gags by making fun at everyone including himself is the quintessence needed to make this show thrive.

10/10, watch it for what it is and you are guaranteed to have a laugh, or two.

The Titan Games

Great athletic and entertaining show for the whole family
Please do yourself a favour and IGNORE all the low/negative comments about this show. I watched the first episode of this NBC show and found myself hooked and followed the entire season.

The show is beautifully designed, decent commentators, difficult and unique obstacles and not to mention the added bonus of The Rock (DJ). The backstory of each character is brilliant for an emotional hook and it shows clearly what is the driving passion behind each of the competitors.

You do not have to be an athletic person to enjoy this but it certainly helps to motivate you and uplift your energy.

Thank you DJ for a great show and really hope we can look forward to a second season (and many more to come).

Ps spelling is from New Zealand in case you notice the extra letters :)

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