
IMDb member since September 2010
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Game of Thrones: The Last of the Starks
Episode 4, Season 8

Extremely Disappointed
Horrible Writing,horrible storytelling,horrible attempts for emotionally leading. What to say more , prob the weakest episode in the whole series so far . And i dont assume will get any better

The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King

Gazilion years later this game is still fun
Recently the nostalgia got the best of me and decided to give this game a nice rerun. I remember how much fun i had when was kid and how much i struggled till i learn how to push the ladders down :D

Mind the fact that i played this game on PC , i know on consoles it had terrible camera but i still gave it 10.

But lets begin .this game "follow" the story of the movie and in my option it follows it good for game . Most of the games based on movies are terrible fast cash and grab . But not this game . There was some nice love put in here. Is your basic hack and slash, but the levels are nice made, the difficulty is set well and there have been put some extra work overall . Especially the graphics which have aged quite well .The only problem i had with this game , is to short you can finish it in 4-5 hours . But for reward for finishing a level you get a nice interview with few of the cast of the movie, which in my option fix the issue

Any way if you came here by nostalgia give it another go is still awesome . And if your thinking to try this old game same ,you wont be disappointed especially if your LOTR fan :)

Container Wars

So Fake is Painful
Lets start with that i have watch most of this type of shows and i need to be honest . this is the worst . Yes most are fake but this one is fake of the fakes .most of this type of shows use real pawn shop owners which give it a bit sort of realism,but this one use actors .the setting is awful (between containers and working environment o yea they definitely gone do auction there )the reactions of the actors is very fake , the script it awful,did i say the containers are terrible ? you can watch this kind of shows for education purpose like trivia learn something new with every episode about something you wont expect , not here . this show is total brain killer and need to be stopped because is insult to the viewers

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