
IMDb member since May 2003
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Dormir al sol

best Argentinean film of the year
What starts as a quiet portrait of a family dealing with mental illness suddenly, and almost imperceptibly becomes a science-fiction horror film that is predictable, but fascinating until the end. It's not hard to figure out what exactly happens to Diana, or where the film is going all together, but Asleep in the Sun is so beautifully crafted, you won't care. There are times when the camera makes the audience take the point of view of certain characters in a wonderfully inventive way. And similarly to what David Lynch did in the opening of Mulholland Dr., it takes quite a while before we find out the significance of these moments, and what they mean. Also akin to Mulholland Dr., some of it is up to interpretation. As a period piece, if the term can be used to describe the piece, it's wonderfully set, down to the cars on the street, furniture, hospital equipment. It's beautiful.

Hoy y mañana

Is one of the best Argentinian films i have seen in my life
Is one of the best Argentinian films i have seen in my life, almost a master piece. You should all see it.

Briefly, the story is:

After her gas is cut off, Paula - an aspiring actress - finds her day going from bad to worse. Unable to borrow money from her friends, or from her estranged father, she is then propositioned by the director of her play and loses her job. Needing 300 pesos to pay off her landlord, she turns to an old school friend, now a prostitute, in the hope of getting some cash. The perils she faces through this awful day continue through the night. Will she be able to cope with her new professions? What will tomorrow bring?

Setting it over the course of a single day and night, he manages to weave a series of perilous situations for his central character to overcome. But this is no simple tale of black-and-white morality, or an uplifting fable of hard work overcoming all.

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