
IMDb member since October 2010
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    IMDb Member
    13 years


City Homicide

I have been a dedicated viewer of "City Homicide" for quite some time now. Each week I religiously turn on to Channel Seven and prepare to enjoy an episode. In the time that I have watched the show, I have come to recognise a gradual progression towards improvement in all areas of production. Recently however, two of the main characters from "City Homicide", Shane Bourne, (Daniel Wolfe) and Daniel MacPherson (Simon Joyner), have made a quiet exit beneath the radar so to speak. In their absence, the remainder of the cast have been left to look after the ship. The tight, enthralling episodes that were to be looked forward to each week have been replaced with weak characterless insipid plots featuring the very worst performances from the cast. However, with such tedious scripts being allocated to the actors, who could blame them for being a little lack-lustre? The episode that went to air this evening AEST, Wednesday 6th October, 2010, almost sent me to sleep in the first 10 minutes. I ended up turning it off. The previous episode, a week earlier, had the same effect. I ended up not seeing the conclusion. Please don't get me wrong; I look forward to watching this show each week. But, I'm telling you it "ain't making it" at the moment. And if I'm loosing "my" interest, I wonder how many others are as well? One other thing; the new detective that has been brought into the show, (can't recall his name at the moment), is obnoxious! The character he plays, or tries to, educated at Oxford, is just so unbelievable. This character is ruining what was becoming a top-notch crime series. Suggestion, recast him in an occasional appearance role as a gay CSI tech. Yes, it would work!

So, what to do? · Scriptwriters get your act together. Start producing some of the exhilarating material we know you are capable of. Fire up your imagination etc. · Get the original cast back and start interacting and acting! · What's the best source for scripting crime stories?

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