
IMDb member since May 2003
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OSS 117: Le Caire, nid d'espions

A very fresh exercise
Excellent exercise on multiple plans:

  • showing the not yet ended colonialism spirit in France

  • more generally the boring mindset of superiority from all western people

  • a renewal of the spy and thriller movies: OSS 117 is uncultured and stupid!

The good idea is that, in spite of all these messages, it is a funny film, plenty of jokes and gags, very light and sparkling.

Special mention to Jean Dujardin and Berenice Bejo.

Definitely worth seeing. Wonder how it will be appreciated in US?

Seems to be a success in France, so probably a next version will come.


Very moving view of Ukraine / Eastern Europe
Seeing the film and more importantly the background scenes, one can understand how high could be the desire of eastern countries to develop. It is our duty to assist them and provide an alternative to mafia. It is urgent and difficult as a bit late.

This said I presume the author has also paid a debt to Federico Fellini given more or less tributes to Amarcord, Il Bidone and E La Nave Va.

Good movie by the way with some good scenes.

Philippe from France

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