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No Time to Die

Never trusting user reviews again! Bombarding it with low ratings.
Common every movie has it's flaws. But to bombard it with low rating reviews is pathetic. The music by Hans Zimmer itself elevates the movie to one of solid Bond movies. Each scene has an intense score and rhythm that just compliments the beautiful cinematography (beautifully captured by IMAX). This is movie is a spectacle through just visuals and music.

It's not to say that it has no flaws. Is the villain motivation weak? Yes no one could every come close to Casino Royale in that regard. Is the new 007 unnecessary in the movie? Yes. Could the ending have been better? Yes.

But don't let that take you away from the beautiful set pieces the movie has, the action scenes, the payoff that it pays to Daniel Craig character in the whole movie (with the iconic Bond shot present in the movie), the wonderful Ana de Armas who in 15 mins stole the show (such a beautiful performance), the music.

Such a shame people externally motivated due to xyz reasons are bombarding good movies these days making it hard for a person like me to understand if it's bad movie or a great movie with 1-2 things wrong that make people lose their mind. Thank you Daniel Craig in making Bond an iconic character for my generation. You sir deserve a grateful salute for your consistent amazing performance.

American Vandal

What starts as a parody takes an interesting mindful turn in the end! Definitely binge worthy.
It surprising how the show went from the initial hilarious parody content to actually questioning the labels we put in our society and how people judge a book by the cover or even after reading a few page. American Vandal surprised with how well it balances laughs and seriousness. Each episode has a cliffhanger approach and how it approaches to resolve the 'who done it' situation was very interesting.

If there is a show that you want to watch for great character arc, hilarious content and some real parody detective stuff. This show is the way to go. I specially want to callout how they made me feel differently about the lead character through each episode and by the very end it had added another layer to the character. I hope they come up with another season, this was truly refreshing to see and very entertaining in its approach.

Highly recommended.

One Punch Man: Wanpanman: The Strongest Hero
Episode 12, Season 1

So much punch packed in one single episode!
I am a sucker for endings done right. And this series hands down beats all recent anime endings I have watched. Why? Because it makes you want more but also leaves you with a funny closure, Saitama back to one punch victories.

The series has been so detailed about Saitama powers and yet not revealing the story behind it. Like when he is thrown to moon and he throws a stone just to see how much power it will be required to go back to earth without destroying the moon. Just amazing.

It's killing me not knowing how this god came into being. Though we finally get to see (one of?) his ultimate move, the SERIOUS PUNCH. You can imagine the fight if you know he had to use this move.

It's also killing me that no one other than Genos knows Saitama's true power. But I think that's what a strongest hero is. It's not the kind of person who boasts and goes mad across the galaxy to find a match for himself (Lord Boros) or even someone who without participating calls others weak (Amai Masuku) or even the powerful telekinesis who is too full of herself (Tatsumaki) but a person who even after defeating his enemy with one move appreciates the battle they had. I think it's this humble, just want to find the right enemy type of hero that this title is so apt for. And I can't wait for Genos to learn the same from the best sensei he could have found.

This season was perfect set up stage for saitama, hero's association, character development for heroes and mystery around each one of them. In love with one punch man.

Dexter: Swim Deep
Episode 5, Season 7

Isaac Sirko: The Terminator!
I love the character development in this episode, esp. Isaac's. Man, he's bada**, completely psychotic and I think he will not be put down so easily. After all, he is the terminator. There is definitely more Isaac coming, and he may just turn out to be the best villain in the series. Well, him and Brian.

The plot is thickening, with Isaac's blood thirst, Hannah and her dark secret, and surprisingly Quinn coming into picture. I am loving how this season is developing, sometimes fast and sometimes slow. But so well connected.

I love Debra freaking out scene and how she regroups herself. I think it was her personal best cursing in the whole series. Ha.

Dexter still hiding facts from Debra, after putting her a** on line, is surely going to end the wrong way. But Dexter, being always protectful of her sister, does want her to 'swim deep'. And Laguerta digging deep into the Doakes case will definitely take an interesting turn. I can just feel it.

This season is becoming more thrilling and suspenseful with each episode. Hats off to the writers. What a comeback!


Dexter: Run
Episode 4, Season 7

Dexter is so back!
This is my first review for an episode. So amazing was it, I had to share it.

This season is turning out to be the best season of 'Dexter'. What an episode! 'Run' is full of suspense and twists. The writing and direction is brilliant.

Some of the scenes deserve a special mention: Dexter: Speltzer forces me to go down, what happens if go up. Funny!

Dexter lays a card for Speltzer 'Stay'. Epic!

One of the best kills of the season, and series in fact. I was so disappointed with the 'airport' kill in the first episode. (in terms of realistic) This one was so epic!

The SCORE of this episode is the best in the series, esp. the tune that plays when Dexter kills Spleltzer.

And the last scene, Debra: I am glad, what does it make me? Dexter: Human. Fantastic! There were few others, but I don't want to give it all away.

10/10. Just an amazing episode, I am so looking forward for the next episode. What a fantastic start to Season 7. WATCH IT.

Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol

Mission Accomplished...!
First off, this has been a good year for all the sequels with Fast Five, Harry Potter & the Deathly Hallows, X-Men, Kungfu Panda 2...and now Ghost Protocol. All these have one thing in common...all are above 7.0 on my rating chart.

Now, Ethan Hunt is back and he sure is looking for some pumped up-action...the movie starts off with a bang and sure keeps the momentum going...there are some hilarious scenes in the movie, I mention it because the whole audience was laughing along with me...and it was surprising as i had seldom seen this happen.

The Plot: it's a bit above average...bad guy gets hands on nuke codes and the IMF team (Tom Cruise, Paula Patton, Simon Pegg and Jeremy Renner) has to stop the bad guy from destroying the world...but there are twists ans turns that keep you on the edge and overall gives you a thrilling ,exciting combined with good humor...a perfect winter break movie.

The best part of the movie is the Burj Khalifa part...amazingly shot and hats off for tom cruise on his work...doing all those stunts sure takes some guts! Has some faults here and there, but unless you are not a big critic...i am sure you would come out, with a smile on your face.


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