
IMDb member since November 2010
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Hard Core Logo 2

Amazing film!
I've never seen Hard Core Logo, and I rented this film from the itunes store due its good reviews and intriguing preview. I actually thought this film was phenomenal, but I should preface that with the fact that I thought it was a documentary! As in, it was all true/based on real facts. Now one could argue that perceiving the events to be real totally skewed my judgement of the film, but I would respond with 1. how incredible does the acting and directing have to be for me to actually be convinced that it was REAL LIFE, and 2. why does the fact that it is fictional make it inherently less interesting? Anyway, the directing was absolutely gorgeous, I greatly enjoyed the mixture of rock music/the supernatural/documentary filmmaking, and I think it was a truly gripping story. Not sure why many people on here seem to find it so lacklustre, but my advice would be, please watch it and judge for yourself! I think it was an amazingly well-crafted film and would definitely recommend it to anyone.

The Moth Diaries

Good, but could have been great.
I think that this film had an interesting (while not entirely original) plot, but from what I've heard about the book, should have been better than it was. It showed some very promising acting from a few young actresses and I liked the directing. The main problems are that there wasn't enough character development of, well, any of them, the resolution seemed rushed and not nearly as epic as it could have been, and the mystery surrounding the character of Ernessa was, instead of intriguing, just puzzling. It's a little hard to describe, but I didn't feel that intangible suspense and relation to the characters that I'd like to have felt. Overall, I'd say it's worth a watch, but I do wish it had been better crafted.

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