
IMDb member since November 2010
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    13 years



great movie
I watched this movie after a month it came out on DVD. it was a really great entertainer. people say the music tracks are the ones that made the movie a success but I think they're only part of the success. This is a great adventure story about a guy taking a beautiful girl that he met for a long drive to bombay. this is every guys dream to ride a car with a girl like that and karthik pulled it off excellently. the fight scenes were really incredible, and I really enjoyed the suspense music that is used every time a fight is about to happen. I am actually from the USA and this would really please foreigners as well, if they had dub this move in English it would have been a great success like transporter which has a similar car drive storyline.


outstanding effort by Shankar
If you guys are going to criticize this sci-fi film think again.. this is the 1st time India produced an expensive sci-fi film.. they usually make commercial masala film and they would never think of doing a movie about a robot but Shankar did and made it a huge hit.. The visual effects were amazing with coming from an Indian movie and even though it is the most expensive movie ever made. it is nothing compared to Hollywood movies but with a budget of 30 million dollars the visual effects are astonishing comparing to The Matrix which had a budget of 300 million... I would recommend this movie to all of you even if you don't speak Tamil,Hindi or any other Indian languages.


NOt a remake of Hum
Someone should change the sypnosis.. this movie is not at all a remake of Hum. i read the plot line in wikipedia and its not even close to the plot of Baasha.. Baasha is an original movie starring Rajini and this is one of his biggest hits ever.

Anyways.. i would recommend all of you to watch this movie if you guys just heard of him after watching Endhiran.. this is a great gangster-mob movie.. its about a person trying to lead a normal life ever since his dad died because of his rivals when he was a mobster.. but karma bites back when he had to fight to save his sister and his brother questioned him about his past when all the baddies that he fought were in life- threatening condition... this is a really great movie even though it was made in the 90.. please watch this movie and let the word out about this great film

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