
IMDb member since November 2010
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It's worse than I thought
My rating was declining along the episodes. When I met to the last one I felt it's a total disaster.

Acting is very poor, except Lee pace.

CGI effects are OK, seems cheap but do not compromise.

Plot is a slow pace which I'm fine, but in most of time it's make no sense.

From Asimov books, just a name, nothing else.

Do not recommend !

Breaking Bad

The most overrated TV show
It's a good show, very well acting, BUT, always have a but... The plot is very unrealistic, the show has content for 3 seasons only. It's should ends in the 4th at most, but we know how it's work, let's make another unrelated season to make more money, even if it's make no sense.

It's far from one of the best shows ever, You might disagree if you are American.

I Care a Lot

There are more holes in the plot than a swiss cheese
A good acting, an interesting story but a terribly and lazy plot. If you like things that make sense, this is not your film.


The show is all about sex!
The show is Ok, good story, well acted, but has a lot of sex scenes, it's seems very forced. It's come from nowhere, two people are talking about let's say, rock scissor and paper, then, they have a insane will to have sex.


Rubbish or worse
Nothing in this movie make any sense, this is a worse version of the bad movie "The witch".

It's begins ok, a mother who suffers a illness, but nothing related to cursed. Then, a after many years (we don't know) the child became a mother and the horror movie starts, ok, there is no horror, no sobrenatural, no Thriller, no scary, no logic, nothing good. Seriously, people who like this movie should get some help! It's boring, make no sense, boring again. Top 10 of the worst movies ever (and I've been watched quite while).

A Primeira Tentação de Cristo

Doesn't matter ur faith it's a terrible movie
I'm a Christian but not a devoted one, to be honest, I don't go to the church for many years and no planning to go any time soon. That's being said, this movie sucks, seriously, it's bad acting (I'm a porta dos fundos fan), terrible plot, no script, nothing good come from it. If you want to mock Jesus Christ, fine, I don't care, i love south park and they used to this, but if want to mock my intelligence, then we've got a problem.

Most of people are saying it's good or bad because their faith and believes, I'm saying it's bad because it is, not because I'm offended, not because my faith, or my political view, it's just bad. watch for yourself and take ur own conclusions, I believe we'll meet our opinions.


Just ridiculous movie
If you are a kind of no brain person, it might entertain you, but if not, you'll notice this is a really bad movie.

Apart of good acting, This movie doesn't make any sense.

Let's make in a reversed way:

the boy is the devil's son, but suffered all time for being sick from a illness which he never had.

I'm sorry if this sounds stupid, but its the plot of this movie. Ahhh, I almost forget, he is guided by a mosquito. Good lucky for those who decided to watch.

The Bad Batch

Don't, again, do not watch
Dont need to write the history down, this film doesnt deserves this!

I'm pretty sure that the reviews above 6 are from the same person, coz its IMPOSSIBLE to exist two or more people who likes this!

This probably is the worst film ever!

So, don't, just don't watch this film

The OA: Angel of Death
Episode 1, Season 2

Doesn't worth 15 minutes and doesn't get better after 30.
I watched the first season and it was OK, then when Netflix released the second season I tried to watch it.

The story started few hours earlier the end of the first season and it's a complete messy. Everything doesn't make any sense.

Seriously a kid who walked with a completely strange and take to abandoned mansion and he KNOWS a password of Michelle mobile?

People acting strange in the hospital, making a treatment against the patient will?

I guess she went to a parallel world and the story makes sense in the end of the season, but the first half hour make me give up for the whole series.


Dont, just dont, I'm warning you, DO NOT WATCH IT!
I don know how to start.

Its one of worst, if is not the worst movie ever made!

They claim to show 4 stories with a female perspective and the least awful story is the first one (The box), wrote by a man. The next three others stories are worse than awful, "they make no sense in every sense" (its a joke). I think they tried to make a new "Little Deaths (2011)", british movie with 3 terror stories, but they failure in everything, casting, acting, directing and most of all, the plot.

again, don't!

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