
IMDb member since November 2010
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    IMDb Member
    13 years


Pop Rocks

Great family movie
This was not an A movie or a big budget picture with some weighty theme and frankly, I wasn't really all that interested initially, but thought my daughter would like it. I was pleasantly surprised and it ended up being a fantastic family movie with a couple of great messages.

The acting and writing were quite good. The story was great! Over all it was a really fun movie, which is why I watch movies. A movie should be fun and entertaining - this was both.

The only disappointing part is that it was never released to DVD and as far as I know was not aired after it first appeared. I would have bought a DVD for My little girl - she absolutely loved it.


Not a comedy...
As a Comedy, it stunk. It had only a couple of funny moments that were shown in the trailers - no other funny parts...

In actuality, it is a tear jerker. I don't know why they classify it as Comedy or why the trailers gave the impression of a Comedy. As a real stepmom, myself, I was hoping to see a lighter-side comedy about relationships that can be difficult and sometimes pretty tough and even heartbreaking; instead, it was about a relationship that was forced/forged through tragedy - not much to laugh about in the tragic second half of the movie.

That being said, it was well written and well executed and as a Drama it was really good. The acting was superb and the writing was excellent. I was disappointed because I had been in the mood for a Comedy when I watched it.

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