
IMDb member since May 2003
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Gojira Mosura Kingu Gidora Daikaijû sôkôgeki

Awesome film, despite a few changes in the mythos. - Spoilers
Well, I just finished watching Godzilla, Mothra, King Ghidorah: Giant Monsters' All Out Attack.

As you may or may not know this is 25th film in the long-running series of films featuring Godzilla or "Gojira" in Japan. Being a huge fan of "Goji" films for a while now, I just had to see this movie. Man, was I not disappointed one bit!

For starters, those who are familiar with these movies know the basic history; Godzilla was created, mutated or resurrected (Depending on which you believe of the many different hinted origins) by atomic energy. Energy dispersed by the countless nuclear tests done in the pacific during a time a technological ignorance and paranoia.


Everything about this movie is just beautiful to me, the acting, story. Let me start by saying that Godzilla has changed drastically from his previous incarnations. He is now portrayed as an enormous entity composed of the vengeful spirits wronged during the horrors of WW II in the pacific.

The appearance of the three "Guardian Monsters", Baragon (Who hasn't seen screen time in the longest), Mothra; and King Ghidorah as benevolent creatures just owned. The fight sequences were amazing and it's official, Toho's really gotten the hang of mixing real people with the monsters in one shot.

The guardian monsters were redesigned to look more threatening, specifically Godzilla and Mothra. Mothra was given hornet-like properties as well as multiple stingers which shoot out from her abdomen. King Ghidorah was marginally redesigned as well and although his necks are nowhere near as serpent like as they were before, he looks alot more royal. Baragon for the most part remained the same, except for the removal of some things he could do back then. Namely breath fire but Godzilla is by far the biggest change; from:

Destructive, to a hero, then a tragic monster, now a malevolent creature. Many scenes make sure you get this, such as scenes where Godzilla purposely kills thousands of people and what appears to be satisfaction afterward. There are quite a few scenes which were disturbing seeing how Goji is now just plain mean.

Damn, just see it already!

The english dubbing is actually not that bad, I mean they've almost always sounded corny; but this one's actually good. The music by Ko Otani was an odd choice, simply because much of his compositions have electronic influences. I loved it regardless. Of course, Akira Ifukube's famous cue showed up at the last scene and it was the cherry on top. :)

The story? Very well done, in my opinion. Yuri's tenacity coupled with her father General Tachibana's proclivity for duty and keeping alive the memory of what happened 50 years before was cool. Some of the subplots weren't exactly resolved unfortunately, but with all that's going on and the fact that you get caught up with the story. You're not missing much when it comes to those little sidestories.

Oh, just stop reading this already and see it!

The special effects and production design in this movie were just great, director Shusuke Kaneko really had a flair for tone and vision and I got completely immersed in this movie.

Bottom Line?

See it dammit.



An ok show given the problems it underwent in pre-production.
Ah, yes. "DarkStalkers". Yet another attempt to capitalize on Capcom's overwhelming success in the 90's. Another example of this was the superior Street Fighter animated series loosely based on the movie, the story was altered a bit; but that series had much better production value.

The problem with "Darkstalkers" was that in pre-production Kenzo Tsujimoto (Capcom's Marketing, Producing guy)wasn't quite sure how to go with the show in terms of its target audience. The US.

Thus we were given a sometimes hammy perspective on the Capcom game in which monster archtypes beat the crap out of each other. The animation was sub-par, as befits Graz Entertainment; the team responsible for a great animated series show called "X-Men". To the dislike of many fans of the game, the introduction of an original character named Harry Grimore (The descendant of a powerful sorcerer)made the show even more hammy.

Also, they were numerous odd lines and undertones in the show; some of which were always funny to hear. Lines like "Even though you are curiously attractive...for a fish-man" were constantly uttered even by male characters such as Donovan, Anakaris.

In the end, the show turned out to be a failure lasting only one season, although there are a few fans out there such as myself.

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