
IMDb member since November 2010
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Overrated rip-off of a Movie
The only reason this movie was worth watching was the graphics. The acting was bad, the plot is the exact same thing as Dances with Wolves and Pocahontas, and it is extremely overrated. An 8.2 on this site is a compliment. This deserves a 6.2 at the max. you can tell I hate a movie when I'm rooting for the bad guys. I was rooting for the humans while watching this movie. The movie is entertaining, but it's long and has really stupid parts that should have been cut out. It's also quite scary watching giant blue things have sex. Thank you very much, James Cameron. Which reminds me, watching this movie made my respect for Cameron drop. He can do better than this. Aaron Seltzer can do better than this. Jason Friedberg can do better than this. Avatar is good for graphics, but bad for everything else.

Down with Love

Tried Too Hard
Down with Love was a nice idea for a movie. I was expecting something fresh and original from this movie. The performances are consistent, and the fast-paced feel of the movie is nice, but the movie tries too hard. When I say the movie tries too hard, I mean the OTHER twist at the end. When Renee's character, Barbara, turns out to also be someone other than who we think she is. I was fine with Ewan's character using another identity, it made sense, but when Renee's character reveals she's someone else, it just ruined the movie for me.

The movie is entertaining, but the twist is just annoying. It was unexpected, I can say that much, but it wasn't needed. The movie could've been much better without that twist.

The Holiday

I love this movie. LOVE IT. It's entertaining to watch, and though it's not exactly unpredictable, you still have those moments where you think, "Ooh, what's gonna happen?" The only things I found wrong with this movie are as follows: They got the timing messed up. When it's morning in America, it's nighttime in England. When in reality, England is 5 hours ahead of America. So unless Amanda (Cameron) woke up at 5, it makes no sense.

The movie IS a drag-on. Over 2 hours. If a few pointless scenes were cut (such as shortening the part where Amanda sees Grahm's kids), then this movie would be even better.

The acting is wonderful with the exception of Cameron. At some points in the movie she just acts AWKWARD. Kate Winslet does spectacular, along with Eli Wallach, Jack Black, and Jude Law. Cameron did great too but seemed out of character.

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