
IMDb member since December 2010
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    13 years


The Block Island Sound

Slow burn mystery-thriller, with a satisfying ending.
The Block Island Sound gives a relatively unique take on an established concept. The pacing is quite good which slowly ramps up the tension and mystery, building nicely to a satisfying ending. Has an almost Lovecraftian atmosphere to it, which some could really enjoy.

Truth Seekers

Mysterious, creepy, charming and very enjoyable
Truth Seekers is an engrossing combination of paranormal horror and intriguing mystery, charmingly softened by endearing and funny characters. Each episode has its own eerie situation that the team must explore, but will also sprinkle tantalising hints that slowly and satisfyingly build up as the season goes on to form an overarching sinister narrative.


Gripping and atmospheric
Underwater's unconventional opening without any setup, jumps straight into the action and is surprisingly engaging from the get go. The set design is atmospheric, almost evoking a deep sea version of Alien. The plot is gripping enough and the tension builds consistently over the course of the film, with a climax that is satisfying and justifies the build up.

My Octopus Teacher

Heartfelt, existential journey
Far from a big budget, globe-spanning wildlife documentary, My Octopus Teacher is incredibly impressive is a very different way. One man's personal journey is reflected in the life of an octopus that he discovers then observes and films every day for a year. It's fascinating to watch the bond between this unlikely pair grow and evolve. The candid and philosophical narration explores this relationship and relates this small, personal story to the larger cycle of nature and the wonder of the wild places of this earth.

Captive State

An excellent work of science fiction.
The dystopian, post-alien invasion setting of Captive State has been so perfectly crafted to create a world that feels truly authentic and almost a little too real. It combines fascinating and unique science fiction concepts with a very engadging, tense and thrilling narrative and believable characters. Captive State is a brilliant example of world-building and amazing piece of science fiction storytelling.

Ready or Not

Stylish horror-comedy
Ready or Not pits a newly wed bride against the wealthy - and homicidal - in-laws on her wedding night. Samara Weaving does a great job at playing the victim while also remaining resilient, and brings a sense of sassy style to the character, aided by her cool and clever costume design (great cosplay potential!). The setting of an extravagant and slightly ominous mansion really adds to the flavour of the film as well. The subtle mystery element to the plot is also concluded with a near perfect ending, which matches the slightly bizarre nature of the film and leaves the film finishing on a high note.

Save Yourselves!

Quaint sci-fi comedy
Save Yourselves is a quaint little sci-fi comedy that follows a young couple as they fumble their way through a rather unique alien invasion, while providing some entertaining social commentary on the smartphone generation. The two main characters are quite endearing in their often pathetic attempts to survive, but you find yourself rooting for them all the same. We have seen this beginning-of-the-end of-the-world type situation before, but the low-key treatment that it receives in this film and the small and personal scale it takes place on, makes it a refreshing and relatable experience.

Palm Springs

Fresh take on Groundhog Day
What if someone else had been stuck repeating the same day with Bill Murray? This is the premise behind Palm Springs, which adds a fresh perspective and allows some interesting emotional themes to be explored, making for a funny and sweet film.

The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou

A whimsical masterpiece
The Life Aquatic's quirky and whimsical adventure story brought to life by its charmingly bizarre cast of characters makes for a truly wonderful film.

The Gentlemen

Entertaining characters and dialogue but plot a bit slow
While the plot might drag in the mid section, it does pick up a little towards the end. The ensemble cast - particularly Hugh Grant and Colin Farrell's characters - make The Gentlemen an entertaining film with some great dialogue.

The Terminator

Sci-fi classic - if a little dated
The Terminator is a science fiction classic, creating the iconic villain and starting what has become a quintessential sci-fi franchise. The film has unfortunately dated a little over the years; the editing, sound effects and dialogue show it's age. However the concept and ideas have certainly endured and continue to inform science fiction to this day.


Hilarious and endearing
Most of us can relate working a job that we don't care about for a company that doesn't care about us. This core theme makes Superstore so relatable and so much fun to be apart of this wonderful family of hilarious and endearing characters, with very witty writing.


Interesting concept but ultimately unsatisfying
Vivarium presents an interesting science fiction concept, but unfortunately there isn't enough substance to make for a satisfying experience. There are scenes throughout the film are successfully eerie and imaginative, but overall the story doesn't feel complete. It feel's more like just a mashup of scenes that you can't really tell if they're interesting and intriguing or just bizarre for no apparent reason.

The King of Staten Island

Heartfelt and genuine
The King of Staten Island is a sweet and relatable coming of age story. We can all relate in one way or another to Pete Davidson's character struggling to let go of the past as life forces him to grow up, even if he's already an adult. The subtle and natural comedy sprinkled throughout enhances the dramatic themes of the film, which make for an at times melancholy, yet ultimately uplifting story.

The Girl with All the Gifts

Original take on the zombie genre
The Girl With All the Gifts offers up a very interesting and original concept for the genre. The first act is by far the strongest section of the film, creating an intriguing world and the young lead gives a great performance. The latter half of the film still has a few original ideas, but unfortunately the story becomes more derivative. If the first section of the film where expanded to create the entire story, I think it would have made for a better film.

Guns Akimbo

High energy action
Guns Akimbo is a high energy action movie, with a wacky premise that makes for a fun ride. I found the super fast editing for some of the action sequences a bit jarring, but the film is worth seeing if not just for Daniel Radcliffe's performance of a hapless character fumbling around trying to make sense of a bizarre situation.

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