Reviews (7)

  • Warning: Spoilers
    Having just seen the final episode of this wonderful 5 year science fiction series I am irresistibly reminded of its arguably best episode (White Tulip).

    Suffice to say, the Fringe creators beautifully pay homage to it in the final episode.

    My advice to anyone interested in this series is to watch a few early episodes to get a sense of the characters and to acclimate to the Fringe alternate reality. Although interesting and well done these early "monster of the week" episodes give way to even more sophisticated and intriguing stories in subsequent seasons.

    Season Two's "White Tulip" is an example of the very best of the series.

    My strong recommendation: Don't sample this series without watching this episode. You will not be sorry.
  • No, this is not the "The Forgotten" or "Dancing with Wolves". This is a comedy Western in the vein of "Cat Ballou" or of "The Frisco Kid" although for me "Gunless" is much more of a hoot. Clearly not a large studio production, this lack of glitz in no way impedes this movie.

    With its tongue firmly planted in its cheek, this fun exercise in the cowboy genre never takes itself too seriously. The result is a very watchable light-hearted film.

    The hero (The Montana Kid) is played by Paul Gross (Men with Brooms) in an understated yet almost John Wayne manner. I found myself wishing that he and his character would return in a sequel or a TV series. He often made me smile, if not chuckle out loud with his sarcastic deadpan delivery and excellent timing.

    The script is well done and the dialogue is sweet and refreshing.

    The movie has unabashed heart without being sappy. I was very surprised how much I enjoyed this movie. The outtakes at the end are very funny also. Clearly they had a lot of fun making this sweet little nonsense of a movie.
  • This stylized and well financed Western looks good but is light and flimsy for the genre. It can not hold a candle to other Gary Cooper vehicles like High Noon, however it is worth a view if you catch it like I did on a lazy afternoon on the Encore Western channel.

    The film's setup seems contrived and the dialogue is uneven and sometimes even clumsy but it does include enough star power such as Raymond Massey, Ruth Roman, and Leif Erickson (who lend their considerable talents) to make it worthwhile.

    Cooper is always a force to be seen and this is no less so in this forgettable Western but even his presence can not totally save this movie.

    Watch if there is nothing else compelling on, but don't expect great Western fare like High Noon, Gunfight at the OK Corral or The Lawman. This just isn't it.

    I understand why some might rate this rather mediocre film highly as it is difficult to downgrade any film in this (nowadays) under appreciated genre. But there are such amazing Western films out there that great ratings should only be reserved for the true crème de la crème so that those just dipping their toe into this wonderful pool of cinema are not mislead or unduly disappointed and consequently disenchanted with the whole Western genre.
  • I am giving this 10 out of 10 because it is a surprisingly good science fiction film that should have a much wider viewing than it is getting. If you know your science fiction you will easily see this film's pedigree. If you don't know your science fiction, you should do everyone a favor and stick to reviewing what you know and enjoy.

    In Eyeborgs, we are treated to a near future surveillance and mechanized police state society gone to its logical extreme. It is done in a campy but satisfying way not unlike the Robocop movies. Many other movies have dealt with this subject matter but often they are not nearly this much fun.

    If you like science fiction get your Jiffy Pop ready and spin this one up on your little DVD player or patch into your high speed internet and let the electrons and photons begin to stream.
  • This film is much better than the 4 out of 10 stars that it has received. I have given it a 10 since some are surely underrating this movie and we need to raise the average so the film deserves the viewing it deserves.

    This film is much, much better than many of the science fiction and horror films that get a similar rating. This movie has a plot and characters that are not completely flat and uninteresting. Right there you have a movie that is a cut above most of the movies in this genre.

    True there are many clichés but there are also some interesting twists on these clichés. Give it a try. If you like science fiction you should give it a chance.
  • I had not heard of this little Indie film by essentially unknown cast and crew however when I saw that Roger Ebert had rated it highly I gave it a chance.

    I am very glad I did. This is a wonderful little extraterrestrial film that is a breath of fresh air to that genre. Much more rich and satisfying experience than Cloverfield and other movies several reviewers have referenced.

    The two main actors did a great job and created believable characters. Their chemistry was obvious and so it was of no great surprise to me to find out later that they are in fact married.

    I highly recommend this movie. It is certainly not a thrill a minute gun and gore fest but has some genuine tense and suspenseful moments and will hold most intelligent viewer's interest until the end. If I have any criticism it is simply that the movie starts a little slow. However, if you give it time for the atmosphere (and the dilemma the characters find themselves in) to grab you, it will be well worth your time.
  • Sad, poignant, and rich, this quiet film will give you a glimpse of the human condition from the unique voice of Stephen Berra who writes and directs. He has created something to be forever proud and for those of us that run across it over time on NetFlix (or like I did recently on The Movie Channel) to be thankful for.

    The presence of wonderful actors including Harry Dean Stanton, Bill Paxton, and Zooey Deschanel should draw people to this film and the excellent acting and writing will hold them until its end.

    Mark Webber is warm and believable as the young man stuck in a Nebraska town that is frigid both physically and existentially.

    Zooey creates a memorable character and even briefly sings in this film which is always a delight. Give this one a try. It will not waste your time.