
IMDb member since December 2010
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The Bad Guy

Season 2 please
Slowly got into this series. Set direction and the whole gritty feel is addictive. Hopefully we get a season 2 before too long as I really want to see where the characters end up. The willingness to kill off characters and to surprise the viewers is appreciated. The water park set is a great location, the quirky vehicles, the costumes, it all creates a cool look and feel for the series. Some of the script is over the top and a bit silly, but somehow you get drawn in and accept the excessive scenes. The soundtrack is also used for good effect at several stages of the series. Just waiting to see if series gets green lit for season 2. I hate getting involved in a series and then it gets chopped.

Life of Pi

I'm sure I was like so many who had read the book. Frankly we were skeptical and didn't want to go. We were more than skeptical; we were cynics, doubters and we were almost afraid to go to see the film fearing it might adulterate our love for the book.

How could you turn this amazing book, this amazing yet highly personal and internal journey into a visual feast? Who could film some of the parts of the book that were almost dreamlike and yet intensely realistic and violent? How to convey the utter sadness and yet the exhilarating triumph of this individual journey? What would happen to the writer's unique use of language, his pacing in the book, his quirky scene setting? How would this all fit in?

Wow Ang Lee obviously loved the book just as much as we all did. I guess when he read the book he could picture it all visually as a visual storyteller supreme. Certainly the best movie of the year. A "tour de force" in film making. You wanted to stand at the end and give the film a standing ovation.

The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey

Almost fell asleep.
Long, boring, tedious...made me long for the book. The set up takes forever and the battle scenes are endless and in the end you just don't care anymore. I'd rather they had gotten killed so I could go home. The movie just "ends" for no particular reason and most children watching found it stupid and perplexing. Three movies out of this slim volume? A very stupid decision made for indulgent personal motives of money and self-glorification. Filming the "Hobbit" may be a challenge but it is a challenge Peter Jackson failed to meet. It really illustrates the story-telling genius of Ang Lee and the Life of Pi. That was an even more challenging film to make and he pulled it off brilliantly.

I was so, so disappointed in this boring and tedious waste of money.

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