
IMDb member since June 2003
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    21 years



Great stage direction and great Liu
This movie was recorded during the 2002 Salzburg Festival. Valery Gergiev provides a quite good performance, as he uses to do, and the stage presents very brilliant moments, for example, the impressive image of Turandot, especially when filmed from the bottom of the scene by the expert Brian Large. Cristina Gallardo Domas as Liu clearly outcomes in this cast although I cannot help mentioning my favourite Liu, Monserrat Caballé. She did set a so high standard for this role that further performances slightly get to approach her. Good Calaf and Turandot and perhaps a not very remarkable Ping, Pang, Pong trio.

It is important to mention that this record includes a recomposed end part by Luciano Berio that adds interest to this edition. Anyway one always misses that extraordinary final that only Puccini could have done.

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