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Gilda, no me arrepiento de este amor

"Gilda" is a moving and heartfelt tribute to a musical legend, brought to life by Natalia Oreiro's exceptional performance
"Gilda" is a mesmerizing Argentinean biopic that beautifully captures the life and career of the iconic singer Gilda, portrayed impeccably by Natalia Oreiro. Oreiro's performance is nothing short of extraordinary as she effortlessly embodies the spirit and charisma of the legendary artist.

The film is a captivating journey through Gilda's life, showcasing her rise to fame, personal struggles, and unwavering passion for music. Oreiro's portrayal is so convincing that it feels like Gilda has come back to life on screen. Her emotional depth and connection to the character shine through in every scene.

What truly sets "Gilda" apart is its superb music. The film brilliantly recreates Gilda's unforgettable songs, allowing the audience to relive her timeless music and appreciate her immense talent. The soundtrack is a heartfelt tribute to the singer's legacy and adds a powerful emotional dimension to the film.

In addition to Natalia Oreiro's outstanding performance and the fantastic music, the film's script and supporting cast also deserve praise. The script is well-crafted, offering a balanced portrayal of Gilda's life, highlighting her triumphs and tribulations. The supporting actors complement Oreiro's performance beautifully, adding depth to the narrative.

"Gilda" a must-watch for anyone who appreciates great biographical cinema and the enduring power of music.

Iosi, el espía arrepentido

How far would you go to tell the truth?
Review of Season 1:

"Iosi, el espía arrepentido" is a captivating Argentinean TV series that truly stands out in the realm of espionage dramas. Set against the backdrop of Argentina's complex political history, this Amazon production delivers an engaging narrative that keeps viewers hooked from start to finish. The series excels in both acting and script, with a stellar ensemble cast that brings their characters to life with depth and authenticity.

I truly enjoyed Natalia Oreiro's performance, despite her supporting role. Known for her more lighthearted roles, Oreiro's portrayal of a dark and complex character in "Iosi" is a revelation. She effortlessly navigates the emotional nuances of her character, adding a layer of intrigue to the series that keeps viewers guessing. To me her transformation is a testament to her versatility as an actress.

"Iosi, el espía arrepentido" not only offers top-notch entertainment but also serves as a thought-provoking exploration of Argentina's history and the shadowy world of espionage. With its exceptional acting, well-crafted script, and Natalia Oreiro's standout performance, this series is a must-watch for fans of both thrilling spy dramas and those interested in a fresh perspective on Argentina's tumultuous past.


"Cleopatra" is a remarkable Argentinean gem that truly stands the test of time
"Cleopatra," directed by Eduardo Mignogna in 2003, beautifully captures the essence of human connection and the power of friendship, all set against the backdrop of Argentina's picturesque landscapes. The heart and soul of the movie lie in the exceptional performances by leading actresses Norma Aleandro and Natalia Oreiro, whose chemistry and acting abilities shine brilliantly throughout the film.

Norma Aleandro, a seasoned talent in the world of cinema, delivers a captivating and emotionally charged performance as the aging lady, Cleopatra. Her portrayal is nothing short of extraordinary, conveying a wide range of emotions with grace and precision. Aleandro's ability to draw the audience into Cleopatra's world, filled with longing and nostalgia, is a testament to her incredible talent.

Natalia Oreiro, known for her versatility as an actress, gives a stellar performance as the vivacious and charming Sandra. Her on-screen presence is magnetic, and her chemistry with Aleandro is palpable. Oreiro effortlessly captures the audience's hearts with her infectious energy and authenticity, making her character a standout in the film.

Together, Norma Aleandro and Natalia Oreiro create a cinematic masterpiece that celebrates friendship, love, and the enduring power of human connections.

"Cleopatra" is a must-see for anyone who appreciates outstanding performances and a heartwarming story that lingers long after the credits roll.

Casi muerta

Beautiful Argentinean romantic comedy with excellent cast and story-telling
"Casi Muerta" deals with a serious topic of dying but does it in a fresh heartwarming way. When Maria (Natalia Oreiro) learns of her terminal illness, her life goes into a spiral of events, moments, thoughts...all connected to the fact that her clock is ticking and there is nothing she can do about it. She is accompanied by her longtime friends who each deal with the news in own personal way. Javi (Diego Velazquez), despite having a girlfriend in Montevideo that he did not tell his friends about, confesses his love to Maria. At first because he feels sorry for her, but later on remembering being in love with her their whole life. Everything complicates when the girlfriend appears at Maria's doorstep...

Director Fernán Mirás deals with the premise and the topic in a sensitive way, yet managing to keep smart balance between drama and comedy. There are elements of humor that nicely correspond with the situation and lightens it. Natalia Oreiro is excellent in her role, she captivates the viewers with her interpretation border-lining between drama, romance and comedy.

The movie has very smart script that does not have any dull or boring moments, it has stunning soundtrack and editing.

Overall, this is Argentinean cinema at its best, providing us with good quality content, with outstanding execution and commitment to every detail.

Santa Evita

Natalia Oreiro delivers the best Evita performance ever in TV or cinema in a twisted and dark drama series
If you are looking for a series that chronicles Evita's full life, this is not it, this series is not a biographical series, but a fiction about what happens after Evita dies. The story starts with Evita's death and we see events that lead to her embalmed body's disappearance for almost 20 years. This is one of the three story lines, the second one focuses on journalist Mariano in 1970's trying to figure out where is Evita's body. And the final storyline are flashbacks from Evita's life - showcasing the most important events from her life; her childhood, her career as a radio actress, her meeting with Perón, her short bud powerful political career and her illness and death. The storytelling is absolutely superb and keeps you thinking what happens next.

Natalia Oreiro as Evita delivers the strongest performance of her career and presents us powerful Evita, who however does not loose human side. The series has fantastic cast of the highest quality, the music is stunning and so are the decorations and costumes.

If you are looking for a thriller, you are in for a ride, and if you are looking for a historical series, this is also for you, but I recommend to check some of the events on-line to fully understand the context of the historical events in Evita's and Perón's lives.

"Santa Evita" is a historical drama series of the highest quality and is the best fiction Argentina has to offer these days.

Las Rojas

Two palaeontologists in search for mythical creature in Argentinean western thriller
When Constanza (Natalia Oreiro) arrives to remote camp in the mountains led by palaeontologist Carlota (Mercedes Morán), she is confronted by hostile environment and is labeled as intruder immediately. Constanza's purpose is to evaluate the work of Carlota and to see how the funds are being used, as there is doubt about their proper allocation. Carlota takes this personally and has no interest in collaborating with Constanza.

The mood changes when another player appears - Fredy (Diego Velázquez) - old rival of Carlota and thief of historical artefacts. His presence unites both palaeontologists and together they need to stop Fredy from disrupting the land that Carlota protects for years.

The movie premise starts very well and is intriguing, especially playing on the mythological note of uncovering potential remains of a mystical creature. The lead actress duo is absolutely superb. Natalia Oreiro portrays her character very well and captures the determination and strive to find the truth.

The director Matías Lucchesi managed to put together a small thriller of four characters with western elements. The story develops well but at certain point is left hanging a bit without having additional space to go into. Nevertheless, the movie has fantastic soundtrack composed by Hernan Segret that fits perfectly the western undertone of the movie.

I truly enjoyed the cinematography, the movie is fully shot in exteriors of Argentina's Mendoza and Uspallata region, which gives the movie additional layer and the landscape serves almost as another character.

I recommend this movie to anyone who likes adventure thrillers with mythical undertones and absolutely superb acting and score.

Hoy se arregla el mundo

Beautiful family comedy drama about finding your place in the world
"Today we fix the world" does not pretend to be something it is not. It is a comedy drama showing us a journey of a father and son which might lead them apart or bring them closer than ever. Leonardo Sbaraglia and young actor Benjamin Otero have a great chemistry and are a very dynamic duo, without which the movie would not work. The script by Mariano Vera leads us through many life situations in a seamless way that makes us laugh, cry or worry about the characters. Director Ariel Winograd managed to capture the journey in such captivating way that keeps you wondering what will happen next.

I also need to highlight superb cast in secondary roles: Natalia Oreiro as the mother has few scenes where she shines, but her essence can be felt throughout the whole movie; Soledad Silveyra, Luis Luque, Gabriel Corrado or Diego Peretti are Latin American stars that manage to bring light to their small roles that form this extraordinary story. Pedro Onetto composed movie score in such way that highlights each scene and the score itself is a masterpiece.

Overall, if you would like to enjoy a very good and high quality production movie with excellent cast and superb narration, "Today we fix the world" is the right choice for you. You will not regret it.

La noche mágica

Solid drama with controversial plot and excellent acting
Seen at 2021 Fribourg International Film Festival, section "International Competition"

A quiet Christmas evening is interrupted by a thief (Diego Peretti) who invades privacy of residents of a luxurious villa in Buenos Aires. Instead of robbing them and leaving, he starts digging into their lives and starts to uncover many hidden and buried truths. The evening turns into a hostage situation in which residents and their little daughter, who mistakes the thief for Santa Claus, are pushed to their limits.

The film mixes well several genres of drama, dark comedy and satire, and touches many controversial topics of our modern society. The director created an atmosphere of claustrophobia, as the whole story takes place within few hours and in the same place. Actress Natalia Oreiro created a character that is cold, submissive and lifeless, however, the stranger in her house awakens her lost self.

The movie has absolutely fantastic soundtrack, music is composed by Pablo Borghi and the score intensifies each scene and creates moments full of tension, wonder or even surrealism. The tension is mixed with humor, often very dark one, which pushes viewers to edges of their seats.

"La Noche Mágica" represents the highest Argentinean cinematography with solid screenwriting, acting, direction and score.

Re loca

Beautiful drama comedy with strong female character searching for happiness in life
"Re Loca" is an Argentinean take on the Chilean movie "Sin Filtro", which has had many remakes all around the world - Spain, Mexico, Italy, Panama and Peru. In "Re Loca" the title character is played by talented Uruguayan actress Natalia Oreiro. She is the soul of the movie, she truly embodied her character and despite the movie being a remake, Oreiro makes the character look like written specifically for her.

The director Martino Zaidelis managed to make a movie of highest cinematographic quality, equal (or even better) to any Hollywood movie. The cinematography, editing and especially the soundtrack are superb. All actors in supporting roles get a chance to shine while creating credible characters that we all know from our daily lives - know-it-all boss, aggressive drivers, lazy service or social media addicted friend. This creates an essence to a story of empowerment and journey to find ones enjoyment of life.

The movie snowballs into series of funny moments, but also leads to realisation of how to break free from daily stereotypes. The movie has a unique ending with powerful message.

Overall, "Re Loca" is a beautiful drama comedy with strong female character that can be enjoyed by anyone at any occasion.

Los últimos

Exceptional dystopian film about future that could be if water depletion continues
The film "Los Últimos" takes us into post-apocalyptic not-so-distant future in which there is war over water. This war reaches Latin America and the story follows a young couple trying to escape refugee camp in Bolivia and find better life in the west by the Pacific Ocean.

The script, penned by film's director Nicolás Puenzo together with his sister Lucía, also a film director and novelist, explores different angles of the war over water and in many situations hints on further and deeper issues that might not appear at first. The story shows the role of media, military contractors, journalism or medical aid in the war zone. Puenzo's eye for cinematography is absolutely stunning. The film is shot in several natural reserves of Bolivia and Chile and is complemented by very well done post-production of destroyed cities or military drones.

The young couple is portrayed by Peter Lanzani and Juana Burga, who is exceptional in her role despite the fact that the film is her acting debut. Who also stands out in her role is Uruguayan actress Natalia Oreiro who despite short screen time captivates the audience in well portrayed role of medic trying to help the couple.

Another remarkable element is the music. Composer Pedro Canale managed to combine soundtrack composition with traditional native sounds and vocals provided by Luzmila Carpio. The soundtrack matches beautifully the scenery and adds to the overall atmosphere.

"Los Últimos" is a very well-done film, with outstanding cinematography and acting. It is an exceptional film as the post-apocalyptical genre is rather rare in Argentinean filmmaking. The film can be enjoyed by everyone looking for dynamic survival storytelling, and further, the audience gets a glimpse of the world that could be if water depletion continues.


Fascinating, emotionally moving movie with solid performances!
Seen at 2013 Cannes Film Festival, section "Un Certain Regard"

Movie "Wakolda" challenges possible escape of Nazi physician Josef Mengele (Alex Brendemühl) to Bariloche, Argentina, in 1960, after being successfully in hiding for over a decade in Buenos Aires. On the road he meets an Argentinian family and becomes fascinated with their daughter Lilith (Florencia Bado) who was born premature and thus has smaller body for her age. Upon their arrival to Bariloche, Mengele, going by name Helmut Gregor, becomes a guest of family's lodging house. With permission of mother Eva (Natalia Oreiro) and behind father's Enzo (Diego Peretti) back, Mengele starts to treat Lilith with growth hormones, which reopens his fascination with pure Aryan race...

The movie has exceptional score, cinematography and direction, almost fully shot in Bariloche's exteriors. The story develops into psychological thriller and suspense especially in moments where the family has no idea who the stranger in their house truly is, but spectators are fully aware of his true nature. Director Puenzo managed to incorporate into her movie elements of Nazi fascination by local community, mystery of genetic research and innocence of young Lilith who feels privileged to get stranger's attention.

Alex Brendemühl is chilling as the "Angel of Death", while Florencia Bado gives solid performance, especially being it her first movie role. Natalia Oreiro, Diego Peretti and Elena Roger manage to capture essence of their diverse characters and have on-screen moments with stunning performances. Oreiro convincingly portrays a mother who submits her child to hormone experimentation believing it to be the only option to help Lilith as she blames herself for having her prematurely.

The movie is multilayer and touches topics of Argentinian history that is not known to many. "Wakolda" is certainly an extraordinary movie experience.

Infancia clandestina

Benjamín Ávila delivers unique perspective on Argentine dictatorship of 70's
The movie is an emotional journey that takes its spectators to Argentina's military dictatorship of 1970's. Juan is a boy who struggles with his double identity he obtained for security purposes, as his parents are involved in combat against the regime. Ávila's script collaboration with Müller brings an amazing story that balances between fear of being discovered by military and love in the family, and consequently love of Juan and his classmate María.

Altogether with the script, the movie has absolutely engaging music, art direction and cinematography. Ávila's way of filming brings attention to every single detail and delivers unified piece of cinematographic art.

Actor Teo Gutiérrez Moreno is absolutely superb in his performance of the young boy and his life's struggle. Actress Natalia Oreiro delivers thrilling performance of revolutionary fighter and proves that she can portray a character that is as gentle as a mother to her son, as well as someone determined to fight the military regime. Moreover, actor Ernesto Alterio brings moments of humor into the story as his well-written character of uncle Beto.

The story is based on true events and the love the director dedicated to this movie can be felt in every single second. This outstanding movie will touch not only those familiar with Argentine regime of 70's, yet it will find its way to hearts of many cinema lovers too.


Outstanding drama from Argentine household where dreams are place of escape
This drama goes beyond director Adrián Caetano's typical story telling and is focused on little girl Mariana struggling with her school and her parent's intention to live together again after many years of separation. When living conditions don't go the way this family has planned, Mariana tries to escape reality by inventing her alter ego. This, however, does not meet support neither from her parents nor her schoolteachers. Uruguayan actress Natalia Oreiro delivers exceptional performance in her dramatic portrayal of Cristina, mother who turns to alcohol when facing troubles. Her realistic performance is thrilling and proves her versatile acting ability. Caetano manages to tell the story in unusual way where dreams are mixed with reality and it is only up to the viewer to distinguish one from another.

Mi primera boda

Beautiful Argentine comedy that outshines American movies of same genre
Movie 'Mi Primera Boda' is very beautifully crafted Argentine comedy about young couple facing series of troubles prior to their wedding ceremony that might eventually lead to disaster. This movie has most importantly well and detailed written script, which leads spectators into lives of main characters, yet does not bore us with inadequate information. Actress Natalia Oreiro has never looked better and is very convincing in her role of bride-to-be Leonora, who is as charming and lovely as she is perfectionist and controlling. Daniel Hendler delivers superb performance of clumsy groom-to-be Adrián, who might destroy happiness of the couple. Supporting cast is composed of top Argentine actors and they all have time to shine in this comedic story. Movie's director Ariel Winograd based this story on his own wedding experience and he couldn't have done better job transforming his ideas on silver screen. I would strongly recommend this movie to all people who like intelligent comedies with touch of irony and romantic sentiment.

Miss Tacuarembó

The best Latin American musical comedy ever!
Miss Tacuarembó is a unique mixture of drama, comedy, musical with touches of parody and nostalgia which for its beautiful narration will attract many open-minded viewers not only in Latin American world. The story of Natalia, the main protagonist, and her life's struggles is shown in different three eras of her life. Sofía Silvera (young Natalia) and Natalia Oreiro are stunning in their interpretations. Oreiro shines on screen in two different and very distinctive roles as she sings, dances and acts throughout this unusually, yet in very intelligent and detailed way, put together story. Moreover, it is the ability of the script to bring on screen supporting characters and develops them in a specific way centered around Natalia's character. Diego Reinholds, Mike Amigorena and Alejandro Tous give great performances, while Rossy De Palma with her eccentricity brings the obscurity of reality TV shows.

This movie is a must see for anyone who is looking for extraordinary story with catchy musical acts, which will charge everyone with positive atmosphere.

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