
IMDb member since December 2010
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Christmas Belle

A charming film that isn't as bad as everyone makes out
This movie has had a lot of negative press and it is all undeserved. I found this film incredibly charming. It's a sweet twist on the tale of Beauty and the Beast. The story (although nothing too original) was well told and I found myself caring about the characters almost from the start with the exception of Tony who is the bad-guy of the film anyway.

The location is just breath-taking. I was totally immersed in the beauty of the house and its grounds and would visit it in a heartbeat. Yes OK the music is overdone but I thought the acting was very good and I truly believed in the love between the 2 main characters. It's adorable and made me smile which is all I ask from a holiday romance film.

My First Wedding

Humour and romance thoroughly impressed
I heard quite bad things about this film but I have a weakness for romance so had to watch this. Problem was its never been released in Enland so I had it imported from the states. So glad I did! This film exceeded all my expectations! It was adorably romantic and made me laugh out loud numerous times. The film started off with light humour and as the film progressed I found myself so engaged with Nick and routing for him to succeed - something that became furiously more intensified after every failed attempt to prevent the wedding from taking place. I will never forget the charades scene or the demonic possession! Some of the funniest pieces of film I've ever seen. I'll also never forget the amount of heart Nick has and just what he would do in order to satisfy it. My heart bled as he waited all day and night outside her front door and how he would do anything to get into the church (even if it meant scaling the building). I thoroughly enjoyed this movie and would recommend it to all those who love romance as well as hilarity. Good fun

See Jane Date

Alright for light entertainment
This film was pretty much what I expected; light hearted with a few laughs along the way. Would have been quite good if I hadn't figured out who she would end up with as soon as he appeared on screen. Was so obvious. Don't know if that means that the actors had great chemistry or if the plot was simply too predictable. Either way there was no surprises left as I watched the rest of the film. Felt like I was just sitting through pointless events leading up to the already guessed finale. The wedding scene seemed to go on forever with a lot of pointless dancing which felt un-needed - just padding o make the film feature length. Still, not a bad film if you want something light and entertaining

Pride and Prejudice

A pretty good romance but an awful Austen adaption
As an Austen adaptation this is truly awful! The characters may have taken on the names from the novel but they did not have the depth. I never thought I could not care about Mr. Darcy but in this film I didn't fall in love him. He began the film as a man who thought he was better than all those around him and at the end of the film he had barely changed. He declared his attraction to Elizabeth before the two had even really had any interaction and so i didn't feel for his internal struggle. Because of this the love aspect fell a little flaccid. I didn't believe in the passionate love that IS the book and so when the two finally get together in the end I didn't have a great sense of satisfaction. Darcy told Elizabeth all about his past with Wickham in a way that didn't really make him seem as an injured party and her reaction to the email was pathetic. She spent the next week eating ice cream and feeling depressed over a man who she didn't really know. The only time I felt that the two were getting to really know each other was at the cabin and that was right towards the end of the film leaving little room for a true romantic build up.

As an adorer of love stories I'd be lying if I said I wasn't glad that the two ended up together and as a romance film it's not bad. As an Austen adaption however it's awful. It didn't warrant the title of 'Pride and Prejudice'.

Beautiful Creatures

Terrible adaption of a great book
I was so excited for this film. The book is one of my favourites and I couldn't wait to see it play out on the big screen. How disappointed I was! The film is so loosely based on the book that it was barely recognisable. They dropped so many characters and completely changed the ones they did decide to include even though their involvements were vital to the plot line.

There was no sign of the dream premise which was a huge part of how Lena and Ethan came to love each other and they completely eradicated the mental connection they shared (being able to talk to each in their minds no matter where they were). Because of this I didn't believe in their romance. The thing that aggravated me the most was the fact that they revealed the books biggest secret right at the beginning of the film! This meant that there were no surprises, making for dull and boring film. And to make matters worse, Lena made Ethan forget about her at the end. I don't see how they are going to continue the series after that and even if they do, I doubt I'll go and see it.

My Girlfriend's Boyfriend

I did not see that coming
When I read the synopsis for this film I thought it sounded like a good romance. A film about a girl who has been unlucky in love then finds herself having to choose between two men. The film follows the character of Jessie (a waitress) who meets Ethan (a writer). He's struggling to get any of his manuscripts published and is about to give up on his dream of becoming a novelist until he meets Jessie. She inspires him to never give up on his dream but whilst Jessie's inspiring Ethan to write, she's also dating Troy (a man who works in advertising). The film follows Jessie as she simultaneously dates both men whilst keeping it a secret from each other. We see her struggle as she tries to decide which guy is right for her.

Seeing her cheat on Ethan (who appeared to perfect in so many ways) was frustrating. My heart was breaking for him as she continued to see Troy behind his back. She seemed to have no conscience as she pinned the two men against each other - unable to decide who she preferred. Then just when you think she's going to do the right thing and come clean to Ethan there is a shock twist that I did not see coming - a twist that completely transforms the film! It goes from being a simple romantic tale with a frustrating leading lady to something else entirely. And to think I spent most of the film hating Jessie for cheating on Ethan...

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