
IMDb member since January 2011
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Gojira -1.0

Best Godzilla film since 1954
I have been a life long Godzilla fan, I seen every movie and I can honestly say that this is the very best film since the original.

The story was compelling, the acting was wonderfully done, the direction and the cinematography were excellent and this version of Godzilla was exciting to watch. I really hope that Japan continues to make more films to continue this storyline and to continue to make them at the same level of quality. All and all I have no complaints.

It's been a long time since I've left a movie theater this satisfied. I would strongly recommend anyone who's curious about this film to go and see it. It's worth every penny :)

She-Hulk: Attorney at Law

I really wanted to like this show but, I just couldn't. It's just terrible writing.
I watched all 9 episodes simply to keep up with the overall story of the MCU but, this show was such a disappointment.

Let me start w/ the few good things it has going for it. The acting was solid. I think the cast did a good job with what little they were given. I thought the CGI was fine, I don't know why people are complaining about that.

That being said, some episodes had their moments but, this so called "comedy" never made me laugh. The show is trying to be funny but, anyone who understands comedy knows that I if you TRY to make something funny then it'll fail.

There is literally no character arch for our protagonist, no character development over the season, she barely grows as a person or as a super hero. She never gets humbled or has any real conflict and makes little effort into improving herself and her life situation.

This show tried to break the mold for the superhero genre by going in a completely different direction but, in my opinion they went in the wrong direction and the #'s show that I'm not the only one who feels this way.

One of the main reasons why Tony Stark was such a compelling character was how he was constantly being humbled, he always had some kind of conflict, he made mistakes and most importantly he was always trying to learn from his mistakes and improve himself. I hope that the MCU learns from their mistakes and go back to what made the MCU so successful in the first place.... Telling damn good stories that just so happened to be superhero films and shows.

MCU, continue to move forward but, please don't forget what made you so great in the first place.

Ms. Marvel

1st Episode has the same plot as the movie Turning Red
I couldn't help but, notice alot of similarities to the plot of the pilot episode and the plot of Turning Red the movie.

A nerdy teenage girl with a very traditional family, according to the culture, feels very misunderstood by her overly protective mother. There's a family secret involving magic. The teen forms a plan to lie to her parents and sneak out to attend an event that they're passionate about and it all goes terribly wrong.

Sound familiar?

Same plot, just with a different culture and a dash of Marvel thrown in there. I hope it gets better because I find the main character annoying. She takes no responsibility for her mistakes or the people she hurts. I can only hope that she starts to learn that over the course of the show.

Wonder Woman 1984

Very Disappointing
I had heard a lot of bad reviews from friends and other people but, I decided to give this movie the benefit of the doubt. The first movie was so good, so how bad can this one be? The answer is simply VERY BAD.

The script was absolutely terrible. Nothing made any sense. The movie dragged, there were so many unnecessary scenes and it was a clear example that a great director and great actors can't save a bad script.

Obviously, you gotta stretch your imagination and sense of realism on any superhero movie, which is part of the fun, but this film was so beyond that. I'm pretty sure the franchise "wishes" that this film gets forgotten soon.

Pun Intended.

I still have hope that the next Wonder Woman film will be as good as the 1st but, this film was embarrassing in my opinion. One of the worst superhero movies I've ever seen.

In Other Words

A delightful Romantic Comedy
The Acting performances were good, the story was great, the characters were well developed. This is a RomCom that I could watch again and again.

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