
IMDb member since June 2003
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    21 years


Freaky Friday


While this movie was a pretty good albeit unnecessary remake of the original Babara Harris/Jodie Foster film, I was constantly distracted by the poor makeup; the tight shiny faces and blobs of red on the cheeks, as though they were wearing some kind of tightening product. It's hard to make Mark Harmon look bad, but the makeup artist managed in this movie.

I am always willing to suspend disbelief to a point, but the character of Jake was so annoying and poorly written. He can walk through a faculty lounge with a student, and nobody even looks up, even when he opens a teachers only door, letting the "girl" cheat on the test and change another girl's test. And for this, the mother judges Him a fine young man. He comes on to to the "mother", but the girl still wants him??? He turns up uninvited at the rehearsal dinner and the wedding reception, but that's fine too.

The two main characters do a good job, but this movie is not even close in quality to the original.

The brother was just the usual foul mouthed sitcom brat. Aren't we all getting a little tired of that?

Stick to the original. So the family dynamic doesn't address the more modern family. So what? It's funnier and more believable. Even in a fantasy there should be the appearance of truth.

No Minor Vices

always remembered with a sigh
I saw this movie as a little girl and fell in love forever with Louis Jourdan. I have just fleeting memories of it, but remember he was so charming and handsome and adorable. I saw Him in a play as a young teen and never really got over it.

Being so young my moral compass was not fully developed and i simply couldn't believe Lili Palmer wouldn't just take his hand and never look back...Would love to see it again.

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