
IMDb member since February 2011
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The Heat

It is perhaps one of the worst and most repulsive movies of all time. Sandra bullock is the only good thing in this movie that is happening aside from the awful writing, bad humor, cringe behaviour that you will woefully have to endure. The begining of the movie is very strange. The woman arrests a man for prostitution while chasing another black man. Surprisingly, the white man escapes from the car while the woman cop arrests the black man for some weed and cocaine on the chase. It found that very odd and surpsingly racist. As for Melissa's character and her vulgar, crude, and repulsive language and mannerisms, it makes you want to stop watching the movie right away. I would have to say this is one of the worst movies of all time.

Civil War

Were people watching the same movie as me? This was such a bland, boring, and perhaps un-intriguing movie. The first 30 minutes are a complete dread. Couldn't stand the scenes, the dialogue, the acting, etc. It was unbearable. How do people give this such a high score? It was a great concept like red dawn but falls ay shorter than it needed. The trailer showed something great but the movie was not cutting it. The scale and scope is dim. If they made it bigger, grander, and more action-based, it would be better. Yo show the story through the news reporters is a cliche and quite annoying. The direction is ordinary and lacking. The writing and dialogue is pathetic. The production is scarce. The acting is below average. I'll tell ya, nothing stands out. A lot of hype for nothing.

The 100

Idiocracy, if it were a show.
Oh boy. A lot of dumb idiotic nonsensical things going on in this show. One person is in power, another comes, then another, then another. Then some teen girl whose decisions make no sense is the leader. First of, which world is this where a young girl is the leader of an entire populace? They keep referring to their followers as 'my people' which sounds really dumb. One group hates the other group and seems like some random things keep happening and all these actions seem to be very important to these characters. There is rarely any badass moments or baddass characters or shock value or element of surprise. People who said this show is good, I seriously think they are people with awful taste who can't tell what's good from what's bad. I've watched everything out there. This isn't like lost which was stellar or the expanse which is a superb Sci fi show. This was like Lord of the flies but then moves on to other random events that keep popping up and one person goes away when they could stay together and their very anxious to do stuff snd get things done. It's not clever at all. It's like a 5 year old wrote this. Seriously, has to be one of the dumbest shows. I just watched 3 seasons of evil and that was a good show albeit it had its flaws. But shows like suits or house MD or even Sherlock have all been viewed by me.

Mortal Engines

Turn on your engines!
One of the most unique movies ever made. Full of action-driven pulsating scenes to keep you on the edge of your seat. It's a world ruled by machines with a protagonist who is bent on vengeance. Filled with predators and opportunitist trying to make a quick buck or rich even. I've seen so many movies I can't eve. Count but I always come to this time after time because it really is one of the best movies ever made. I know people like stupid dumb nonsensical movies with big budgets and dull actors but this is not that. It has some great scenes and some great direction no doubt. I am giving this a thumps up for originality, action scenes, and comic relief.

3 Body Problem

The 1 and only problem with this show: BORING! And the actors should be replaced!
The problem with this show for me is firstly the cast. Everyone of them is irritating to me. It is really hard to watch them. They all have this pasty look about them, all fully formed and functional, robots of society, institutionalized, and acting in a very dry manner. What I am saying is, these actors portray these characters in the most driest and mediocre way possible. The second this is the characters being portrayed. All so very boring to watch. The movement of the characters, the pace of their words and conversations, the overbearing music in the background, it all seems like the flimsier version of stranger things. It tries to engage the audience and pull them in, however, it doesn't a poor job of it. The story is quite predictable and boring. You know, I am looking for other words to describe this show but it really is boring and plain. I somehow lost my attention in the middle of the dialogue. The funny thing is. I have watched every show and movie under the sun. That is no exaggeration. I really have. I know all the shows and movies by heart. I tend to leave reviews of shows or movies which waste my time. Also that which has this hype around it and than you find out it was all bull. Anyways, there is a caveat for anyone tempted to watch.

Dune: Part Two

The Mahdi!
Ah the prophesied Mahdi! The chosen one who comes at the end of times to establish justice and peace throughout the world. This is of course the tradition in Islamic eschatology. So my question becomes: where did they pick this up and out it in the movie? It's strange isn't it? Lisan al gaib which means language of the unseen. The language the speak in this movie. I find it very odd, all of this really. But as for the movie and it's make-up. It's excellent. All around, intriguing film and very engaging. Slightly less confused but def intrigued. The first one was good and the second was even better. That's my review. Take it or leave it. But the Mahdi! Very very strange indeed.

Avatar: The Last Airbender

Less than mediocre.
I agree with some of the other reviewers who said this show had some good VFX and it was scenic. However, it had a lot of issues. For starters, there was no comedy or humor. It was just actors delivering lines in a robotic sense. Secondly, the cast was terrible in their roles. I couldn't enjoy any kf the show because it was so awful. Now compare this show to One Piece and you'll know exactly what I am talking about. This first season felt very rushed and there wasn't anything to enjoy. The writers had writers block on this show and it's very evident. The show is much better than the movie but it was sooooooooo boring, it hardly kept me engaged. The three main lead roles were awful so they need some training. The direction needed work as well. There's a lot of issues with this show. A solid 6 for this.

Mean Girls

All the characters are obnoxious, crude, and uninspiring. Why is this a musical? Like whose idea was this? Is it because it's a Disney movie? Also, why is this Gen Z content so hard to watch. I just just clueless and notting hill which were exquisite and actually a breath of fresh air. They teach all about chivalry and ideals. The characters are pleasant to watch and the writing is good. This is to point out how awful this movie is. Why are they trying so hard? Perhaps because they ran out of ideas and are just mimicking the movies from the past. If this is a remake, it's a terrible adaption. If this is about feminism, it's garbage. These 'mean girls' are the shallowest people who truly give off a narcissistic, dim-witted, superioty complex that is very unbearable. A solid thumbs down for this piece of unforgettable remake!!!

Game of Thrones

Disgusting and filthy.
50% porn, 15% pedophilia, 10% incest, and 25% covers everything else. This is the best show? Or one of the best shows? Who watches this sick twisted show? And those who watch it, are they really sound of mind and heart? Because this is filled with grotesque material, degeneracy, and filth. If you watch movies from the 60s or 50s, you'll understand how much the material has changed. There is ZERO SUBSTANCE. It's filled with boring stories of characters lost in a barren maze trying to survive. 2 million reviews and none of them bring this up? You know there is seriously something wrong with these individuals if they like or love it. I give this a 1 because I cant give it any lower. Oh, before you rebuttal, I've watched everything. But this is just nasty. Yikes to the creators, the consumers, and the content creators. I feel sad for you.

Breaking Bad

Break even, right?
There are huge chunks of this show dedicated to the character skyler, who truly annoys and makes my skin crawl. I mean the annoyance is at its highest. Who gives a squat what this person does or doesn't do. Huge chunks of every episode is about her. Honestly it's pathetic. The rest of the characters are not bad, no pun intended. The story is not bad. My favorite character is Saul Goodman, attorney at law and what a funny, charismatic person he is in the show. Skylers sister so annoying. How did this show get such a high rating is what am asking? It's not perfect nor that captivating. Yes I've seen it and I've seen everything out there. It has some cool scenes no doubt that doesn't make up for the annoyance.


It's so boring, it puts you to sleep literally. The cast is terrible, the dialogue is lame, and the music is abysmal. The same Hollywood recipe of smashing actors and scenes together for one big plan. Throw in a billionaire, some save the world lingo, and you boom you have this movie. I mean, everything is predictable. Everything. Everything is cringe too. You know what it is, these actors have barely any zest or intrigue. It's the same song and poney dance. Time and money making this flick which ends of being a giant failure. I've seen a lot of movies. This, I couldn't even finish cause it was that dull. Steer clear of this horrid dreadful movie. Then again, steer clear of all these movies being made.

Self Reliance

Not bad but not good either.
An awesome premise with good main lead actors and that's about it. It could have been so much more. It could've been a thriller with some side hunour. The side actors are terrible and need replacement. The main leads character could've been much sharper and smarter with some twists to pull off the rest of the movie. I have an idea, the Hunter starts to hunt the ones who put him in this game or how about a prize money and other contestants who are also sharp and slick. But that's not in this movie which makes it seem dull and quite boring at times. It needed a lot more action because the premise is really good. But hey one guys opinion.

Mai Demon

The writer needs a writer!
How do you take a show and make it so corny? Why are there so many moments of slow motion? Seriously, who makes this kind of stuff up? I get that you have to stretch it our and make a long series but this is just lazy, boring, and annoying writing. Here's a tip. You could've added more demons in the show if that's what the protagonist is. You could've given him rivals, Achilles heels, etc. Eye candy aside which is obviously the entire objective of the show, you need substance which this show lacks. The female lead is no doubt awesome and fun to watch but everything else is dull. Why the close-ups? Why take so long showing them? I've seen countless k-drama but this is just painful to watch.

Yijae, Got Jookseummida

I am giving this a high rating because the story is fresh, the acting is superb, and the direction + cinematography is great. The fact that this is unpredictable is worth the watch. Each story and character introduced is a nice addition to the already complex story and main character. The background score could have been a lot better to make this more enjoyable. Koreon shows are so boring usually with the same recipe applied in most of the shows. It being predictable and characters that are so annoying to watch. Very few shows catch my interest but this one sure did. I haven't skipped any parts or stopped watching so yeah.


Perhaps the best movie of 2023 coming from bollywood hands down. A vicious and ferocious movie that delivers very well to those that understand the aim. The actor Ranbir gives a stunning performance very rare to see. The story is captivating and the direction is decent as well. The music, the rhythm of the music in the background scenes are superb. Am I giving this movie to much credit? No, I understand a good movie when I see one and this is a great movie. It gives you anxiety, gets your heart pulsing, and makes you dread what Ranbir will do next. You know when you have have given all your attention to one thing and you cannot focus on anything else. That's what this movie does. I won't spoil the movie or give anything away. Ranbir makes the best movies and he is the best actor in bollywood, no doubt about it.

Dokjeon 2

Way too dark for whose viewing?
Way too dark and a lot of over acting especially the female villain. Let me say this. After watching it, I felt worse than when I watched it. It had a negative affect on me. The plot was mundane and not very clever. The direction was alright. But the overall movie and its theme was very depressing. It was too dark. It wasn't slick and intense in a good way. It was just a bunch of Villains getting at each other but the Villains were boring, hard to watch, and in your face all the time. You have to make something that has good moments, some resolution, some moments of awe.... but this wasn't it. There's a lot more than can be said but I'll leave it at that.


Cold, Bloody, and Methodical.
You know the characters are all cringe and pitifully hard to watch yet the only good factor is the KILLER who I am looking forward to. It is pretty satisfactory to watch all these people be taken out one by one. You know all these horrible people who live empty lives, put on fake personas, and act like they are the center of the universe, being warded off one by one. In that regard, it is the perfect movie to watch. A mediocre slasher film on the higher upper echelon of slasher movies. The premise of the movie sets off the rest of the movie. I swear watching this makes me think about the sheer stupidity and folly of people. Especially people like the ones displayed in the movie. The concept is awesome and the plot is nice. A solid watch for sure.

Dil Se..

A true masterpiece and work of ART.
One of the best movies I've ever seen and it is a piece of art. A poetic montage for poets and none poets alike. A homage to those who love art. But this art is not still, it's moving. The acting is done superbly and the music is just fantastic. Although the topic is heavy but the inner layers of the movie show a story of love between two people who are from polar opposite worlds coming together even though it is not pretty much against all odds. It takes a persistent lover who falls in love at first sight to see this through. I won't say anything about the plot or where it takes you, but when you finish the movie, you'll know it's very much worth it. Absolutely grandiose and superbly raving with awe.

The Great Indian Family

An emotional rollercoaster.
A deeply emotional, symbiotic dual story-line that touches on the topic of religion, mainly Islam and Hinduism to say the least about it. There are good moments that enthrall the viewers. The acting is done very well from the cast and it really is about family, the bond they share, the ups/downs, and everything in between. Truth is, people have such narrow beliefs and views. Also, Hindus have very extremist views, and are Islamophobic, as such brings this movie into play. Without saying much about it, if only people knew the truth with a capital T and not the customs and norms attached to it. The family that stays together, prays together, shall fight trials together...


A huge win for kdrama for 2023.
Power-packed, pulsating, dark drama about a vigilante who gives his own justice. Firstly, the main lead is my second favorite kdrama actor and what a awesome actor he is. Vulnerable in his portrayal yet dominating in his execution. I loved watching start-up and couldn't stop watching this actor. The drama itself, the writing is top notch. The music is a thrill and gives you goosebumps. This is like taxi driver 2.0. I had to write a review because of the actor and drama. 2023 was not a good year for kdrama since most of it is predictable and passable. Nothing really interesting about these shows released. They are all lame, dull, and very unrealistic, loud, and noisy. Anyways, watch the pilot and you'll know what I am saying.

Gossip Girl

I shall expose this secret for the greater good of viewers.
It's mediocre at best when your trying to figure out what qualifies as good or bad in this show. The acting is done poorly and the writing is down amaturely. Many of the scenes seem to mashed up together and there are so many irrelevant things I would mention if I had the time or energy to state. Some scenes are forced, others are jumbled together. Blair, Dan, and Senera carry the show and that's true. But everything else is pathetic to say the least. It's so hard trying to watch entire episodes when there is such excruciating scenes and parts which you really don't want to watch. It starts off good but than disintegrates into madness. Characters likes Chuck, Rufus, and I cannot recall the third are just so uninteresting and boring to watch. I wish someone could've edited all the unnecessary scenes and made it more comprised and compact into an 8 episode season. I get that this is a soap opera show about teens and the opulent lifestyle of the rich but its hard to be engaged. One person sleeps with one person, than the person sleeps with the other person and the cycle goes on. It's quite frankly better when I watched it a long time ago when I was more dull, less smarter, and less sharper. I would give this show a 5/10 and that's for the main actress because she made the show worth watching and that's probably why she got paid the highest.

Shingeki no Kyojin

Hmmmm, not bad but it isn't that great either as people make it it our to be.
Let me say that the animation, the music, the fighting scenes, the shock factor are top notch. Surprise attacks and scenes make this one hell of a show. However, as a viewer, I find it very hard to sit through all the talking and chitchat which prolongs even more than expected. Knowing every detail isn't necessary nor is knowing every person's point of view. Half of season four could be cut down from all the chitchat. Season 1 and 2 are amazing. Season 3 is great and has some very emotional scenes. The fourth season is excellent as well. With season 4, I find it very annoying how this little girl whose loud and raging on, can't seem to shut up. Or how there are so many scenes about her and what she's doing. When there is so much happening and the political landscape is moving, I want to know what's going on around the soldiers with the protagonist and the enemy, what they are doing to fight back. I can't pretty much watch anything but man is it hard watching people talk and talk constantly from one episode to the next. Also, when there is a fight scene, in the middle of the fight, the scene goes somewhere else. This happens many times. While I am trying to see what happens next, another 5 to 10 minutes goes to some other scene. I get it, you want to prolong the awesome fight scenes but that should be the makers of the show, their job to mash everything together well. I know am being critical about a lot of things but this is my honest review. It is not as great as people make it sound like. Like I said, it has some great stuff but it lacks in other areas. Lastly, the term devil and God are thrown around so much. Japanese writersclaim Titans as God, people as God which is very irritating. They seem to put this mumbo jumbo into many of their animes. The story isn't as interesting or appealing either. Who cares about the origin but this is the issue with Japanese anime, they have to over explain every single thing to the letter. If you watch a lot of anime, you'll understand exactly what I am saying. I am still not done talking about the Akuma (devil) and Kami (God). It is a brilliant show but it is not the best. Not even close. It may perhaps be in the top 10 shows no doubt. Anyways, food for thought.

Past Lives

Stunning work!
I am at 35 mins and counting, and I have already given this a 10. I don't know how it plays out or what will happen even. I know that it is beautifully made with emotions you can feel from just watching as much as I have. The longing of love is in itself a very hard thing. Love stories are often portrayed in a very unrealistic manner but this movie isn't really all about that. The emotion of the main character is phenomenal. The male lead actor is truly amazing. The feeling of being alone while perhaps the love of your life is so far away is an aching pain that is so hard to swallow. You cannot even pretend to be there in your daily life because your heart is somewhere else. I cannot elaborate further because honestly I would be speaking about myself. But it is really remarkable and relatable. It took a while to watch this because I heard about it before but I was waiting for the subs etc. Anyways, it should definitely be nominated for best writing in the Oscar's.


I dont get goosebumps but I am intrigued...
Why are people comparing this show to a 90s show? Who cares what you liked? Just because you liked a show in the past doesn't mean it should mimic and be the same as the one before. This is a fresh take on the old show but it has a dark tone. It's full of mystery and resolve. True, it's meant for Gen Z and that's amothing tangent. Why are Gen Z kids so entitled to everything. It's about that teenage angst which we have all been through. But these folk are demonic to say the least. Going back to the show, it's hip, it's edgy, and I like it so far. The actors need acring lessons bur that's about it. I will give it a solid 7/10 and this is because it managed to keep me watching and engaged. It has that what-would-you-do element...I don't particularly like Disney. In fact, it is a evil franchise. That's my two-cents about the empire that exploits kids. But for the objective at hand, the show isn't bad. It's pretty good. Monsters coming alive and there is no saviour in sight. Count me in!

The Nun II

People who make movies like this have no imagination. The story is terrible and not believable at all. The movie is boring and very slow.

At times I wanted to skip scenes because it was so slow and it was dragging.

You expect me to believe two little nuns can beat a demon so terrifying?

The side characters were horrid. The dialogue was distasteful.

There was no shock-factor. The freight scenes were predictable.

The music was just lame. I can't really think it was anything fun in the movie except for the look of the NUN in the movie.

Every scene where the person is getting scared is where the amusement fades.

It's a pathetic attempt at a sequel even though the first one wasn't that much better.

The demon, where is the story behind him? Where are his victims? Where is the fight against it? Maybe I don't believe the cross can do anything to any demon but that's just me. I am a huge horror fan but this wasn't scary. I've seen all the horror movies. This just wasn't it. I wonder how people felt when they spent money watching it in the theater and actually got scared? I envy them....

Try feedback: a 4 out of 10 for the Nun in the costume. Everything else was garbage.

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