
IMDb member since February 2011
    Lifetime Total
    IMDb Member
    13 years



could have been much better
The movie poster looks great, and i was drawn to watching this movie as i assumed it will be a very well thought out movie. However the backbone to the movie is a very poor storey line. The screen play is rushed, some of the camera work is very good, but some are also very bad. A river crossing scene is done very badly, and doesn't go well with the flow of the movie. The acting is pretty poor, Winston was the right choice for the part, but his South African accent is way too strong, and it is quite hard to understand him at times. Overall the movie is way below par, it could have been much better with a better storey line, and cast!


Lost+star trek = FAILURE
This show so far seems like it's trying to mix star trek with lost! It's a disaster, the story line could have been written by a 10 year old. The CGI is almost laughable, compared to the standards set by similar shows, the CGI work on here seems it was done 10 years ago. The acting is beyond poor, the cast is mainly made up of unknown actors, i would be surprised if you have even seen anyone of them before. There are some very dull scenes throughout that add no weight to the plot and go on forever! A reason i watched the show in the first place was because it somehow had a 9.2 rating even before it was broadcast, hence indicating a "inception" tactic by the producers. What a wasted opportunity by the BBC!!

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