
IMDb member since February 2011
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    13 years



Loved It.. So Awesome!!!!
Moved and inspired by this musical film of Elton's life in highlights. Inspiration in life and man what talent. Taron does an amazing job in the film. Great cast!


2x times Seen
Well Adapted and entertaining.. bringing a new song and making it great for the family. Whether another oscar remains to be seen but story told brings a lot of hidden messages for those adults into that. Will did an awesome job of playing the Genie and doing his own take. Was unsure how Guy would direct this but he did justice to the story.

The Society

Give it a Chance
So yes plot is similar to other stories but differently. Cross between Under the Dome (maybe) and Pied Piper story minus younger children. Interesting how the story develops and what transpires. Someone commented about title of last episode "How It happened"... I think it is in reference to a theory they have but at the very end we see another connection. I am interested in what happens next really. After all this is TV and truthfully stories get recycled all the time at least it's not a reboot. It's in the delivery that counts.


A Great Comedy to Watch!
First off a lot of reviews are saying show has taped laughter... NOT TRUE! I attended a taping of this show. It is filmed in front of a live audience on CBS lot in the studio where Rosanne and Mary Taylor Moore used to film. It takes a lot of guts to share your story. I enjoyed being at the taping and watching the filming of the episode I saw. Having watched other episodes I found it to be rather delightful. May not be for everyone's cup of tea but watch it rather than reading reviews. See for yourself. After all this is entertainment!

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