
IMDb member since February 2011
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    13 years



Eva Green takes on the role of the occupied parent of a dyslexic child with anxiety as her mother's imminent space voyage to Mars approaches. Cudos to the director for getting in a trio of gratuitous, if brief, eva green breast shots. The direction is very competent, the cinematography too. The dialogue is multilingual, English, French, Russian, German. The child actor is very convincing and gives a mature performance as a stoical daughter. The majority of the film is taken up by the astronauts' preparation, and exercises in procedures . The final sequences seem to blend authentic footage with filmed material.

Rifkin's Festival

Enjoyable but unsurprising late Woody
Another charming if unsubstantial late-era Woody film. The usual WA tropes of older guy and younger woman (and vice versa this time with the Gina Gershon and Louis Garrel pairing), the same joke themes one has come to expect - death, illness, sex. Though this time Woody has done some nice pastiches of some of the Greats' films he admires - Bergman, Fellini, Bunuel. Wallace Shawn plays a good Woody alter ego, except we don't get him French kissing the delightful Elena Anaya, thankfully. The town looks wonderful. Some nice one-liners, of course. Worth a watch but don't expect anything shattering. Go along for the ride.

A Rainy Day in New York

Not his greatest, but not bad
While there are some nice one-liners, notably delivered by Elle Fanning- a promising comedy talent, the plot is a bit thin. But maybe who cares, right? It's Woody dialogue, with Woody colour palette, and Woody in NYC... Chalomet in the Woody persona holds up his lead well enough, with a bit of nice banter between him and Selina Gomez. And what is it with Woody and Chateau Mayney?? Is this his favourite vineyard, is he on a commission for getting it into dialogue (here, and in Whatever Works). Whatever works for him too. Glad he's still doing his thing and hope he continues for some years to come!

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