
IMDb member since February 2011
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    IMDb Member
    13 years


Rise of Empires: Ottoman

Historical Flawed. Average Drama Masquerading as history.
Historical flawed. it claimed for 1100 years the wall hadn't been breached. But, they had in 1204 when the fourth Crusade sacked the city and destroyed parts of the city. this event is recognized as the beginning of the end for the Byzantine empire. Yet this is completely ignored. it's a soap opera loosely based on historical facts; like the series Vikings.

London Rampage

Painful dialogue, painful acting
Like watching a really bad school play acted in a second language. worse than the room, but without the laughs. There should be a negative star for crap like this.

Another Life

Maybe in another life it might have worked.
Painful to watch and poorly cast. The story is shallow and lacks characters to identify with. The glitchy storyline doesn't deliver anything to hold a viewer's attention; the only aspect that has any positive points are the graphics that are reasonably good. The best that could happen here is not commissioning a new series. Spend the cash on something worthwhile.

5th Passenger

Poorly scripted and acted. Dull, dull,dull. Previous reviews of 10! You have got to be kidding!
The high rating lead me to watch this disaster, which is seems like it was falsely reviewed to get people to watch. The problem with this film is the story seems to drift and fail to connect cohesively. The ridiculous dialogue and third rate acting creates no chemistry between the characters or atmosphere, especially in the build up to those dramatic encounters between humans and the alien; the shock moments of the alien jumping out at the astronauts were predictable. The worst part of this sad movie is that it isn't bad enough to be a fun bad movie.

The Tesla Files

Should have been a great documentary, but...
The problem with this series is the annoying repeated statements and lack of depth in support of their claims. The amount of hearsay and inference that has no support other than the opinions of a interviewees and the experts followed in the episodes. Furthermore, poor editing, along with the constant repeating of previously stated opinions, just makes this whole attempt to uncover the story behind Tesla's time in the states a pointless exercise.

The Joy of Techs

Fun tech review series with a touch of the grand tour.
Marcus Brigstock's comic pessimistic attitude towards tech contrasts well with Alex Conran's enthusiasm for technology and the believe that it will benefit Marcus' life. In each episode, the tech reviewed is relevant to a certain environment (the home, camping etc.), where these two close friends will debate whether the tech Alex has brought with him actually improves a person's life in that context, or that the tech is a total waste of time. The antics and comments will make you laugh out loud, as they trick each in a constant tit-for-tat that both men conduct throughout the series.

While the tech on show isn't actually all new; a number of these items have been reviewed in other shows, it is still entertaining to watch. Marcus Brigstock and Alex Conran are funny and they have a great chemistry on screen. Like Top Gear of Grand tour, both of which are entertainment rather than real consumer advice shows, 'Joy of Techs' is also in the same genre. If you want entertaining, then give it a watch. You will find it funny.

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