
IMDb member since February 2011
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Romantic Rewrite

Pretty Painful
The acting is weak, but the dialogue didn't help. The writer keeps referring to "his hero" to the editor. The ex, who was apparently a "businessman" because he said things like "you're the one deal I can't negotiate". I've been in business for 30 years. Believe me - no one talks like that. And I was so distracted when the lead guy was talking to his sister on the phone. She was supposedly driving, but was turned to the side the entire time. I kept waiting for her to crash. The one positive - I feel so fortunate that I don't have friends who have week long destination wedding celebrations where I have to spend the entire time doing planned activities, such as tug-of-war on the beach - while wearing a dress.

A Country Romance

I am all for suspending reality, but....
There are just too many things that don't make sense. To be fair, I was multi-tasking while watching, so I could have missed some things.

1. The dad goes on vacation during harvest time and makes no arrangements to pick the crops. All the neighbors have to come in and save the day.

2. The dad asks her to go review the sale papers, however, when he comes back, she is still in charge - and making all the decisions.

3. She grew up on a farm and doesn't even know the basic lingo or anything about farming what so ever. So the neighbors always came around to help, but apparently, they didn't make their able bodied kid help. And they must not have every spoke about their livelihood in front of said kid.

4. The main character said she left shortly after her mom died, so she never learned anything about the farm. She also said she left when she was about Mabel's age (12). Again - she should have known the basics of farming and where did she go and who did she live with? Her dad stayed on the farm.

5. Do you really need to do a fashion show when buying clothes to pick crops?

6. She had on as much make-up as a clown right after getting out of the shower.

It's all in the details!

Marry Me in Yosemite

Hallmark - Stop Promoting Bad Behavior
I watch as much Hallmark as the next person, but really dislike when they make movies about spoiled, selfish characters. Why would anyone fall in love with these people?

At the beginning, the female character throws a fit because the guy can't or doesn't want to drop everything at the drop of a hat and take her hiking for a week. And the guy - if this weren't Hallmark, he could be the Unibomber. Educated loner who lives in a hard to reach cabin where no one sees him for extended periods of time. Thank goodness, she shows up with her book deal to save him (and all of us). And when he doesn't get his way with the coffee table book that is about the park, but also the history, with a Native American and conservation twist - he throws his own tantrum and ghosts her. This has toxic relationship written all over it. Also, I'm not a photographer, but I think if I had to travel across the country, hire a guide and take overnight hikes to get to the locations, I might take more than one shot of each location.

More movies about nice people, please!

Love on Trend

A Lot of Problems
It felt like the main actress was reading her lines. I can live with some things not being realistic, but a lot of the story just didn't make sense. So she has to get a new phone - people rarely get new phone numbers in modern times. And phone companies don't reissue numbers in a matter of days. The designer needed to get away, so she cancelled her phone service? And the number just happens to go to a wanna be designer.

Then the star gets her big break designing clothes that could make her career, but she also has to plan the big party, although there is a party planner and why not take some time out for game night?

Finally, at the end, she is going to send all the runway clothes, which she only designs things she wants to wear, to her mother. There was nothing wrong with the mother's build, but she's not a 20-something runway model. It would have made more sense to give them to the friend.

Overall, it felt like this was written by someone in middle school.

Murdered by Morning: Murder in the Heartland
Episode 8, Season 1

Very Good Representation
I lived in the area. Shopped at the same store and remember this time very well. It was a scary time, not knowing if there was a serial killer in the area. This brought back a lot of memories. Even after all of these years, it's still so heartbreaking that a young woman with so much potential went through such a horrendous ordeal. They did a great job of telling the story with a very accurate portrayal.

Chicago Fire: Halfway to the Moon
Episode 20, Season 10

It was nice to see Severide finally stand up to Queen Stella. He's done little lately except be there to pump up her ego. Hopefully, it continues. Stella has replaced Gabby with all stories revolving around her saving the day. Every. Single. Time.

A Little Daytime Drama

Explanation for Hallmark Changes
I felt Hallmark was using this film to try and explain the changes in their programming. The long-time producer was resistant to change because she was afraid of losing the fan base. The much younger replacement wanted to take the show in a new direction with edgier storylines. In a 2-minute meeting, everyone agreed to the changes, the older producer retired and it resulted in the show becoming a raging success.

The acting felt phoned-in and the ending was rushed.

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