
IMDb member since February 2011
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Genesis: Together and Apart

Answers To Long Held Questions
This was a reasonably good telling of the band's evolution, but missed some critical opportunities. The thing I enjoyed most was that some of the guarded parts of the inner workings and band dynamics were revealed. The Brits are generally quite reserved and don't reveal their true emotions. I believe that Steve Hackett and the import of his contribution were significantly under played in this documentary. I would have opened the documentary with scenes from Steve's current tour: Genesis Revisited II. Mr. Hackett is a prolific songwriter, musician and performer who is presently introducing a new generation of fans to the musical artwork created in the early days of the band. To hear the audience, consisting of new and old fans, erupt at these recent performances serves to underscore Steve's continued contribution to the longevity of Genesis. Beyond Steve's affiliation with Genesis, his playing has influenced guitarists such as Eddie Van Halen, Alex Lifeson, Brian May and Steve Rothery, to name a few.

The interviews of those close to the band and industry pundits helped to put the significance of the band into perspective for those who may not be studied fans and devotees.


An Impressive Waste of Time
After having viewed the trailers for this movie I was a bit skeptical, but chose to give the film the benefit of a doubt. It quickly became evident that the rave critical reviews were a load of crap designed to prevent Hollywood producers from "losing their shirts." The premise that sets up Bullock's character is plausible, but the storyline goes downhill fast. It appears the entire goal of this film was to showcase Bullock's minimal acting talents and 49 year old sculpted body. George Clooney was added to draw the female demographic to the theaters, period.

The opening sequence was largely borrowed from Stanley Kubrick's 2001: A Space Odyssey. As for the remaining scenes, the amount of suspended disbelief required to see this flick through to the end will require the viewer to have an understanding of physics often demonstrated by famed cartoon character, Wiley Coyote. The statistical likelihood of Bullock's character surviving the situations that occur would be similar to the same person winning the Powerball for six consecutive drawings.

This film joins "Blood Beach" on a list of worst films ever made.

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