
IMDb member since March 2011
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    IMDb Member
    13 years


The Morning Show

Good Premise ..... Limited Writing
Was keen to see this show mainly because of Aniston and Witherspoon, both of whom turned out to be the best things in it. The idea is gripping and topical considering what's going on in the media. However any of the show's good qualities are completely dulled and overshadowed by the proliferation of profanities and swearing which make up nearly every other word. Does the writer of the show know no other word than F? I see no one else picks up on this so maybe I'm a prude but such limited grasp of the English language is boring and quite honestly off putting. Which is a shame as everything else about the show is sharp and clever.

The Morning Show

Good Premise ..... Limited Writing
Was keen to see this show mainly because of Aniston and Witherspoon, both of whom turned out to be the best things in it. The idea is gripping and topical considering what's going on in the media. However any of the show's good qualities are completely dulled and overshadowed by the proliferation of profanities and swearing which make up nearly every other word. Does the writer of the show know no other word than F? I see no one else picks up on this so maybe I'm a prude but such limited grasp of the English language is boring and quite honestly off putting. Which is a shame as everything else about the show is sharp and clever.

Tales from the Lodge

A Grim Wearytale!
All there is to say is that if this is the best that British filmmakers can do, no wonder the film industry is in the state it is. Dire is too good a word for this drivel.

The Field Guide to Evil

Bedtime stories to put you to sleep.
Boring doesn't even begin to describe this grimfest. Two stories out of the eight (the American one and the weird fairy tale at the end) just about manage to garner interest. The rest are either so 'deep' they fail to make their point, or gross out that they'd turn your stomach. Either way this is one book of tales to leave on the shelf.

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