
IMDb member since March 2011
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    IMDb Member
    13 years



This is so bad it is good.
It is so bad it is good. It helps if you take some herbal or chemical stimulants before watching.

The acting is bad. It looks like they made it for $10,000. But there is a lot of nasty gore and some really horrible scenes. Most of the characters, although stereotypical, are not likeable.

If you like extreme gore, it is worth watching. If your partner is into romantic comedies, give it a miss.

The Tourist

I think some people are missing the point.
I saw so many bad reviews about this. I thought it was quite good. Take it for what it is. A dark comedy. Lots of people get killed. Daft plot twists. It isn't a serious drama. If you take for what it is, it is quite fun.

A Dark Foe

A much lot better than the negative reviews.
Look, I rarely write review. And never negative ones.

To be honest, for the first 10 or 20 minutes, I was unsure about this film, and thought it could be a bit corny and middle of the road. But if you stick with it, it suddenly gets darker and darker and not what I expected. There are some shocking and grisly scenes. And plenty of twists and turns.

So, I would recommend this. A solid film.

The Jesus Rolls

Definitely not a Big Lebowski sequel
I know people pegged this as a sequel to the Big Lebowski, but the only thing they have in common is the main character of this movie.

When I was watching it, I was thinking "this reminds me of the 70's French movie Les Valseuses". And sure enough, it was based on the book of the same name.

It's definitely watchable. It is always funny watching adults behaving like juvenile delinquents. Any minor plot weaknesses are made up for by an incredibly good cast.

The Beach Bum

very under-rated....
I really enjoyed this film. Good way to spend a sunday afternoon. There were some truly hilarious scenes. I thought it was more nuanced than your typical stoner movie, which usually rely on crude gags and scenarios.

I noticed there were a lot of negative reviews. Obviously these people haven't watched other movies by Harmony Korine. By comparison, this one is almost mainstream.

Jack Ryan

Season 2 - what is this nonsense.....
I enjoyed Season 1, but could barely manage to watch season 2 to the end.

I couldn't work out if it was meant to a tough-in-cheek homage to the 80's action films, or just a piece of right-wing propaganda, probably with direct CIA involvement. It obviously is referring to the current situation in Venezuala. Venezuala is not North Korea. To boil it down to a binary black and white / good guys (the CIA) vs the bad guys is an insult to people's intelligence, although it might please Trump supporters.


Very funny show
I'm from Cumbria. so I get the accents. Other people might not. This show was so funny. I really liked it. Great characters. Davey McGrogan. Jolly Boy John. You have to watch this.

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