
IMDb member since March 2011
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    13 years


Happy Birthday

Fun little indie
I read somewhere that the budget for this movie was $500,000. That's ridiculous. I applaud the cast and crew and filmmakers as that's not easy. My favorite part of the movie was the guy from ER playing the tour guide, hilarious. Steve Tyler was funny as well. There were a few twists and turns, and it reminded me of the Hangover meets a Robert Rodriguez movie. I do think it's misleading calling this horror, but still, I had a blast!

The two girls, one who I knew from Waiting with Ryan Reynolds, was great as the love interest, and the other tall black girl was super scary!!! She was great. The other kid I didn't know, but I recognize Matt Bush from Adventureland and a bunch of TV commercials.

My favorite part was the drug kingpin in the hotel room, it shows that the director can fare well with some more serious stuff, but - it was a fun watch. Definitely worth a rental in this day and age of remakes and comic book movies.

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