
IMDb member since March 2011
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    13 years


Marbie, star de Couillu-Les-2-Eglises

An unorthodox film
"Marbie, star ..." is a film quite unusual both in its subject, its own way and its financing. Treat the life of a simple woman, who tries out a fantasy, is certainly not a "Holder" topic. Yet the director manages to make the protagonist, banal moreover, engaging, exciting and even exciting. The manner is direct and without any effects or special, or "handle". This is of direct cinema, almost documentary, attached to the soil of the reality of life. A life that, for the emotions that this work raises, is transcended and exceeds the apparent insignificance of everyday life of these characters, brave or cowardly, greedy or generous, but always deeply true. Each vision, I found this piece of new approvals, despite any weakness, something that was inevitable with this first work of the director Dominique Smeets. Moreover, the film finally opens a window on a region of Belgium - Charleroi - decried by those who do not know, but full of brave and generous people with a heart "as big as this." A job that, surprisingly, was funded by calls for subscription to the general public, who responded in numbers, something that also deserves to be highlighted.

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