
IMDb member since July 2003
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Inspector Gadget

What a sorry excuse for a comedy
What in God's name was Matthew Broderick thinking? One of the more talented actors in the industry, Broderick has, for reasons unknown, been churning out below average movies for most of the last 15 years. Inspector Gadget is just another worthless piece of junk to add to his collection. This movie is way too short and has way too much bad acting to be of any use to any living creature...unless you run out of fire wood. I'm looking at a can of Sprite right now and realizing that, in fact, the can of Sprite is funnier and much more fulfilling than this movie.

Unless you include Broderick's voice acting as Simba in The Lion King (1994), Election (1999) has been his only good movie since Glory (1989). Hopefully, Broderick can get out of this bad movie funk soon, because he is very fun to watch on the big screen.

2 out of 10

Head of State

A good political statement...A HORRIBLE Comedy!
It's obvious that Chris Rock had intentions of making a movie that preaches to the American public of the wrongs and injustices that many middle to lower class people face. I am all for that, and from a political standpoint, the movie made some very good points. However, when I go to see a Chris Rock movie labeled COMEDY, I want to watch a movie that is funny, not a movie that rambles on and on about politics. If this movie wasn't supposed to be a comedy, it would be very good indeed. However, this movie is supposed to be comedy, and seeing how the few scenes with Bernie Mac are the only comedic parts of the movie, I am forced to give this movie a low score.

2 out of 10

Dudley Do-Right

Worst Brendan Fraser movie ever!
What can I say about Dudley Do-Right that hasn't already been said? Once again, a very funny and enjoyable cartoon has been turned into an utterly horrible film. The movie is slow, uneventful, and just plain bad. Fraser makes his past performances in George of the Jungle and Airheads look like Brando in The Godfather or Kilmer in Tombstone. Sarah Jessica Parker, an actress with great skill and ability, looks uncomfortable and out of sync in this movie. Why she would ever be in a movie so horribly out of her league is beyond me.

Whatever you do, whoever you are, STAY AWAY FROM THIS MOVIE!!!

2 out of 10

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