
IMDb member since July 2003
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I liked it
I decided to watch Ned after repeatedly watching his satire on the Matrix, titled "Computer Boy". Although Ned isn't the greatest comedy out I have to say I quite enjoyed this film as it is consistent Abe Forsythe's style of humour ( I loved the cameo from "Hey Dad"). A good film to go watch when it is out on DVD.


Aussie Film
I have been reading through the reviews and I am very pleased with the amount of international praise for this Aussie classic. As many people know we aussies hold this event very dear and it is a very important part of our history. But there was a few thing I was shocked at. First of all for those people who said that it was too Australian or too much Aussie accent, might I remind you that this is because it is an AUSTRALIAN FILMED SET IN AUSTRALIA BASED ON AN MAJOR AUSTRALIAN EVENT. Secondly I also found that there was comments about it being anti-British and it was mentioned about the reference to the Brittish drinking tea on the beach. I am not sure if they actually were drinking tea on the beach but it is true that they were safely on the beach. as for the film being anti -British, well what peope must remeber is that many Australaians have a resentment towards the British due to there actions War. The Gallipoli campaign was one monumental blunder in British organisatoin. The Turks knew the ANZACS were coming, when the ANZACS were assembling before the initial landing, the Turks were flying planes overhead counting numbers. It has also now been revealed that the landing poit at Gallipoli was not the actual place they were meant to land. But I think the largest amount of resentment came from the apparent let down during WWII. When the Japenese where at Australia's door step and we turned to England for help, we recieved the coud shoulder. (In all fairnss England did have its own troubles) but at the time many people were outraged as our solidiers were of fighting war for our motherland and when we were in time of crisis the mother land abondened us. Fortunatly the USA came to our aid and helped us fight off the Japenese. It's because of this Australaia now has a strong alliance with the US instead of the UK.

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