
IMDb member since April 2011
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    IMDb Member
    13 years


This Is Life

Gripping Snapshot of Life Troubles
This is a nicely woven short tale which highlights the intersection of typical and atypical events in various peoples lives which come across as matter of fact, but which are deeply troubling. It's the type of story that makes you say to yourself, "I don't have it that bad, but I could." I enjoy movies best when there is a compelling story, believable acting, and complimentary score/soundtrack. In this film, all are assembled perfectly, indicating solid directing. I particularly enjoyed the performances of the mother and ex-girlfriend of the central character.

There are quite a few melancholy moments in this picture, and the melancholy soundtrack really accentuates the feeling.

Smooth scene transitions and camera work give the film a very professional "higher budget" look.

Losing Control

Not funny, not clever, really not much of anything.
When I go to see a comedy, I'm usually satisfied if I get a good two or three hearty laughs. This one gave me one or two chuckles, no full laughs, and an awful lot of groans.

The actors did a decent job with what they were given. The plot started out well enough, but soon devolved in a series of tenuously connected scenes, many completely absurd. However, not absurd enough to be a good farce.

I'm not one to shy away from expletives, particularly in a good action movie, but the gratuitous expletives in this movie were really distracting, inappropriate, and out of character. I'm not sure if that was due to the script or direction or both. Either way, not good.

So basically, bad writing, bad direction, okay acting. May or may not be a waste of time, depending on your mindset.


Powerful story, outstanding performances.
This is a very powerful film from start to end, with every scene gripping the viewer. Although the subject matter has been dealt with in films before, this is the most profound, convincing take on it that I have seen. I found myself grimacing and wincing at certain points, and smiling at others.

The acting in particular was excellent. The two leading roles demanded quite a range of emotions. In order to really believe the story, I have to absolutely believe the characters. When there is a broad range of emotion required, actors/actresses can't slip up at all, or the story won't seem real. In this case they nailed it.

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