
IMDb member since July 2003
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Mule Skinner Blues

Everyone Has Potential
It is likely that the majority of Americans who see this film will quickly label the people profiled within "losers", quickly denying any self-recognition. It is unfortunate that the current American psyche does not seem to find true value in love, friendship, camaraderie, non-commercial creativity of any kind, whether it be music, art, authorship, fashion design, hobbies, because it is quite obvious to me, at this stage in my life, that the "ol' mighty dollar" is not the only thing of value in it. The people featured in this film are multi-faceted, fascinating, and basically tender, loving and LOVABLE. Watching it made me wish for inner peace for them, as well as all Americans, so that they have the emotional freedom to appreciate the "treasures" they have all around them every day of their lives.


Magic for a Horse Loving Child
I saw Snowfire as a little girl in our local movie theater. I must have been around 4 or 5 years old, making the year 1963/1964. I even wore my red cowboy boots to the movie. (One of which I lost under the theater seats, and was never recovered. I was carried home.) The movie was magical.

While I was growing up, Chicago's WGN television station broadcasted a program called "Family Classics" hosted by Frazier Thomas. To my utter delight, "Family Classics" aired "Snowfire" about once a year. Knowing my love affair with the movie, my family members would be sure to call me in from whatever outdoor adventure I was on to inform me of its showing. The only time I didn't come running was when I was riding an actual horse.

I see that someone is looking for a copy of Snowfire. WGN in Chicago Illinois might have a copy for you.

Pop Rocks

What a fun movie!
I really enjoyed this movie. It moved at a good pace. The acting was great

(Sherilyn Fenn is an awesome actress, and has a figure like a real person, which is refreshing.) I think Gary Cole is handsome, and can sing! It was funny (David Jensen's characterization of Izzy was a hoot.) The music isn't bad either. (I would like to know why Kiss let them use their song. Is this story loosely based on their story?) You would expect it to be corny and square, but it was very hip. It's a sweet story, great for the whole family. The message is also surprisingly profound. What fun!

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