
IMDb member since April 2011
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    IMDb Member
    13 years



Delivers Exactly What It Promises
If you didn't like this movie, it wasn't for you. If you did like this movie, you almost definitely loved it. It seems more people fall into the latter category.

As director Todd Phillips said on stage before the TIFF screening, "It's a slow burn, but it's worth it". Indeed it is!

I could go into the plot but no one wants to hear that before seeing a movie. I will say this much, it will give you chills and goose bumps when it's moment arrives.

Watch this movie. There's a better than 50% chance you'll love it.

My Life Without Me

A nice and unique drama
The Hulk goes to Avonlea and makes out with Blondie and Doc Ock's daughter, who's married to a werewolf-vampire hybrid.

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