
IMDb member since April 2011
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    13 years


World War II: From the Frontlines

A high level summary for the history newb
It's not bad, but there are far better documentaries on WW2. It gives a high level summary of the key battles, and provides a decent variance in perspectives in that limited time - highlighting how there are no moral victors in war - but 6 hours is not enough to tell this story. Some of the colourisation does not look natural; too technicolor and one dimensional.

I've watched 50-100 hours of WW2 documentaries, and you can spend the same amount of time just on a single front, and not even scratch the surface. Give it a go if you don't know much, then watch "the color of war", or one of the other older doco's. New is not always better.

Leave the World Behind

Could have been much better
I loved Mr Robot and always watch anything Ethan Hawke is in. Although this movie kept my attention, when the credits rolled it left me unfulfilled. The acting, cinematography, and special effects are good, but none of the characters are likeable and the story goes nowhere, rather slowly.

Many lines of dialogue feel forced, because they simply aren't how people talk; least of all the characters that speak them. Several events occur that are surreal and most are left unexplained. There's a strong tension that builds around these scenes and then they're just over, most ultimately being of no consequence.

I feel like many scenes and dialogue were unnecessary, and the final events should have happened at the 1/2 or 3/4 mark. Leaves me wondering if it was the original vision, or a Hollywood producer hack job.


Rated 10 to counteract voting manipulation
I'd normally rate it a 7, but a couple episodes deserve an 8. This show has a low rating because it critiques religion, abortion, immigration, and many other topics propagandized by conservative media.

Yes, it's stupid and crude, but that's the point, and if you ever find that humor funny, it's also often hilarious. I stopped watching Family Guy and derivatives 5+ years ago, so it's good to have a fresh adult cartoon done in a similar vein.

There has been a very obvious trend on rating and review sites over the last 5 years, where every NEW show that critique's conservatives, or any their heavily propagandized topics, receives hundreds of negative reviews on release (often even before). Amazon, and all websites, need to do something to counteract the loud, anti-freedom minority trying to impose their theocratic, authoritarian beliefs on modern culture and media.

If you liked similar adult cartoons, give season 1 a watch, and I doubt you'll be disappointed.


Some interesting solutions to industrial agriculture
Quite a few of these comments seem to come from ignorant activist-types, who don't understand or care about some of the points made in the 2nd half of the film. Yes, animal agriculture as it exists today is barbaric and completely unsustainable. No, not every instance of animal agriculture is cruel, unjust, or unsustainable. Animals are a key part of ecosystems, their long term equilibrium, and in the management of the water and soil. There is a balance that can be achieved with animals, which is more sustainably productive than without them (e.g. Rice-fish farming systems).


Unique collapse of society premise
Similar to "Greenland" in feel, but more of a horror thriller than an action movie. The acting is strong, series of events are unpredictable, and it should keep you interested from start to finish. Some people don't like unconventional storylines, or an ending that doesn't offer much closure or happiness, but I value different, when the majority of movies are the same thing I've seen 100x before.

The Gateway

Not great, but not terrible B grade movie (spoilers)
It's not great, but it is watchable if you're bored. What doesn't add up though:

1) Why not test a rat or cat instead of going apple > video camera > yourself? 2) Why would the parallel universe be so different and dystopian, yet they are still married, living in the same house on the same street; her working the same job at the same location, doing the same experiment... 3) Why does she appear in a different parallel universe when trying to return the 2nd time? Was it the modulation of the frequencies (lol)? 4) The last few minutes were completely unnecessary, and left a "cliffhanger" that doesn't make any sense given how the ending played out, nor in the greater context of the film.

A bunch of lazy writing; I didn't hate it, but I won't watch it ever again.

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