
IMDb member since May 2011
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    13 years


Nine Days

A cliche independent
When the programmer announced this is first director feature but that was irrelevant, because it was most heart warming film she watched recently, it seted a very wrong expectation. As the first feature, it wasn't too bad, but it was not a good moive. So many great cast, amazing actors are all wasted, th fatal mistake is the leading character is pretentious and chliche in every way: the dialogue is tedious, being deep for the sake of deep? appears to be icy but so sensitive and knid inside? Being angry and emotional in a very obviously way? Has a best friend to expose his vulnerability who has zero chemistry with him? Has a insightful, unique, bold girl to challenge him? It is too much self-indulgence, hard to finish, not to mention the bad music taste.


So addictive
The show is truly addictive and intense in a way. The amzing cenimaphotgraphy and creative story telling are hard to beat. The impressive cast made it even more addictive, by watching Zendaya laughing and cry could be so entertaining and moving, She is on her way to the best actress for next Emmy award!

The Perfection

Please portrait the shooting location properlly
The first couple scenes took place in Shanghai. The production team couldn't bother to do more research about the location they were shooting, randomly put some Chinese opera costume at a modern theather. Then put actresses on a AMERICAN YELLOW BUS on the way to CANNADA ( or other county). And why is the chicken on the bus? it only take one question or one minute research go get the answer that the transportation in Shanghai is so advanced and clean.And it takes less than an hour to go the cities near by bullet train.By the way, the station is nicer than most of the airports in the world.

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