Reviews (2)

  • i think that OT the Movie is specifically targetted to the show's fans who couldn't get enough of their idols. As much as critics dismiss this film as another marketing ploy, which it is of course, it can't be denied that the show is a vehicle for discovering talent. some of the alumni have actually proven themselves to not be mere flash in the pans. i mean, it is one thing to fool several thousands of people into buying your single or album, but to get recognized internationally with nominations like Bisbal is another thing. It could also be viewed as a source of inspiration for some people who think that showbusiness is just for people who have connections. These youngsters had to enter the industry without padrinos. I think they should be given credit for this. all in all, it's not Goya or Oscar material, but it's not all that bad.
  • cifra2: I think that's what the show's all about- having 16 new Spanish Britneys and Justines. But as much as I agree that it's all a marketing ploy, I have to say that it can't be denied that it is an avenue to discover new talent. The pop songs can be little headaches sometimes (geez, Nika of Batch 2 is the most obvious victim), but some of these kids do have talent. This becomes more obivous as the show ends and the contestants' solo albums come out. The contestants who have talent eventually surface, leaving their inferior classmates behind. From batch 1, we've seen how Bisbal achieved trans-Atlantic success. From batch 2, we've seen how Vega and her talent as a tue musician and composer was made known. of course, during the show, those talents were quite supressed because they had to sing the sappy pop songs. But the moment of truth comes after all the concerts and all the marketing hype. Time could only tell.