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A Symphony of Boredom
Maestro, touted as a cinematic masterpiece, unfortunately falls flat in its attempt to captivate audiences with a compelling story and engaging characters. Instead, it earns the dubious honor of being labeled the most boring movie of the year.

From the opening scenes, Maestro fails to establish a coherent and interesting narrative. The plot meanders aimlessly, lacking any sense of direction or purpose. The film follows the life of a supposed musical genius, but even the most ardent classical music enthusiasts may find themselves struggling to stay awake.

One of the major issues plaguing Maestro is the lackluster character development. The protagonist, portrayed by a talented cast, remains elusive and detached throughout the film. Viewers are left without a reason to invest emotionally in the journey of this so-called maestro. The supporting characters fare no better, serving as mere props in a slow-paced and tedious melodrama.

The film's pacing is its ultimate downfall. Scenes drag on endlessly, with extended musical sequences that seem more like an exercise in self-indulgence than a genuine attempt to enhance the storyline. Viewers expecting a dynamic exploration of the world of classical music will be sorely disappointed, as Maestro fails to capitalize on the potential for intrigue within the industry but is focused mostly on maestro's love life.

Even the score, which one might expect to be a saving grace in a movie centered around music, becomes repetitive and fails to evoke any emotional response. Instead of enhancing the viewing experience, the music serves as a monotonous backdrop to an already tedious affair.

In conclusion, Maestro earns its title as the most boring movie of the year. It's a tedious and forgettable journey that lacks the depth and engagement necessary to keep audiences interested. Save yourself the disappointment and opt for a more stimulating cinematic experience.


Acting is really really great, especially from Margot Robbie and Charlize Theron (I never expected to see her in a role like this). Great directing, editing and makeup. Story is on point. A bit overdramatic at times, but really suspenseful from the beginning of the movie to the end. I liked the archived footage mixed with the movie footage. It's really worth to see.

Marriage Story

Very emotional and realistic
The movie is very emotional and realistic. The story drags you throughout the whole movie within the circulating emotions of sadness, anger, humor and love. The acting is really great from all leading and supporting actors, no wonder it got that much nominees and won an Oscar.

Ford v Ferrari

Oscars - well deserved
The movie is really driving you through the whole story. It's a very thrilling experience. Excitement rushes and keeps you tied to the screen through the racing scenes. The excellent soundtrack keeps your emotions occupied. Production, editing, the engine roars, everything fits perfectly like on a GT -40 :) The Oscars are well deserved. Christian Bale is also very convincing in his acting. You can see that he's entirely into the character with the British accent and all the strange tics of Ken Miles. I haven't seen a good movie like this in a while.


A great movie
I really liked the movie a lot. It is extraordinary. The plot is a unique masterpiece. Like most Korean movies, it is maybe not for everyone's stomach. It is a brutal, honest and a raw dark comedy, which has a deeper meaning that progresses throughout the whole movie and punches you at the end with a knockout twist. It replicates the cold and honest reality of the outside world of poor and rich differences. So, whoever wants to experience a thrilling push of harsh reality, packed into a metaphoric world of class diversity and the struggle between them, has to see this movie.


A good movie
I have to say that I'm a big fan of Joaquin Phoenix and I can say that he really nailed it while playing Joker. Movie, itself, is very emotional, but for my taste, a bit to slow. The drama kicks in at times, but it feels like the movie is lacking something. Maybe it's my subjective point of view, since most people like to say that it's the best movie of 2019, but I think it's a bit exaggerated. Still, I think it's worth to see it. The movie has great cinematography, plot is great, acting from De Niro is also worth mentioning, the score and the screenplay are great, too, still I think I seen better movies last year :)

Once Upon a Time in... Hollywood

Not a classic Tarantino movie, but extraordinary
I can say foremost, that it's not a classic Tarantino action package. So, Tarantino action fans might be a bit disappointed for the first part of the movie. But, after all, it is a movie with a extraordinary and original story which soaks you into a, so to say, retro Hollywood scenery. It's sells as an alternative reality in 60s Hollywood scene. The pace and the storytelling is a bit slow at the beginning, but everything points to a culminating ending. The character diversity and their point of views keep your attention occupied throughout the whole movie. So yes, the movie is a bit different, then most movies out there, but I think people either love it very much or are disappointed, since they looked for something else. I love it.


Intense, dramatic and suspenseful
The plot and the story of the movie is very intense, dramatic and suspenseful. The complete idea of filming the movie in one shot just adds a strawberry on the top. There is not much to say, except that I would recommend everyone to watch this movie. The dramatic score, acting and all the surrounding of the battlefields and reliving all the intense situations pulls you deep into the movie, where you feel all the awfulness and distress of a war.

Ford v Ferrari

Oscars - well deserved
The movie is really driving you through the whole story. It's a very thrilling experience. Excitement rushes and keeps you tied to the screen through the racing scenes. The excellent soundtrack keeps your emotions occupied. Production, editing, the engine roars, everything fits perfectly like on a GT -40 :) The Oscars are well deserved. Christian Bale is also very convincing in his acting. You can see that he's entirely into the character with the British accent and all the strange tics of Ken Miles. I haven't seen a good movie like this in a while.


Kind of boring
For starter, I'm gonna put things that are good and bad in this movie, and then I'm gonna explain why. THE GOOD: Tom Hanks acting and the acting of the other actors as well, Hans Zimmer music, visual art, geographic locations. THE BAD (Everything else): Predictable plot, unconvincing scenes, too much drama for nothing and too much twist created for no obvious reason, too slow pace, exaggeration with everything else...

I read the first Dan Browns popular book "Da Vinci's Code", then saw the movie, which I didn't watched until the end, because it was simply too slow...too predictable...too boring. I thought it's because I first read the book. Of course, the whole story and all the small details that you read in a book can never be put that perfectly together in a 2 hour movie. That's fine, I thought: "ok, I'm gonna first watch this movie, then later will read the book, maybe that's the way it should go." Still, I didn't expected it to be an awesome movie, because the same director is making this movie.

It was as I predicted: too slow...too predictable...too boring. The time line in the movie is not linear, it's a bit mixed up, but not in a good way. There are simply to many visual sequences that appear as memories or scenes that happened in the past. They happen to often, most times they are the same ones, so it kind of insults the intelligence of the viewer. When the time comes to move on with the story, the memories appear again in a boring way to remind the viewer what happened. I mean,common, it's a Hollywood production, they can make this better. They put a lot of money into various locations, Venice, Florence, filmed all of the museums, historical places, there are great visuals and much effort put in this, Hans Zimmer music for Christ sake, you got Tom Hanks. Why can't you make a better movie ? The action scenes are so sloppy, unrealistic and stupid. For example there are like 100 special forces outside, evacuating everything, but on the end, Dr. Langhorn has to fight and wrestle against the terrorists, come on :)

Blair Witch

Nothing special
This movie is like all the newer horror movies. Instead to intrigue you with the story, it uses lots of unconvincing special effects to substitute that lack of thrill. I watched the original from 1999 and the Blair Witch 2 and can say that this movie is something in between. I guess the producers had lack of ideas to package it correctly, so they took both stories of the previous movies, put it together and tried to have it to look better with today's modern CGI and special effects. I didn't liked it a lot, it was kind of boring. Even when I watched it in the theater with my friends, who didn't watched the previous parts, and they didn't liked it much, as well. I really wouldn't recommend it.


An average movie
I was very disappointed with the movie, but I guess I had bigger expectations than I should have. Scarlet was the reason I vouched for this movie, and she was appealing and pleasant to watch, but the other actors, except Freeman, didn't impressed me much. The movie started a bit in the rush and was promising a thrilling plot, but it was less than that. Instead we got an average Hollywood spoof with lot of scientific misconceptions, that promised to give us intelligent, philosophical thoughts and it was all except that. The Revolution and Evolution theory was interesting for the starter, but it's a thing that every nature science student is being taught, and the movie doesn't pass anything above that. Almost all other scientific stuff is fiction and that's not the way how science- fiction movies should work. Sci- fi is a genre that should contain fictional elements out of scientific background, not otherwise. But hey, it's Hollywood, and we are somehow used to it. Regarding the action part, Luc Besson likes to rush things and give us fast, wordless, action scenes, but here, he missed the plot completely and therefore I thing he should stuck with plain action movies instead with the wannabe intelligent sci-fi fantasy movies.


It's not funny
I really don't see a reason why anybody should give this movie a rating above 5 ? I'm used to the fact, that in the recent time there are not much comedies out there. And there are less and less funny comedies. I've seen action movies and thrillers, that are way funnier than many movies that have the Comedy sticker on it. If the movie is not funny enough, why is it categorized as a Comedy? For this movie, I would say it made me laughing twice, once in the beginning, and afterwards a little bit. I was waiting the another half of the movie to get laugh-inspired again, but was deeply disappointed. The whole movie was intended to make a father-son drama with positive emotions, but I'm really missing a point here. Throughout the whole movie you expect to get some funny stuff, but instead you are pushed to see a family drama that is not moving, and in the end you really ask yourself: "Why did I had to watch this movie at all ?".

The Lone Ranger

Spectacular entertainment
I enjoyed the movie a lot. Johnny Depp was hilarious with his eccentric role as the Indian. He made me to laugh a lot of times with his weird, sarcastic dialogs and scenes. Despite the story is set in wild west, the movie reminds a lot to Pirates of the Caribbean movies. It has a lot of unrealistic moments, but I don't mind, I watched it very open minded as it is a Disney movie, after all. I am aware that the movie is made for kids and it is watchable as pure Hollywood entertainment that drives you through 2:30 hours. A lot of action was put in it and the special effects were great as well as the music from Hans Zimmer. Every movie he makes music for, it gives you a lot more drama and improves greatly the atmosphere in the movie, even if the movie itself is of an average quality. I didn't knew about the Lone Ranger story before I watched the movie. I remember it partly from my childhood, and maybe if I did knew it, it would affect my joy by watching this movie, but for now, I had a great time by watching it.


I liked the idea, but the movie lacks further development
The idea for the movie was great. I mean the whole biology/AI futurism impressed me a lot. It's a real "science" fiction movie like the movie makers don't make anymore nowadays. CGI effects were good and the sci-fi lab impressed me as well. The music wasn't that impressive, it wasn't dramatic at all. Beside the whole love story and emotions that were dealt in this movie, I wasn't that moved. The story, however, is great and it has a good point but it is not developed and it lacks details that couldn't be put in these two hours. The story could be improved a lot and it would be enough for another two sequels. The movie has much plot holes and the characters are poorly developed. Some of the actors didn't impressed me with their acting, especially the "terrorists". Johnny Depp and Paul Bettany especially did their parts, as well as Rebecca Hall. Despite all of this facts I give it 7 stars.

Man of Steel

Spectacular visuals and great action
I was positively overwhelmed by its ongoing action scenes, what mostly surprised me in contradiction to its prequel, the modern Superman comic adaptation "Superman Returns". On the contrary it wasn't spoiled with the romance that took the domination in the prequel and with the trending excessive love stories that strip off the excitement from today's superhero movies. It was filled with exactly the right amount of action like it should be, because it is a Superman movie and should be like this. I wasn't expecting that much, because, honestly, Superman Returns bored me to death. Special effects were stunning. For the money that was put in this movie (220 million $), it is noticeable that most of the money went to the production of visual effects. Zack Snyder makes big action available in his movies, which tend to have respectable production values and stunning visuals. However, he always keeps the character and the story development behind and we are somehow used to it. It is a kind of movie in which you don't expect a beheading twist, you simple watch it as an average Hollywood action/blockbuster. As I said, I didn't expected it to be the movie of the year, but the selection of the actors could have been improved. Russell Crowe and Amy Adams gave their best and they are excellent, experienced actors, but other actors were just average and below. Probably it's because the most of the budget was given for production and smaller amount for actors. Also, I have to mention that the soundtrack was very good, especially in the finale. Considering all this facts, I give it 7 stars.

The Lego Movie

Well with my age of 34 and some gray hair I got more than I expected with this movie: - A huge, massive, gigantic pile of fun, - a lot of action, - superb animations - and a wide range of different hysteric laugh attacks that seem to me to be a kind of a viral disease :D

It's really fantastic and ingenious how the movie is put together. The editing is amazing, the scenes great, the voice-overs are remarkably good and it has a nice point, too. A lot of it to think about and a nice moral lesson for all kids. I especially liked the scenes with Batman, he brought me almost every time to laugh, but the other characters with their silly and pointless ideas were funny as well. I mean, I would recommend it to all parents to buy it for their children, and possibly watch it as well! There is really nothing to criticize except that it lasts only 100 minutes :(


It's good
First, I have to say that I am a big fan of Darren Aronofsky. Every movie that he directed is a masterpiece for itself (my personal opinion). He may be not that productive, since he made 6 movies in 20 years of his career, but he is thorough. And by thorough, I mean that he goes in every detail to get the watchers point of view closer to the psychological impacts and the development of the characters in his movies. He takes all your attention and puts it, as much subjective as possible, into the mind of the main character. That's why I love him. He makes you feel, what the character feels. He soaks You inside the role. He is comparable and can be associated to Dostojevski, regarding the character psychology in his works. With Noah, he didn't disappointed me in that case. He developed the story very smooth, in exact balance that is required for a movie like this. The plot moves slow from the beginning and accelerates at the end. Maybe the movie is a little bit to long, he could put the story in two separated movies and develop the plot a little bit better with the ending sequences, but it is like it is now. In the second half of the movie it becomes very tense and dramatic. The Noah's emotions, hopes, expectations and actions give you lot of tension and thrill to rely on. The soundtrack is good and moving. Actors gave it a solid performance, there's no doubt about that. Darren himself, however, admitted in an interview that he changed the story a little bit from its origins. Everybody who read the Old testament will be aware of that. He twisted the story a bit and put some different elements of the story for the mainstream audition to picture the story better in the today's world (like the watchers for example). For me, it goes to much into mainstream fantasy, and that's the thing that I don't like in Noah. It may be that it's better for the most people. It is easier to consume the movie and more money is made, but it is a religious movie that tells the story from Old testament and I think that it should be kept in these boundaries.


A worst sci-fi movie so far
Well, I don't know if it can be called a "sci-fi" movie. You have at most 5 minutes of science fiction in the almost two hours that I lost by watching this movie. Also, it is not that exact historic if I put it that way. I'm not sure if these filmmakers know how real vikings looked like ? To recap, real vikings lived in Scandinavia, in subarctic climate (where it's damn cold). This movie shows us vikings in an unrealistic environment with volcanoes and lava, in an almost Mediterranean environment. The vikings walk with short sleeves, look like Americans, behave like Americans and have almost nothing in common with vikings, except few viking shields and a viking village. Come on, the filmmakers could do better than that. At least some effort would make the movie much more realistic. And I haven't seen one viking that is naturally blond or at least to look like one. Most of them have brown or black hair with some hair parts that are colored to blond. I mean everybody knows that the Scandinavian people are blond with pale skin (due to low levels of Melanin because they are not exposed to sun). It's because they live in winter lands :) Except these simple geographic and scientific facts that have nothing to do with this (not science, but more of a fiction) movie, it also lack creativity. It's full of plot holes. The story is undeveloped, so at least to say, and it has no twist at all. Action scenes have not much creativity in it and the whole idea of the movie ends where it has started: at the beginning. I won't recommend it to anyone.

The Wolverine

A good Marvel adaptation, though
Well, it's a good movie - if You're up for a two-hour sci-fi/action Marvel adaptation that is full with ninjas, katanas, a robot samurai, some X-Man mutants with their bad-ass quotes. It is also a good Wolverine sequel and don't falls behind it's predecessors. Not that good as Iron man or Avengers, but You got to watch excellent computer generated effects, a lot of action and nice Japanese scenery. Like all Marvel comic adaptations, the scenes have originality and are more creative than most of the today's Hollywood action movies (that I am mostly disappointed with). All in all, a nice way to engage two hours of your time in some adrenalin and pleasing visual effects.

Serbuan maut 2: Berandal

One of the best action movies, that I watched recently
OK, that's what I call an action movie. Like the first movie, it is full of action-loaded brutal scenes, blood spills all over and it gives you a lot of adrenalin while enjoying it to watch. The killing scenes are more real, more bloody and more dynamic in opposition to Hollywood-made action movies. Somewhat like Luc Besson movies. The thrilling story adds more stars to it and gives You a total occupation of your mind. It is giving it more quality and that's why it is one of the few movies that are better as the prequel. The dialogues and the psychology of the characters are much developed and the actors give one more spice to it. It is really one of the best action movies that I watched recently, and by my big surprise a better movie that I expected. I have to say that the camera movements and the editing was just amazing as the whole movie production. It is a must-see for action and thriller fans.

300: Rise of an Empire

All in all an average mainstream fantasy/action
Well, this movie has so little in common with historical facts that I hardly forced myself to watch it. After few hopeless attempts to put my reason to the side and watch this movie impulsively as a mainstream fantasy/action, I finally made it and was not that disappointed, as I thought I would be. First of all, I am upset that they present Persian warriors like half- crippled bogeymen as that was the fact in the first movie. As I watched much of documentary movies that review decisive battles, I can say that most of the battle tactics shown in the movie were pure fantasy like the most of the movie. That's probably why it is a Fantasy movie. I didn't expected a better movie, because I watched the first movie and it is, as expected, very similar to it. The story is also above all reality with very poor dialogues (except few fight quotes and tries to sound poetic). Emotions that were presented from the queen of Sparta, which mourns her fallen king, and the father/son warriors that fight together, were not that impressive, so it is no use to mention it in detail. The only things that drive this movie are: Action-loaded, brutal and bloody fight scenes, CGI and special effects, stunts and somewhat the costumes and the computer generated scenery. All in all an average mainstream fantasy/action.

The Heat

An average comedy
It is a female version of the "21st Jump Street". The story is like usual, nothing extraordinary: two contradicting cops meet and form a partnership to bust a drug lord until they finally develop a friendship. Melissa McCarthy is a rough, sadistic cop which don't fits her character and Sandra Bullock is an FBI agent who is smart, emotional and easy-going just like she is. The ongoing conflict between this two, makes the movie a bit tense and interesting, also the scenes with the McCarthy's family are somewhat funny. Except these few cursing dialogues and few nebulous scenes that give You excitement, the movie is an average comedy.


The movie is OK for a sci-fi/action
Elysium had some refreshing ideas about how the future could look like and I am positively surprised about the background story of the life on earth in contradiction to the life on Elysium. It is a parallel to today's life and makes you think about how the life could be if it develops further in that direction. The visuals and the sci-fi elements are good. Some technological inventions are ingenious like the chips that are attached to a human brain where the data could be up/downloaded via a USB cable :D It has some great action elements, which are sometimes easily predictable. Also I wasn't very stunned by the acting performances. The development of the love story is somewhat boring and lacks emotion, it is unfinished and undeveloped. All in all it is worth watching for everybody who likes sci-fi movies.

Silver Linings Playbook

An inspiring movie - ripe for an Oscar
I am not much into drama or romance movies, but once in a period I watch one, and I have to say that I really enjoyed and was very moved by Silver Linings Playbook. It's not one of these classic romances where You wait, from the beginning of the movie to the very bitter end, for the main characters to develop a love story and that's it. It's different and it excites the viewer until the very end. I was expecting a total different plot, and was delighted by watching it, because it wasn't at all predictable like it usually is in that kind of movies. The characters are developing their relations very realistic. The moods of Pat's (Bradley Cooper) bipolar disorder give You an insight of a mental disorder and You never know how he will behave in the next scene. But after all, he is smart and develops a strategy by having always a positive attitude, so the dramatic scenes are never depressing, but tense. By the first half of the movie I was so much into the main character, that I realized what Bradley Cooper was really capable of. In his previous movies he had absolutely different roles, like the confident, macho leader in "Hangover" opposing to this role, where he is a soft, but moody teacher, who is afraid of his emotions. He is indeed an recognized actor that deserves the Oscar. De Niro's acting was very impressive. He had always a serious and caring attitude as Pat's father, but due to his sarcasm in severe situations, as well as his football fanaticism, he always brought me to laugh. Jennifer Lawrence had a nice performance. With this movie she proved that she is capable of acting in more serious roles. I don't think that they could find better actors for this movie. It's worth to watch!

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