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NYPD Blue: Passing the Stone
Episode 11, Season 11

Baldwin is too soft
The Baldwin/Michael story has dragged on too long. Baldwin is treating that kid with kid gloves and it's not working. I like Andy's tactics. Blunt. Straightforward. Honest. The kid is in denial and he should have been in therapy and locked up in a facility. His father killed his mother! And that's why Andy is a great cop. He knows how people think. He's seen it all. He can get through to people who are scared, evil, and just plain ignorant. Baldwin is a great guy and the makings of a great cop.

I really like how this show covers the entire spectrum of human nature and exhibits life that doesn't always give us what we want or expect.

Succession: Connor's Wedding
Episode 3, Season 4

How to destroy a show
Why do people think killing off or having a key character die is a good idea. It's thought it might come in the last episode.

The main reason I watched this series was for Brian Cox. He's always the scene stealer and rightly so. I'll watch the next episode to see if it can go on without his presence, but it's disappointing to say the least. If a character can stand up to his horrible children, I might remain a fan. That's what was great about the family dynamic: a strong father to adult children. That's rare these days.

I guess it might be interesting to see how the 3 brats turn on each other and destroy their father's legacy. We'll see.

Family Ties

Excellent FAMILY series
I never really watched this series on its first run in the 80s so I decided to give it a look. It became apparent that Fox was the breakout actor. He just had that charisma that translated to movies. Michael Gross was the surprise for me. He is absolutely and completely a comedic genius. Baxter's comedic timing and dramatic skills were deftly used. Bateman and Yother both held their own up against a couple of seasoned actors.

The series explored several social issues without creating division and animosity. It showed that families can have differing philosophies without breaking them apart. From suicide to teen angst to moral dilemmas to financial theory to freedom of speech etc., the writers kept the topics current and timely, issues we still have today. That's why it translates so well into the 21st century.

It's sad that current family sitcoms have descended into one-sided lectures on political and social issues. I can't watch them today because they no longer promote dialogue. It's all "in your face and accept it!" these days.

I will watch this series again. It's funny, sweet, balanced and classic tv.

One technical issue I have is the episodes are played out of order in some instances. For example, an episode when Andy is an infant is played in season 6. I have to ask why. Just curious.

NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service

Time to end it
This series has been great. Great for the first 10 years. So so since then. This current season is boring. Time to pull the plug. Please put it out of its misery. Without Jethro, Tony, Ziva, Abby the show lacks intrigue, personality and vim. The current cast is okay but I can't get a connection to them. Gary Cole is the best thing it has for now. He's quirky but not volatile enough to add suspense and energy. I think what's missing is the backstory that came with Jethro and his demons. It's imperative for a story to have conflict and there isn't any right now. It's just run of-of-the mill ho-hum mysteries that don't even hold a candle to Agatha Christie novels. And the romance angle for Jimmy and Knight is too soon after he lost his wife, which was in itself a stupid way to push corona propaganda on fans. I hate to see the show run into the ground anymore. Like an aging athlete who keeps playing just to stay in the game, NCIS can't let go and it's embarrassing.

Psych: Last Night Gus
Episode 2, Season 6

Perfect. Hilarious. Classic.
The absolute funniest tv episode ever. Too many details to list that make it perfect. This kind of hilarity ranks right up there with the Thanksgiving episode of WKRP in Cincinnati. The Psych team really reached the apex of episodic tv with this one.

Blue Bloods: Baggage
Episode 11, Season 5

The storyline involving the injured hero was very moving. It balances out the Spanky scenario. Every time I watch the last scene where Danny takes the veteran to get treatment, I blubber like a baby. If you have a soft spot for the military, you will be moved as well. Beautiful.


It's not a reality show
People complain that this series isn't realistic. It's got too much bad language. Too violent. It's not real!!! That's the point. It's storytelling which includes a theme, point of view, plot, characters, setting, conflict, resolution. It's not about making you all feel better or making you comfortable. A good story moves you. It makes you think. It makes you choose a side, choose your values. If all that is not your cup of tea, don't watch it. Offer valid arguments. Don't just complain.

Magnum, P.I.: Torah, Torah, Torah
Episode 21, Season 5

Respect for cultural traditions
I love this episode because it emphasizes the respect for traditions that can exist between cultures. The plot is formulaic but the characters pull it all together. Nehemiah Persoff never gives a false or weak performance. I think it's a sweet, heartwarming episode.

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