
IMDb member since May 2011
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    13 years


American Horror Stories: Feral
Episode 6, Season 1

cody... this one's for you
Didn't really enjoy this episode that much. It was fine... interesting concept, but it was too short. The actual episode is probably about five stars, but i'm giving it an extra three because of cody fern (it's what he deserves).

American Horror Stories: Ba'al
Episode 5, Season 1

lourd save us
All of the other reviews are SO accurate. Billie lourd (unsurprisingly) stole the show and saved the show. She's everything and more!!! The only good episode of this show so far, in large part thanks to billie. Would definitely watch just this episode again.


Best movie ever!
Thor, a movie about a superhero who faces many of the challenges of Earth, is the best movie ever, in my opinion. Thor has all of the great elements of a superhero movie: evil villains, betrayal, romance, and the occasional splash of comedy, making it definitely the best movie that I have ever had the pleasure of watching.

This movie's special effects were absolutely outstanding. The quality of the picture, as well, was certainly outstanding. The portrayals of the characters were all spot-on. Hemsworth's Thor, Portman's Jane and Hiddleston's Loki were all amazing portrayals, and I felt as if I could really connect to all of the characters on screen.

I have now seen this movie four times, and every time I manage to find something different; a different shot of a character, a different joke that I didn't hear, a different look that one character gives another. I believe that every time that I see this movie, it gets better and better.

Thor, by far, soared above my expectations. I was expecting a good movie, but not one this great. I can easily say that Thor is my favorite movie of all time, and I am so glad that this movie was so well-made, and so inspiring and fantastic.

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