
IMDb member since June 2011
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American Songwriter

Deep running & a joy to watch
I had the good fortune 2 months ago of seeing American Songwriter at the Park City Film Music Festival where it won the Best Music Documentary category. The film is a beautifully shot and briskly edited tour across mid America with Danny Darst at the wheel. Darst, a contemporary of Willie, Waylon and the boys, has written chart topping hits for John Anderson (Black Sheep of the Family), Joe Stampley (Roll on Big Mama) and many more along with TV themes and film music. His film work brought him into contact with the filmmaker, Robert Altman, and a decades long friendship took root. Darst would drop by Altman's sets-- on location, in the city, out in the desert-- entertaining cast and crew till the wee hours, then disappearing again as stealthily as he'd arrived. These forays into the Altman family circle made a strong impression on Robert's son, Michael, who knew first hand the power of Darst's music and voice and felt frustrated knowing that, while Nashville had happily recorded his music, America's music city had failed to record the man himself. A few years back, Michael set out to remedy the situation, producing 2 CD's with Danny back in Nashville: Danny Darst (songs from EXIT 10 the play) and Danny Darst - American Songwriter. According to Michael, the film grew up out of an effort to create music videos to promote the CD's. These projects took on a life of their own, however, as the very private Darts gradually opened up on camera telling gripping early life tales of growing up poor, losing loved ones at an early age and pitching songs in Nashville between cross country truck driving runs. Altman's camera follows Darst from coast to coast-- back roads, back stage and on stage, singing songs, telling stories around camp fires-- giving us a sense not only of the artist's road dog professional life, but of the power of the voice and guitar that captured Michael's imagination and heart decades ago. American Songwriter is a deep running music documentary, an ode to family and friendship and a joy to watch.

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